


Hello there :)

♤Pinned Post♤

Hey there :)! Welcome to my blog. Not much to it and not much to know about me either.

Basic info:

>My name is Jess/Jessassin, you can also spell it Jesse or call me Jessie (or Jesse but pronounced the same :P)

>I'm a fictive/mixtive of Jessassin, specifically a canonmate of Welsie's (and Sam's!) on the fictive side :] I have memories from seasons 1-6 (excluding 5), hermitpack, and scattered irl memories

(P.S. Doubles are okay! And I am pspsps'ing Hypno introjects :[ ily /p come here)

>My pronouns are he/him/they/them, nothing else please! He/him is a little preferred over they/them but please do alternate :) (not in the same sentence/paragraph(s) though! Just go back and forth with using he/him one time then they/them another, yknow?)

>I am an adult, ~29, but I don't like nsfw stuff beyond jokes

>Profile pic is drawn by me!

>I like cats :) If you have cats you're obligated to show me

>I do use tone indicators! Please make sure to use /s, /j, /lh, /pos, and/or /lh when it comes to things that may sound disapproving or negative on accident. Other than that, I don't need them too badly ♡ Just gotta know when you're not mad at me. However I don't need them super often and please don't overuse them!!

>Also, please don't insult me as a joke or be jokingly mean to me or anything. You can poke at or tease me but don't be outright mean, y'know?

>DNI: the usual criteria (anti-lgbtq+, nsfw/18+ blogs, terfs, transmeds, pedos, pro-shippers/anti-antis, etc etc), endos/tulpas/nontraumagenics and supporters, if you use the terms sysmed or traumascum, anti-system/kin

Also! If I follow you and it turns out you violate my DNI or I missed something in yours absolutely do block me :[ I apologize if it was me missing something, we always check for DNIs and whatnot. I'm a bit more lenient sometimes but please keep in mind the dni/do not follow on our carrd and respect it, I'm not as quick to block as say Wels and I'll let you leave on your own if you go against it.

>You're free to ask me things! Can be anything that isn't, y'know, inappropriate or super invasive. :P

>I don't have too much of a personal blacklist but please keep the following away from me:

-Talking about people being drunk if it isn't lighthearted in some way (primarily like. If them being drunk is a bad thing. Y'know—). Mentions of alcohol or being drunk are fine just nothing about bad effects/results of it.

-I really don't want to hear a lot about heavy trauma or super in-depth trauma without a warning please (with a warning is fine)

-Again, things with being mean as a joke. Including hearing other people doing it to other people.

-Anything relating to internalized homophobia or similar

-Anything in detail about people arguing legitimately

-Anything related to being kicked out of a home for any reason

-Probably wouldn't be relevant but in relation to my memories/canon please don't ever bring up to me the stuff with the actual cc Sp00n. I don't wanna talk or think about it and especially with my Sam being here we don't wanna hear about it.

(I ask that mutuals please tag the things you can and might tag and let me know what tags you use so I can filter them, or just use "jess dont look" or something)

This is mainly for close mutuals!! No one else has to listen to this when it comes to tagging things :[

>My text tag will be ♠️.txt, very simple

>Tag for messages/asks will be [✉]

>Tag for art/drawings will be [🎨🖌]

>Warning tag format: // [topic], please tell me if there's specific things you need me to tag (and tell me a tag to use, I do not know how to tag things beyond typical/common topics that are universally tagged)

>If I write "/ do not reply/followup" at the bottom of a neg post, it means what it says—I don't want any replies or anything giving me some sort of reassurance or vice versa

>I have a side blog for fictive stuff specifically! In the pinned post is also a link to my memory log :) [@not-jessassin] (I don't use it very often though)

>I will openly and shamelessly be a fictive on this blog too, if I'm referring to someone with a hermit name 99% of the time I will be talking about either someone from my canon or a sysmate if I'm saying Wels or Hels. Sometimes I'll be talking about ccs too. The only time I will only ever be talking about someone from my canon and never the cc is when I'm talking about Sp00n, normally I just call him Sam. I'll only ever be talking about the one from my canon who is also the same one in our system.


I hate. Thoughts

#I have the same mindset as the others I'd rather have to hear these things if it means Wels doesn't#But they're also so distressing and just. Fucking awful#And it makes it hard to just exist and try to be okay because they're so loud and persistent#So yeah we'd all rather hold them if it means Wels doesn't have to hear them but we all hate them too#I just hope that's actually how it is because we don't know#I hope that he actually doesn't have to hear any of them otherwise we'd all be suffering with them for nothing basically#We really just wanna be able to lift pain from others#Even if we hate it ourselves all of us always wish we could hold onto painful things so others won't have to#That's just how we are for each other#And maybe that's why sometimes admittedly we fight they're never really big or bad fights but still#Sometimes we can't help it because we all just want the same thing and it doesn't work that way#When one person tries to hold onto suffering so another won't have to the other gets upset because they don't want that for them#We don't want each other suffering and that also means it causes trouble when we try to prevent one from suffering by holding onto+#+some of their pain or distressing thoughts for them when we can#Does that make sense#And it never really matters because at the end of the day we're one system we're all in the same brain here#We're all just going to suffer and be more frustrated at the fact that we can't be free from it#Cause we know we can never really get rid of each others' suffering#Sure this is life when you're a system but I wish it didn't have to be#I wish we could somehow just get rid of all the suffering without it having to go to someone else in here#I wish we could all just be happy#♠️.txt#// vent
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