
daily journal cookies


I am random

I don’t think this is how efficient markets are supposed to work.

That’s obscene.

Notice how all the entertainment item such as toys and tv have gotten more affordable over the years, as necessities such as food housing and hospitol services have gotten significantly pricier.


Yeah something’s wrong here.


It’s called a paywall. The rich only look after their own.

This is a pretty good demonstration of why capitalism doesn’t work in practice. One of the core concepts of capitalism is that people will only pay what they can afford so the market will adjust and most things will be affordable to most people. This generally works for leisure items but not essential items. 

But, if it’s a choice between death and debt (or other undesirable ways of raising money) people will obviously go with the latter. And if every company that offers essential items/services raises their prices they all benefit, because people will have no choice but to pay more. And the core tenet of capitalism is that businesses should take the action that makes the most profit. 


In short, this is the result of capitalism encountering a product of limitless value, something it was never designed for, and glitching the hell out.


if i saw a ring of mushrooms i would simply hop in it and chug the first beverage i see

rip to people who don’t want to be wed to the fairy queen but i’m different

all you bitches have the self confidence of gods to assume you’re gonna wed the queen and not be hunted for sport

Yah Haha?


Dear trump,

Fuck you, you're the one who likes chaos, just because your television side failed, doesn't mean you can be a dick to everyone and start maliciously asking people to rip apart the white house. Literally that is illegal, you should be in jail, you've made almost every judge hate you, you've made almost half of Republicans hate you, you've made more than half the United states hate you, because, without a doubt, I think you're doing this, because YOU can sit back on your high chair and watch on cable TV. You enjoy this, fuck you for enjoying the chaos, fuck you for not protecting the people against covid, each state had to, in there own, get masks, you DID not find PPE, instead you asked your worshippers to fund your new race in 2024, you've made one of my "friebds" who I never would've thought that would get to this point, turn into a horrible trump supporter, my friend, was a sweetheart, was an awesome friend, and now because of you, you destroyed it, you fucking asshole, like so many countless people's lives you destroyed, for countless lives you destroyed in the battle field, the peaceful protests, and covid. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I hope you go to hell, I hope they replace you digitally in home alone, I don't know, do a voice over of Santa in that hall, you will be cast out, and only worshipped by those who are blind to the pain of which you caused others, you'll be nothing, because not, one, of, those, protesters have, or will not have, by the time they get charged, jobs, not one, you will have supporters who lost their jobs, kids, lives, and everything for you. You really want that? Once you leave office, they'll be angry at the office for awhile, but after awhile they'll go after you, for not trying again, because all this is for you is your own little personal entertainment, what doesn't affect you is entertainment to you

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