
Roselyn Reblogs

@roselynreblogs / roselynreblogs.tumblr.com


There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without infringing copyright! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own. 

Please add on if you know any more sites for free images <3


I was really confused because people have been complaining about how all of the female characters from Overwatch have the same face and I’ve never really seen it that way so I went and did a study on their face shapes and structures by tracing reference lines over official art of them and they are literally all different. They have different face shapes and facial structures, different eye shapes, even different eyebrows so no, the Overwatch artists are definitely not ‘reusing the same female model’ as so many people have been saying. Overwatch is an awesome game with great representation and diversity and I hate to watch it get shit on like this.

Its okay to be critical of something but not to the point where people are harassing the artists and creators over it on Twitter. That team works really hard and deals with a lot of harassment from fans and should be given some well deserved credit.

To any fanartists who see this post, feel free to use this image as a reference for fanart so that you can get the face shapes and stuff on point, and also, y’all overwatch fanartists rock.

Stay cool.

Edit: I know someone is going to reblog this with that gif (you know the one) but I’d like to point out that 1.That gif is incredibly cherry-picked and specifically leaves out characters with seriously different faces like Zarya. 2. The womens faces are angled specifically to downplay unique facial structures and shapes. 3. The gif was made to move quickly to make the faces seem to blur together on purpose because considering the creator cherry-picked the hell out of the gif I wouldn’t put it passed them to make it extra fast (so that you don’t have time to pick out differences) just to make their point valid (even though in the gif you can still see that not everything lines up perfectly). - Thanks


Some Photoshop Tips

I’ve been getting quite a few asks about the process for the patterns in my stylized artworks, so I decided to put together a couple of tips regarding them. 

Firstly, what you need are


Most of the patterns I use are custom brushes I made, such as those:

For the longest time I was convinced making brushes must be super extra complicated. I was super extra wrong. All you need to start is a transparent canvas (2500px x 2500px max):

This will be your brush tip. When you’re satisfied how it looks, click Ctrl+A to select the whole canvas and go to ‘define brush preset’ under the edit menu

You will be asked to name your new glorious creation. Choose something that describes it well, so you can easily find it between all the ‘asfsfgdgd’ brushes you’ve created to be only used once

This is it. Look at it, you have just created a photoshop brush. First time i did I felt like I was cheated my whole life. IT’S SO EASY WHY HASN’T ANYONE TOLD ME 

Time to edit the Good Boi to be more random, so it can be used as a Cool Fancy Pattern. Go into brush settings and change whatever you’d like. Here’s a list of what I do for patterns:

- under Shape Dynamics, I increase Size Jitter and Angle jitter by 5%-15% 

- under Brush Tip Shape, I increase spacing by a shitload. Sometimes it’s like 150%, the point is to get the initial brush tip we painted to be visible.

- If I want it to look random and noisy, I enable the Dual Brush option, which acts like another brush was put on top of the one we’ve created. You can adjust all of the Dual Brush options (Size, Spacing, Scatter, Count) as you wish to get a very nice random brush to smear on your  backgrounds

The result is as above. You can follow the same steps to create whatever brush you need: evenly spaced dots that look like you painted them by hand, geometric pattern to fill the background, a line of perfectly drawn XDs and so on. 


—  PATHS  —

But what if you want to get lots of circles made of tiny dots? Or you need rows of triangles for your cool background? Photoshop can do all of that for you, thanks to the magic of paths.

Typically, paths window can be found right next to Layers:

Draw whatever path you want, the Shape Tool has quite a bit of options. Remember, paths are completely different from brush strokes and they won’t show up in the navigator. To move a path around, click A to enable path selection tool. You can use Ctrl+T to transform it, and if you move a path while pressing Alt it will be duplicated.

Now, pick a brush you wish really was in place of that path you’ve drawn and go to layers, then choose the layer you want it to be drawn on. Then, click this tiny circle under the Paths window:

Then witness the magic of photoshop doing the drawing for you while you wonder how tf have you managed to forget about this option for the past 2 years 

You can combine special brushes and paths for all sorts of cool effects. I mostly use them in backgrounds for my cards, but you can do whatever you want with them.

I hope that answers the questions for all of the people who were sending me inquires about the patterns. If you have any questions regarding this or any other Photoshop matter feel free to message me, I’m always up for complaining about how great and terrible Photoshop is C’:

This photo shows the relative size of the brush tool compared to the drawing. 


I use a stabilizer of about 14. Here’s what that looks like:

The layer mode is set to “shade”. I want it to feel like it is falling into each layer below it, which is what I think the shade layer accomplishes. 

Thank you for the compliments on my work. =v= I hope this little tutorial set gives you the information you want. Feel free to make comments if you don’t think I’ve been clear enough. 

I’m not sure the gifs will play, but I hope they do.


Teen Titans Theme Song

Left Ear: Japanese, Right Ear: English




My lord. The sound is better than I imagined.




That reminds me… I talked to Greg Cipes (who plays Beast Boy) while I was at Denver Comic Con, and he has confirmed that the original series is indeed returning with Season 6. IT WASN’T AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE AFTER ALL.



Are you feeling kind of down right now? It’s not your fault that you forgot what baby cheetahs look like. Really. One time I did too.

But now you recall!

Look! Look!

They loves to play!


Their head is just one giant ball of floof!

I can’t even

How do they live? Being so cuTE??


This has been a PSA. Baby cheetahs are everything good and pure in this world. Please imagine petting the floof head. Please feel better.


For anyone who needs this.


Also, when they are a little older, they have full-body mohawks!


I honestly needed this.


When it’s the right time of year you can go the Winston Oregon’s Wild Life Sufari and bottle feed baby cheetas. They have one of the greatest cheers breeding programs in the West coast.

The best post, trust me.


Make a Vampire character who’s lived through several waves of the common language’s development and can’t let go if certain gramatical habbits from different time eras.

So like, thou ist a horrid creature, an absolute cur, but go off i guess

… can i use that phrase irl?

Absolutely you can and I encourage more uses of similar phrases that just completely fuck up the chronology of the english langauge. I wanna hear 15th century english mixed with surfer speak mixed with current age internet lingo like all the time.

Like this? Well my dude, seems like a weasel hath not such a deal of splean as you’re toss’d with. Chill already, you’re not valid.

You are an unrighteous, bastardly gullion. Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell. When you die, I will face God and walk backwards into hell just so that I can beat your ass in the afterlife too.

I love the idea of a vampire who’s language travels back in time as they get pissed.


Anyone else terrified that they are toxic and manipulative and just can’t see it? Or is that just me?

A lot of people who’ve been abused think this. It’s very common for abusers to try to convince their victims that they, in some small part, deserve the abuse. And a common way of doing that is to frame the defensive tactics of the victim as bad, manipulative things.

This includes people who are too worried of coming across as controlling or manipulative to express their needs. It took me a long time to be able to tell my boyfriend that his music was causing me physical pain because my abusers targeted my disability as justification for their behavior (saying I’m “too needy” and “need to accept that [they] have done so much for [me], the things [they] do are just part of life.”)

This includes people who are too scared to admit when they are hungry, thirsty, tired, stressed, or otherwise running on fumes, because their abusers may have made them believe that asking for (or just helping themselves to) food or sleep or space is somehow wrong or detestable.

This includes people who will still flinch, even when they’ve long “escaped” their abusers. Because it is reflexive. It is expected. It is ingrained as normal and when they do small things that may have become doable, like feeding themselves without being told to or having prepared food for others, and someone calls attention to their actions, their heart will race and they may stammer or find themselves a little panicked. Getting a snack in your shared home with your best friend in the world who helped you evacuate your abusive ex’s home can go over fine until said friend humorously, harmlessly comments “What, you didn’t get me any fruit snacks?”

The long lasting effects of abuse have funny ways of showing themselves.

Too relevant, lately. Too relevant.


nastya zhidkova gifs

Under the cut are 25 gifs of Russia model Nastya Zhidkova/Kumarova. No repeats. Will be updated if I find more.

Various sizes, all med-to-high quality.

I did not make or edit any of these, I am merely compiling them.


Are you telling me that the Teletubbies have, canonically, fucked? Because I am very uncomfortable with that information.

turns out they’re called the tiddlytubbies and they have names

most likely umby pumby is la la’s kid and duggle dee is po’s. Yellow and red make orange, so Po and La La got together to have Ruru. 

Nin is purple, so that one is Tinky Winky’s. Dipsy’s is Daa daa because they’re both green. but look at daa daa’s antenna. seems a bit similar to la la’s no? la la and dipsy had some shit on the side.  

po, that other cheating fuck, had ping with tinky winky because ping is pink and that’s suspiciously similar to red and purple. also check out that fucking antenna. same as tinky winky’s. can’t hide the facts. po and la la were cheating on each other and now they have a shit ton of kids to pretend aren’t theirs. 

tinky winky and dipsy also aren’t innocent in this. the actual color of mi mi is an aqua green. green and blue. dipsy and tinky winky had mi mi AND they probably had Baa too. they had TWO KIDS and they’re off getting some tubby custard on the side. 

scandals galore in that damn superdome. 

A diagram for everyone who does not understand either. I found that the only pairs who had not had children together according to the above were Po and Dipsy, and Tinkywanky and Lala. Coincidentally Po, Lala and Tinkywanky all have children with only one confirmed parent. Considering the amount of cheating going on here, its quite likely that these children were the product of these pairs which have supposedly not boned. The suspected parents of these children have been indicated with dotted lines. An orgy happened here.


I’m just gonna…reblog this without comment.





If I’m cursed with this information, you have to be too.

Bold of you to assume it was cheating and they weren’t all in on it together

god damn it this is the poly rep we deserve


Are we all just going to over look the fact you’re calling them Tinkywanky?

I’m a little mind blown about this, but it’s TinkyWINKY, you ninnies! XD;

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