
If you're offended by bad language turn back now.

@lostmymuseagain / lostmymuseagain.tumblr.com

I paint n stuff occasionally #my stuff

Demons and monsters that torture people because they feed on human suffering are so dumb. People are suffering everywhere my guy go literally any place and take a deep whiff.

Monster that feeds on suffering becomes a professional caretaker for people with chronic pain and terminal illnesses. They can't change the fact that these people are suffering, but they help a bit and in the meantime they're fat and happy off that Sweet Sweet ambient pain in the air.

Two towns over there's a demon lord trying to get their cult to abduct people for torture, but they keep getting stopped by heroes and the like, so they're barely scraping by. Meanwhile Belogarth the Registered PCA is chowing down on back pain, medication side effects and looming mortality for eight hours a day and has become the most powerful demon on earth without realizing it.

"But don't their clients feel weird knowing that they're feeding off their suffering?" No they think it's hilarious and they're real shits about it.


Finally a medical professional who believes that they are in pain. Because the fucker is actively chowing down on your agony. Not only am I going to get treated by them I'm going to invite all of my chronically ill friends to come as well.

Turns out if you treat the pain then the humans will bring you more humans who are suffering. It's like a restaurant where the waiter is so impressed by your ability to eat food they're giving you more on the house

They say things like "well, it's a real feast day for Belogarth today!" and "if my meds are held up at customs again I'm gonna put Belogarth in a food coma" and Belogarth is the one feeling weird about it


So there's going to be a general election

There is going to be a general election in the UK on the 4th July.

You can register to vote here. It should take five minutes. ⬇⬇⬇

You will be asked for your national insurance number, but you can still register if you don't have one. Your national insurance number will be on any payslips or tax forms if you're not sure what it is.

If you are voting in person, you will need photo ID. If you do not have photo ID, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate FOR FREE. To apply, you'll need a recent digital photo of yourself and proof of your identity.

Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate here ⬇⬇⬇

If you are unable to vote in person, you can apply for a postal vote HERE or apply for a proxy vote (where someone else votes on your behalf) HERE.

Anyone who comments/tags this with anything anti-voting or encouraging people not to vote will get an immediate block.

I am not entertaining your bullshit. Vote. Get the Tories out.


Reconstruction of bust of Roman emperor Caracalla.


Looks Middle Eastern/ African maybe even Greek. Interesting post.

His father, the emperor Septimius Severus, was North African (the first African emperor of Rome!), and his mother, Julia Domna, was Syrian, from a wealthy priestly family

#rome was a multiethnic empire

Yep! Septimius Severus was born in what is now Libya. (X)

That Roman Empire was a real big place!


Elsewhere University - Groundskeeping’s Addendum

When I posted the first Elsewhere University comic, I had no idea what it was going to turn into over the following months. The community that’s grown out of it - the stories and art and obscure bits of folklore and science, the fortunetelling asks and vague anon prophecies, all of it building on itself and branching into places that still manage to take me by surprise - has created a weirder and more wonderful world than anything I could have imagined. This comic is meant as a celebration of everything that’s grown out of the stories set in Elsewhere, and an expression of gratitude. I wasn’t even close to being able to include everything; the Library alone would need a dozen pages. For those whose works I did include, I dearly hope I did them justice. Words can’t express what this world and community have grown to mean to me, but I hope this comes close. Thank you so much, all of you. Keep making amazing things.

All works referenced below the cut, if you want to learn more about them!


Small artists you need to understand that when you see an artist who you think has 'made it' tells you not to worry about the numbers and to not fret about getting more likes than reblogs they are not telling you it because they think you are stupid for caring or because they dont need to network to survive they are very likely telling you that because they have witnessed first hand the way the numbers game tears people to shreds in terms of mental health and motivation

Beginner artist: It’s easy for you to say not to worry about the numbers because you don't have to do it anymore.

Advanced artist, shaking them by the shoulders: DON'T DO THIS, it's a never-ending loop of trying to satisfy the nameless statistical tables that make you think your worth is measured by the number of people you can entertain.


Some of my favorite poses from 16 years of pose reference modeling

You can access all my resources, socials, and ways to support me from my AdorkaStock Hub. Happy drawing! 🎨


CONSTANTINE (2005) dir. Francis Lawrence


This is linked in my mind to ‘the devil he wore such a fine fine shirt / and it stayed so clean while he dragged me through the dirt’

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