
Yes Trespassing✔️

@sinesalvatorem / sinesalvatorem.tumblr.com

Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World We have entered the Greathall of Isis and Osiris Space empress in training Counter-factual cult leader Aspiring rationalist sex-symbol 🌸 Gayboy bunny 🌸 Fake libertarian girl Seventeen year old grad-school dropout Dystopian cyberpunk teen protagonist тёмная личность Cutlass-wielding cartoon pirate of the Caribbean ⚔️ The Big Lake is my precious baby don't you dare criticise it Mosquito-blogging from the front lines A weird island black One of the Dirty Poors Problematic! At The Discourse Some links may be affiliate links, but only things I would have linked anyway. Unless otherwise noted, all of my writing is released to you under Creative Commons Share Alike. My culture is yours.

tbh i think the funniest phenomena that's been happening in the last couple years is "youtuber, having gone too deep into the research hole, has been made an investigative journalist against their will"

Shout out to the guy who wanted to do some fun & silly little reviews but uncovered an illegal gambling operation

(Review 2)

this guy started out poking fun at australian politicians and ended up investigating the firebombing of his own home, during which he uncovered connections between the same politician he was making fun of + major organized crime

"So I did what any normal person would do, okay? I bought a hat and some makeup and disguised myself so that I could go undercover and do some digging on what I thought could be an illegal gambling operation that was fronting as a kebab restaurant."


Any modern reboot of Scooby Doo should make Shaggy a restaurant review youtuber


it’s been long enough i’m making an executive decision that we all need to go reread the tgi fridays infinite mozzarella sticks article

still just as good as i remember it

The link is broken nooooo

burning of the fucking library of alexandria right here. anyway everyone say thank you wayback machine

Happy ten years of Caity weavers infinite mozzarella sticks article

Of all transwomen, a third are what we call “Core Transwomen”. These are the women whose names begin with “Al-”. We’re talking “Alice”, “Allison”, “Alicia”, “Alyssa”, “Alana”, “Aleah”, and so on. Women with these names are always trans and have always been trans. Next we have the “Inner Ring Transwomen”. These are the ones whose names begin with “A-”, but didn’t have enough points to afford an “L”, like the cool kids. Here you have “Amelia”, “Amber”, “Amy”, “Anna”, and so on. Some women with names beginning with “A-” have also, at times in our history, even been cisgender. However, these are believed to have died out during the last glaciation. Finally, we come to the “Outer Ring Transwomen”. These have names beginning with “E-” or, rarely, “I-”. They are commonly named “Emma”, “Emily”, “Esther”, “Elizabeth”, or “Isabella”. These names are problematic, because they sometimes lead to confusion with ciswomen. While ciswomen long ago abandoned the open plains of the letter “A”, they have not yet been cleared from all the other vowels. As part of the Millennium Development Goals, we are hoping to phase out all ciswomen with “E-” names by 2020. It may interest the reader to learn that there are a total of six transwomen currently outside of this system. However, every single one of them is named “Sam”.

this is kinda funny but also stupid af lmao

my specialty


i can't stand him he's so funny

[VD: a Tiktok of Lil Nas X watching his own music video for "Panini". The audio and subtitles for the music have been edited so it says, "aye panini dont u be a meanie / in 2024 there will be an assassination attempt on trump and joe biden will drop out of the race and kamala harris will run for president iii--" He shakes his head in disbelief as he watches it. The caption reads, "crazy how i predicted all of this back in 2019 and all of yall called me dumb and gay". End VD]

Pour one out for all the dumb gays who saw the future coming


A funny thing about the xz vulnerability is that it was both very concerning and kind of the system working as intended.

The issue was caught by someone working on Debian testing, which is the bleeding edge upstream branch intended for testers, developers, and overall integration smoothing. Most critical systems in the world are running some kind of versioned stable release Linux which is intended to provide time for these kinds of issues to be ironed out upstream before you upgrade.

There are people who advocate for more systems to move to rolling, and there are certainly some issues with the current model, to me the biggest one is that the linux project and linux vendors use different versions for long term support which results in a lot of work duplicated and more opportunities for issues to slip through the cracks, but by and large the rolling/versioned split avoids these problems in most cases.

The people doing xz knew this, which was why they were trying to push for it to be an emergency update that had to go out to everyone.


It's definitely a success for the Many Eyes Make All Bugs Shallow school of thought, and an important one given past failures -- this is an incredibly subtle bug, introduced by a dedicated attacker, to the sort of library that many commercial shops would often not review except when broken.

But it's also something that got caught only because a Microsoft Postgres developer, not looking at the code, found a performance impact.

The code was caught early on, before many versioned distributions would have normally seen it... but it did make it to many, anyway, because versioned releases can't do the sort of deep introspection to determine the difference between dire emergency and not and, if an emergency is present, verify it's the only change.

If xz is the only time anyone's ever done this sort of serious supply-chain attack -- and that's possible, since a lot of dev-hours post-XZ have gone into looking for any similarly weird behaviors -- that's not an uncontested success, but it's definitely a lot better than most paranoiacs had feared.

If there are other times where the bomber got through, it's... less encouraging. A lot of the security strengths of Linux as an environment fade quickly if 'you're only as secure as your least secure module' grows to include random one-or-two developer libraries no one recognizes. And if the Linux kernel or Arch people couldn't keep their dependency tree small, normal sane people have no chance at all.

A lot of the security strengths of Linux as an environment fade quickly if 'you're only as secure as your least secure module' grows to include random one-or-two developer libraries no one recognizes.

This is also something I've given some thought to - a distro that advertises how incredibly capable it is right out of the box probably has a lot of nonsense I don't particularly need.

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