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@tiredwerewolves / tiredwerewolves.tumblr.com

11/11 They/Them Mobile Links
Anonymous asked:

Is it wrong that I’m cool with “sex” being removed from the pride flag? They should bring back “magic” though.

Personally I think you’re wrong and an idiot but that’s just my opinion.


Fyi this isn’t a dig at people who are asexual or sex-repulsed. Gay sex was literally a criminal act in the parts of the United States Texas until 2003. A healthy relationship to both sex and your body is a major component of the human experience, but especially LGBTQ+ people. Yes this includes people who have a healthy understanding of their boundaries with regards to sex. To try and divorce the fight for LGBTQ+ rights from sexuality is both dangerous and ahistorical.


just quietly making myself a pile of photos of the house that was in the slow process of falling down throughout all of my life ….. always looked forward to seeing its tilt when we drove by !


hey! so ill plug this later in the morning but since ive practically been absent and a lot of people migrating to other social medias as a safety net, ive been on twitter so much this past year and a half!

find me there! its so much easier to socialize and chat compared to tumblr, tumblr seems a lot more isolating so ive really taken a liking to twitter

see ya there!

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