Sonic: [points to Shadow] Sweet Mobius! We have to get this man back to the museum! Shadow: [sighing] Because I’m rare, priceless and unique? Sonic: No, because you’re old. (source: unknown)
Bunnie: “Of course, Antoine and I don’t use pet names.”
Sally: “So, how do you say ‘my love’ in French?”
Bunnie: “Mon amor?”
Antoine: “Oui, mon coeur?”
Bunnie: “…”
Sally: “Don’t lie to my face ever again.”
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Amy: “I need to say something. And I don’t want any criticism or judgment whatsoever.”
Shadow: “And you came to ME?”
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Amy: “My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?”
Manic: “Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.”
Tails: “Tackle him.”
Sonic: “Dump him.”
Sonia: “Kick him in the shin.”
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Shadow: “I’m going to bed.”
Amy: “Shadow, it’s 12:00 PM.”
Shadow: “Time isn’t real.”
I really wanted to make a comic out of this.
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Sonic: “It’s two AM and Manic just chugged an entire iced coffee.”
Sonia: “That’s a weird way to say we’re all in immediate danger.”
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Amy: “Shadow’s not great at making friends. I’m worried about him.”
Sonic: “He’s doing fine.”
*a few feet away*
Person: “I like your jacket, where’d you get it?”
Shadow, not looking up: “Underground terrorist organization made it for me to keep weapons in. Thank you, it’s very warm.”
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Shadow: “Some people are like slinkys.”
Manic: “What?”
Shadow: “Not really good for much, but makes you crack a smile when pushed down the stairs.”
Manic: “…”
Shadow: “…”
Manic: “Please don’t push my brother down the stairs.”
Shadow: “You can’t stop me.”
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Cream: “Imagine if someone handed you a box of all the things you’d lost over the years.”
Sonic: “Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thanks for finding this!”
Shadow: “My will to live! I haven’t seen this in fifteen years!”
Manic: “I knew I lost that potential somewhere!”
Tails and Amy: “Mental stability, our old friend!”
Cream: “… could you guys lighten up a little?”
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Shadow: “I played Scrabble last night. It was a nightmare.”
Amy: “Why? Scrabble is great!”
Shadow: “Not when you’re playing with that younger brother of your’s, Rose. He puts words like ‘aposiopesis’ and I put ‘dog’.”
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Amy: “How are you feeling?”
Shadow: “I’ve got this headache that comes and goes.”
Sonic, entering the room: “Hey!”
Shadow: “There it is!”
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Shadow: “I didn’t drink THAT much last night.”
Sonic: “You were flirting with Amy.”
Shadow: “So what? She’s my girlfriend.”
Sonic: “You asked her if she was single…”
Sonic: “And cried when she said she wasn’t.”
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Shadow: “You look nice, I want to kiss you…”
Amy: “What?”
Sonic: "My sister is pregnant! Man, I can't wait to see if I'm gonna be an aunt or an uncle!"
Amy: "That's... not how that works."
Cosmo: "Oh no, you don't want to befriend me. I'm a handful."
Tails, excitedly: "I have two hands!"
Sonic: "It's two AM and Manic just chugged an entire iced coffee."
Sonia: "That's a weird way to say we're all in immediate danger."
Sally: "I hope you have a good explanation for this."
Sonic: "I actually have three. Pick your favorite."