

@justidling / justidling.tumblr.com


gender is a coin that everyone said was gonna land on heads or tails but i turned mine into one of those pressed pennies from the museum. it’s got a dinosaur on it


"I could fix him" well I could turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box and then I'll put that box inside of another box and I'll mail that box to myself and when it arrives AHAHAHA I'll smash it with a hammer!!!


From what I've seen from their community, alloaros have similar experiences to straight trans people within the LGBTQ+ and aspec communities.

While alloaros aren't oppressed for being allo, they don't have access to privilege for it either, and are treated very differently for their allosexuality than alloros would be. Therefore, it's entirely reasonable for alloaros to take pride in their allosexuality!

As a straight trans person, I'm constantly surrounded by jokes targeting straight people in the LGBTQ+ community that make me feel like my straightness should be less important to me, but the fact is, cishets don't consider me straight. I have every right to be proud of it and talk about being straight. I imagine alloaros feel much the same way.

What I'm trying to say is: alloaro/transhet solidarity.

I'm going to have to disagree on this. As mentioned in my op, I am a straight trans person, and I really don't want to give a word I identify with to my oppressors just because they don't see my as my actual orientation. That's just not fair to me and other trans people who identify as straight.

Yes, we need a word to refer to people who are cisgender, heterosexual, allosexual, and alloromantic, but that word is cishet, not straight.

A legit take. I get why you don't want to give the word 'straight' to your oppressors.

But honestly, the largest segment of 'straight' society...mostly doesn't know what 'cishet' means. That's a term created within the LGBT community. When John Q. Republican hears 'cishet' he doesn't think 'a normal dude.' He thinks 'one of them queers.' He would identify the opposite of 'one of them queers' as 'straight,' not 'cishet.'

I'm not saying you shouldn't identify as straight, btw. Nor am I really trying to pick a fight about this. (Which is why I made my original comments in the tags. I meant it as an aside to people who already sorta-know me.) But in my experience, 'straight' is very much the word that the oppressor class uses to describe themselves. And it's also the word that we use to describe them, historically. Which, as I said, is what I think leads to all the wire-crossed takes about 'straight' queer people somehow having straight privilege while also being queer on another axis.

But it's your post, and your point to make, so I'll shove off it now.

I'm not trying to fight you or shut you down, either, I just saw your tags and there was a sort of knee-jerk reaction to being told a word I identify with shouldn't apply to me on my own post so I wanted to respond. I might have gotten a little bit defensive, and I'm sorry about that.

I totally get where you're coming from. The implication that het aspec and trans people have access to straight privilege and are oppressors is a very real problem, and I actually do appreciate you thinking about that, especially since my original post partially came from the alienation I feel because of that. I just think that informing people about how that isn't true is a better way to change that than restricting the language we use for ourselves.

Honestly, the reason I'm so attached to the word straight is specifically because there's something so radical and satisfying about taking a term that is assumed to exclude me (even when it technically doesn't), and wearing it with pride. I love how contradictory "straight queer" and "queerhet" sound at first, it's like a big fuck you to transphobic cishets and exclusionists, I adore it.


Lots of followers on YouTube: $$$

Lots of followers on this site: thousands of death threats and messages calling me a fool for a small spelling error on a post I casually wrote for fun. A gun held to my head by a 16 yr old. They nailed my dog to a tree. My home, burned


I have a horrible secret to share. to the five of you who care to keep up with new build a bear releases, you’ve probably noticed a lot of bald yellow animals lately. the lion, pineapple, narwhal, etc. there’s a reason for that. it’s because they made too much of it expecting the minions from despicable me to sell well. but they didn’t. so now they have all this extra yellow fabric to use. so all these new releases? yeah. they’re made out of minion skin

source: I work there and handle tens of these things per day. they’re the same. it’s all the same fabric


minion transmutation...


reason transhets are better than cishets #738469: practically ever transhet ive met has like, *loved* the gender they’re attracted to in a really deep way. transhet men fully appreciate woman-ness as a whole far more than any cishet man ive met has, and vice versa.

i dont love guys bc “hey thats what girls do”, i love guys bc i truly, fully love Men As Men and thats really sexy of me


lots of people ask me why i take pride in my sexuality when im straight. they say "isnt that like a cishet person being proud of being straight?" and its really not.

yhats like saying a trans woman being proud that shes a woman is the same as a cis woman being proud of being a woman. its not.

one comes from many years and long long hours spent self reflecting and figuring out who you are instead of seeing it paraded everywhere and forced on you from birth. one you never doubt for a second is who you are because when everyone else tells you what youre supposed to be you just go "oh that sounds right ill go with that". while the other is spent staring at this perfect picture that someone has drawn of what they want you to be, but you know its wrong. the terminology seems right, but you can tell its not meant for the real you.

all my life being told im supposed to be straight, attracted to men as a woman. and i just couldnt tell what was off for the longest time. i knew it wasnt right for me, but i couldnt figure it out what wasnt right.

i thought i was a lesbian for the longest time, but i finally came to the realization that im a man and not a woman in any respect.

ive had people from all over the lgbt community telling me that i shouldnt be taking rpide in my sexuality because its not "oppressed". if you talk to any straight trans person, theyll tell you the same thing. theyre treated like theyre not part of the lgbt community because theyre not gay. theyre told that being trans doesnt make you lgbt. that you should be ashamed of trying to live the perfect straight wet dream when youre really gay inside.

ive spent years thinking on my sexuality, and i can confidently say that im not gay. i dont like men in any respect. i only like women and im okay with that. but guess what? im still trans and that fits me under the lgbt umbrella. im still lgbt enough even tho i dont like men. because im trans.

ive had cis people tell me that im really a lesbian in denial. that trans people cant have a sexuality because transexual is their sexuality. ive had trans people tell me once i start passing ill be just as bad as any cishet man.

those people forget that being trans isnt my whole personality, that its not a small part of my personality. they forget that at my core im still trans and being trans has sculpted my outlook of the world. ive had to live under so many different names and identities. ive been able to live in a lot of different peoples shoes to get to where i am now. im not going to forget all of the hell i went thru and give that sort of pain back to those who arent like me. ive had to learn compassion intimately. im not going to forget it the second someone thinks of me as a cis man. i havent forgotten it.

at the end of the day, im going to be happy that ive been able to find out who i am. im going to be happy to learn that im a straight trans man. im going to rejoice in it. im going to live as myself and enjoy every second of it. me living like this isnt the same as a cishet persons enjoyment of their life because im not cis. i will never know what its like to be a man who didnt go thru my struggles.

so, im going to enjoy my life as a straight trans man and rejoice in knowing myself better than what others know me as.



i have 495 people following me right now, including several mutuals. i better see y’all reblogging.


People might not be reblogging this because the first tweet makes unnecessary (and untrue) Holocaust comparisons. Taken from @nat_slay on Twitter (I don’t know the original source):

The “ways to help” info seems good afaik but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong there too.


As a Jewish person, I appreciate those saying that this is not okay and that it is misinformation. No, 6 million Uyghur Muslims have not been murdered.

And, as a Jewish person, I know that 6 million very well could be murdered. This is not another Shoah, but it very well could become another. As a Jewish person, I feel we must say “never again.”

Never again.

“Never again” does not mean “this event was so uniquely horrible, it could never happen again.” It means “this event was horrible, but not unique. We have to make sure it never happens again.”

Never again.

The Uyghur death count isn’t 6 million, that is misinformation. But “never again” means we have to make sure it doesn’t become 6 million.

If you are not Jewish or Romani, do not draw comparisons to the Holocaust. All that provides is shock value and misinformation. What you can do is support Uyghur Muslims.

The link to the original post doesn’t work—here are other sources:

Groups to donate to:

Petitions to sign:

If you have more relevant resources, please share them. Petitions are likely meaningless in contrast to the Chinese government.

For those who are able to, take action. For those who are unable to take action, please share.


No Nuance November: The reason we're seeing trans kids with less dysphoria isn't that they're transtrenders; it's that as trans acceptance progresses and trans people are better represented, kids are exposed to tons of different ways to be men and women and both and neither. Like, you're less likely to think you need to have a penis to be a "real man" if you've seen tons of real men who don't living happy, authentic lives. If you aren't forced to compare yourself exclusively to cis people, you're less likely to focus exclusively on things that differentiate you from cis people and more likely to focus on what makes you feel comfortable and seen and understood.


i hate the word fandom so much shut the fuck stop turning things into fandom. i saw a post today about “the bedroom fandom” no it’s fucking interior design. sometimes people are interested in interior design. it is not a fandom. shut the fuck up i hate this website. 

Things are heating up in the anti-fandom fandom


Scalding hot take apparently: if a demographic says “I don’t feel safe in the cisgendered heterosexual society, I need space in the LGBT community” and you say “I’m sorry, you’re not oppressed enough, get out” you’re a fucking asshole.

What this post is about;

  • Ace/aro people getting called “cishet”
  • Bisexuals getting called “straight passing”
  • Straight trans people getting told they’re not oppressed

What this post is not about;

  • Pedophiles

Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too.

It’s amazing how people in the notes and comments are absolutely FURIOUS at me for the included Frozen comparison. Special shout out to everyone trying to prove that real people look like this.

Not to mention that when people edit these characters to have better facial proportions, the originals look like bizarre fish people.

How humans draw themselves is always fascinating to me

op why are you speaking like you aren’t human i’m scared

Eh…perhaps read my blog description.


this post has EVERYTHING


I think I know the reason for why people prefer “unrealistic” animation.

For some reason, humans really don’t like things that look like humans but aren’t quite human. Hence why a lot of people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and The Polar Express. It looks too realistic to us and sets us off.

Scientists call this the “Uncanny Valley” effect and its thought to be an evolutionary tactic for survival.

The funny part is. No other animals that we know of experience the uncanny valley effect. Only humans. Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival?

Oh hell yeah this is what I’m here for


Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival? 


Okay, I’ve seen this thread a dozen times before, but not with this addendum.


what looks like a human but really really isn’t one and should make us panic a little? ….A human corpse. Because whatever made it one is probably still around. seriously that’s why a lot of people have the Uncanny Valley reaction. It’s a self preservation instinct.

How did we get from Frozen facial differences to a human corpse-

This is one of those classic tumblr posts that is a little different every time I see it.

This post has aged like fine wine since the last time it crossed my dash…

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