
not to be insensitive but some of the salem witch trials were so funny bitches like “i saw her at the devils sacrament!!!” girl… what were YOU doing at the devils sacrament 👀

If ANYTHING is a heritage post it’s this.

Lacazette casual clothes and stage gear, wanted to do his buhurt and LARP kit too but my hands are so god damn tired and this has been dragging for too long so maybe next time. This has been really fun but babe i need to move on 🎸⚡🗡️🖤

opening up ko-fi portrait comms!

Opening up 4 slots for portraits. Simple/No bg, 45€ each! Got a new BG3 OC or maybe a favorite NPC? I draw for any fandom, OC/canon characters, humanoids only!

If you're interested, check out my ko-fi listing HERE with all the details, or dm me here for questions! Thank you!

2 slots left ^^


opening up ko-fi portrait comms!

Opening up 4 slots for portraits. Simple/No bg, 45€ each! Got a new BG3 OC or maybe a favorite NPC? I draw for any fandom, OC/canon characters, humanoids only!

If you're interested, check out my ko-fi listing HERE with all the details, or dm me here for questions! Thank you!

3 slots still up :3

Anonymous asked:

hi!! i recently found this game and blog, but i can’t seem to find any description of what the ro’s look like?

jax: very tall, muscular man with dark blue hair that lies in waves on his head and almost black eyes. his skin is brown, and he has two full sleeves of tattoos, which seem to move when you look at them closely. both his ears are pierced. he knows that image holds power and is therefore impeccably dressed most of the time. he prefers suits with silky materials above everything else.

orla: tall, black woman, with brown eyes and short black hair, though she sometimes wears wigs as well. she adores wearing rings, is a big fan of suits, and is usually seen draped in rich fabrics and bold colors. her arms are free of tattoos. however, she has a tattoo spanning her back.

dante/delilah: slightly above average in height, with a lithe but strong build, they're pretty much perfect for a society like vapolis where your best bet is to be quick and strong in order not to get killed. they have olive skin and purple hair that is almost black. their left eye is dark brown, and the other one a full gold. one of their hands is a prosthetic. they prefer practical clothes above anything else.

royal: they have pale skin and orange hair they wear in a mullet and tattoos that cover almost every inch of their neck and back. one of their legs was replaced by a navy prosthetic not too long ago. they're average in height, but have hidden strength in their core they got from all the bartender work they get up to. they like to show their skin through their sense of fashion and have a split tongue, septum piercing as well as some more in their ears.

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