


My blog is random things, mostly reblogs of stuff I like, such as vidya games. Also, pics of my cats. (Nifty gif from my pal shinyv)

Listen if the study of ancient humans doesn’t make you at least a little bit emotional idk what to say.

I started crying today at the museum because they had reconstructed the shoes of Otzi the iceman.

Either he or someone he knew who cared about him made these shoes out of grass and bear skin and twine and he was wearing them when he died over five thousand years ago.

And a Czech researcher and his students did reconstructions of these shoes and wore them to the same place where he died to test them out and they were like yep! These shoes are really cozy and comfy and didn’t give us blisters while hiking!

Is that not just the coolest shit ever????

(Quietly, with love) We will remember your bread, we will remember your dog, we will remember your shoes

(Quietly, with anger) We will remember your copper


The Pacific Ocean is huge.


If they make an earth flag it should be of this angle to piss off the most amount of people

None Earth with South New Zealand

The amount of time you have to spend on this website to still remember the Deep Lore like None Pizza with Left Beef, only to apply it to this post. Truly, boggling.


there's a lot to hate but i think my least favourite thing about AI generated images is that now every time i see a really cool artwork on the internet, instead of childlike wonder i experience suspicion


you came back wrong and i am racked with guilt because i cannot bear to see you like this and i should have let you rest. i loved you so much that i defied death itself but i do not think either of us are happy


this is what microwaving leftover pizza feels like

stop it i was trying to be gothic


Personal vent incoming.

I'm an elementary librarian. I love what I do, but unfortunately, my school district was taken over by the state last year. I live in a very blue city in a very red state. Our democratically elected school board was replaced by state appointed puppets, and the sensible, progressive superintendent hired by our ELECTED board was replaced by one of the governor's star bootlickers.

Well, sure Buttercup, that sucks, but how bad can it be?

There aren't words. I had to move to a new school this year because the new superintendent closed the library at my previous school. The libraries were converted to "learning centers" that's really just a place for kids to go do more worksheets. All of this happened during the summer, so it was hard to document the fallout.

This year, he's closing 40 more school libraries and completely eliminated the district level library specialists. The schools losing their libraries? The ones in the poorest parts of my city, in neighborhoods of color. Only the wealthiest, whitest schools will have libraries next year.

Bearing witness to this dismantling is so much worse. One of my retired librarian friends came by yesterday to help me start moving all the books from the center shelves to the wall shelves because only the wall shelves are being kept, and I'm trying to save as many books as I can.

One of my students asked her if she was the learning center ladies and why their books were being taken away.

Y'all. I lost it. My only comfort is that I'm taking so many before and after pictures to publicize.

The community has been fighting this occupying school board since the beginning, tooth and nail. I speak at every board meeting. I've called the superintendent a racist and a bully to his face, I've told the board they are complicit in appeasement. All falling on deaf ears. I speak to the media and journalists at every opportunity. So are other community members, teachers, parents, and librarians.

Right now, I've never felt so hopeless. This isn't End Game. Dr. Strange is not going to appear, portaling in an army. This is Infinity War. No one is coming to save us.

Tagging some mutual.

I am seriously going to start attending these school board meetings. This is happening in all the area school districts. White Nationalists are taking over our school boards… and they are winning.

Y’all, small local and state elections have big consequences. VOTE in every election, AND VOTE 🗳️ BLUE!

Buttercup, I am so sorry this is happening to you and and all librarians.

My daughter has dyslexia (amongst other challenges). Her elementary school librarian was instrumental in helping her progress in reading by suggesting she read comic-style books (like Fashion Kitty and Captain Underpants) so that the dialogue was broken up into easy-to-read sections and the words didn’t look like a running river. She progressed to youth graphic novels. I am sure she would have always hated reading, otherwise. Librarians are an invaluable source of knowledge.

I wish all educators were respected and valued like they so deserve.

Republicans are just horrible, and it’s hard to convince me otherwise.

Keep fighting. Rest. Fight again.

You are amazing!

I am such a HUGE advocate of graphic novels for this reason (among many others)! They are SO GOOD for struggling readers, and for English Language Learners. I was an ESL reading teacher before I became a librarian, and graphic novels were so helpful in helping them become more comfortable reading English. The art provided visual support.

I'm also absolutely fucking feral about advocating for my bilingual babies. I also order more Spanish-language popular titles. Reading increases literary PERIOD! I don't care if they're reading in Spanish. The stronger the reader is in the native language, the better they will adapt to their second language.

I can totally see that. Some of us never outgrew comics. ;)


You might consider contacting your local (city or state, depending on where you are) ACLU? The inequity of what is going on is maddening and maybe it’s a way to get it stopped?


knitting tutorial made by a twenty-something knitting influencer: 18 min long, 12 of those minutes being the intro and a sponsor plug, they show the first few steps of the tutorial at the slowest speed known to man, they show the most important steps at a neck-break speed, they stop every five seconds to talk about what they just did, 40,000 comments filled with questions ranging from insightful to “how do i knit”, filmed with a camera that costs more than a car, the tutorial is incorrect.

knitting tutorial made by a seventy-something grandmother: two min long, filmed 17 years ago, shows you what you want with the skilled patient hands of a beloved deity, made with the world’s shittiest camera, the best video on the fucking internet, four comments and 30 views, you lose the video and never find it again.

two things i’m noticing in the notes:

1. every artist/crafter/cook agreeing that influencers in their communities also pull shit like this

2. ppl shouting out their fav old lady tutorials and being like “i would die for u diane”

everyone in the notes was being super lovely and dropping their fav tutorials/crafters, so i made a list of some of them (sorry if i missed any!):

Joanne’s web (knitting and crochet)

Knitting with Suzanne Bryan (knitting)

EliZZa (German knitting community)

Jane Loures (cooking)

Happy Berry Crochet (crochet)

Sue Ripsch (chainmaille jewelry)

SeaLemonDIY (book binding)

FourKeysBookArts (book binding)


VeryPinkKnits (several recs for this!)

Mick Grewcock (bow making)

Mrs Nadelspiel (knitting)

Winwick Mums Knit n Natter (knitting Facebook group)

Cutsey Crafts (embroidery)

Twinsday (sewing)

Creative Grandma (crochet)

Das Bookbinding (bookbinding)

Yoyomax12 (baking)

Sharon B (doll repainting)

Nimbleneedles (knitting)

Chasing Sunraee (crochet)

Heindselman’s Knit & Chasing Sunraee (crochet)

Heindselman’s Knit & Gifts (America’s oldest knitshop)

Ivor Sorefingers (guitar)

Elly Everyday (overnight sourdough recipe)

K3n Slowstitch (stitching)

Miss Nancy/Nancy Zieman (PBS knitting episodes for free on youtube)

Roxanne Richardson (knitting)

Imamu Room Husbento (bento box making)

Nerdforge (bookbinding)

Jess Huff (amigurumi)

Nerdy Knitting (knitting)

Gayle Francis (crochet)

Bag-o-day Crochet (crochet)

Sewing with Nancy (sewing)

Felts by Philippa (felting)

Sowoolly (knitting)

Nadelspiel (knitting)

Lacefromireland (lace)

Bill Souza (yarn crafts for left handed folks)

and my personal fav that I just had to look up:

Glendalf, who made a tutorial for fixing a prius battery.


Don't mind if I save a couple of these


Snow leopards seem to treat gravity with a certain amount of disdain, but this is ridiculous.

"Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs."

Most of the rest has to be airbags, a high-tensile steel chassis and armour plate.

I will never again think that shopping for dinner is a chore.


*NOTE: in this case, phobia refers to a very strong irrational fear, not being a little scared of something. if you can handle snakes but they make you nervous, that's not a phobia.

huge thank you to people reblogging and talking about their phobias in the tags. it's genuinely super nice to hear that im not alone in this and im not super irrational for being scared of things. <3


i love to learn about my cat i love to google “should you trim cat last claw? trim all cat claws? cat last claw called? cat fifth claw? cat claws labelled. trim cat dew claw?” and then say hi graham i learned something about you! your weird claw is called a dew claw and it will not be worn down by regular walking so it is extra important to be diligent about trimming to prevent it growing into your paw pad! and he bites me and bites me

i wish graham could google. maybe he’d google “human skin thickness? humans skin cut bite? humans red line arm leg? how hard bite humans? human pain tolerance? human vs kittens safe play” and then he would say mads im so sorry i didnt realize that humans are prone to injury from skin punctures. we should engage in remote play through means of toys as you were suggesting


I got actual work done this weekend but more importantly I drew PAM WHO DEATH FORGOT

I love thinking “huh I’ve never really drawn a ton of Fallout fanart over the years” and then I remember her


when it comes to my beloved mutuals, i am nothing if not a passionate observer. while i may not be jumping headfirst into every single rabbit hole after you, i am taping a little gopro to your head so i can watch the whole way down.

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