


I like bnha

Men should be required to make their animal crossing villager sleep on a mattress on the floor until they get a bed frame irl

im not a man but i sleep on a mattress on the floor bc i roll out of bed in the middle of the night and this way i just keep sleeping instead of being concussed am i valid

U need a crib bro


Let me be your:

7am morning fuck before you go to work

Midday text, letting you know that you’re on my mind

5pm cuddle after a long days work

11pm rough fuck as i pound away the frustrations of your day

2am soft whisper in your ear, as i tell you “i love you”

bro why the fuck am i only getting 5 hours of sleep




Save a marker, SPREAD THE WORD!!!!


It’s called the crayola colorcycle program! As on its FAQ, they mention the following:

“Crayola ColorCycle will accept all brands of plastic markers, not just Crayola markers. That includes dry erase markers and highlighters! ColorCycle will eliminate placing hundreds of tons of markers into landfills.”

There do seem to be some limits, however, as far as I can tell, anyone can ship in a box of markers. “Any sturdy cardboard box with minimal outer markings will work. The more markers you ship, the more efficient this program will be. We suggest a minimum of 100 markers and a maximum of up to 40 pounds.”

Also, look for the Crayon Initiative

Their whole things work with used, donated crayons they melt and make new ones to donate to children’s hospitals. 

This is a really good idea, especially if you are trying to find an economic friendly way to get markers or crayons out of your abode without throwing them in the trash

Yes! This is wonderful!

Also: for other office and school supplies, bathroom/grooming supplies, and etc. see Terracycle.com


white people love screaming about immigrants (who are poc specifically) coming to their countries and “stealing” their jobs but they don’t like to admit that there’s a wave of white people with no degree coming to poor Asia countries to become english tutors while having no ability to teach, they get hired n paid Way more than asian people with degree just for the sole reason that they’re white.

also white ppl going to places like africa and stuff, pretending to be doctors and getting paid a lot whilst actual african doctors aren’t getting paid shit.

You should have seen the white ppl coming over to Asia to take away jobs from the local beggars as well

While also being orientalist as fuck

Asians have already funded lots of things for white pple, it was called colonialism

Again, pls rmb that Asia is not your fucking wallet

These guys are literally too blind to see their entitlement

As I have stated b4, pls dont expect pur locals to give you pocket money for you trip of “enlightenment”

If you decide that you can afford to travel for 5 fucking months, you shouldnt be begging the locals for money

If i was begging in Europe, i would be deported


This is so disgusting.

this is coming from deep within my heart and soul

begpackers can suck my fucking dick


lemme say it again louder for those in the back:

if ur ‘reader’ has a name or has a specific description that is not mentioned beforehand then it’s 🗣 NOT 🗣 A 🗣 READER 🗣 INSERT 🗣 FIC!!!!! 🗣


Sometimes I'll have to go to the bathroom while I'm getting ready for work and I'll intentionally wait until I get to work to start my bathroom experience so I can get paid for it

My dad used to say to me, "Natalie," he would say, "if you're good at something, don't do it for free."

I feel like I should tell you that sometimes at work I think “should I go to the bathroom now or wait till my break?” and then I think “Natalie would tell me to go to the bathroom now and get paid for it,” so that’s what I do.

That is how you walk righteously in the path of the Lord

on a related note: if any of y'all are working from home now because of The Unpleasantness, think about what it's like working in an office. you set all your shit down, maybe log in to your computer, and then most people go get a coffee and then chat about the new Netflix show for 30 minute or an hour.

so if you're working from home now, clock in as soon as possible. and then go to the bathroom, start the coffee maker up, take the dog out to go potty (they're your office mate now), take some time to scroll through Tumblr and ramble on a Trot's post to wake up. whatever you've been doing before you clock in: don't. roll out of bed. put on clothes if that's necessary to access your computer. put on glasses if you need them to be able to see the "clock in" button. and then once you're getting paid, then go and do all the other stuff

I get not wanting to go back to the office before it's safe (or at all really) but don't give them *more* of your labor than you otherwise would. at the end of the day it's nothing to them, but it's 30 minutes of your life you get back to yourself (or 30 minutes of money, if you prefer).

anyway sorry tldr remote workers should slow down too


Best advice I got from a coworker friend the first year I worked in an office, fresh out of uni, bright-eyed and fresh-faced: “always shit on company time”


no offense but I heard the evil scientist say he likes studying me better than you

Then why’s he up all night diluting my saliva? Check and mate.

well IM getting moved to a separate chamber tonight so he can keep an eye on me. What about that?

Please, he hasn’t even probed your mind yet. Besides, yesterday he told me that my blood diagnostics were, “abnormal” and “potentially hazardous”. How could you possibly compete with that?

*telekinesis throws a soda can at your head* 

How dare you!!! Evil Scientist!!! Evil Scientist they’re resorting to violence!!! I do not feel very enriched right now!!! I need a bandage and an IV of juice!!!

this is exactly the behavior i’m talking about. You still need juice rewards and screens. I have evolved past these childish activities, I am a model experiment


Still my favorite story from the Lord of the Rings set: Viggo Mortensen bonded so much with the horse he rode in the movies that after filming was over he bought it from its owner. If that doesn’t warm your heart I don’t know what could.

don’t forget that he also bought arwen’s horse for her stunt rider when she couldn’t afford it awww

also sort of relevant viggo also bought the horse that costarred with him in the movie hidalgo and subsequently took the horse (tj) with him to the red carpet premier. 

Also most of the Riders of Rohan are actually women because when they put out that call mostly women showed up with their horses and the costume team just stuck beards on them.

if this isn’t the best post i don’t

So you’re saying the entire Rohan army could have killed the Witch-King of Angmar.

Witch King: No living man can kill me!

several thousand riders of Rohan: *rip their fake beards off*

Witch King: Oh fuck…

*screeches* We aRE NO MEN


Haunted!AU Part 8/10, soft boy hours are back *w*

You can find a master post with links to parts 1-7 in my bio. Shoutout to @lavmuf over on twitter for helping me figure out what movie should play in the background~

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