

@deviantknowledge / deviantknowledge.tumblr.com

physics, teaching, reading, geeking out

Things I’m learning about All For the Game fans: a lot of y’all didn’t grow up with a cheese drawer in your fridge and it shows

If you care about cheese, refrigerators, or Andrew Minyard either positively or negatively please reblog for a larger sample size :)


I have a drawer I refer to as the cheese drawer but it's really for cheese and cheese accessories; I also keep mustard, charcuterie meats, and the occasional dipping sauce in there. But it is For Cheese in my mind.


Ok, but if you’re an independent contractor in the US and this happens? Find a lawyer, because you might have just gotten a huge payday.

Your position was just referred to as employment. Independent contractors do not have employers; they do not have employment. Congrats, your contact at this company just provided evidence that you were illegally missclassified.

This contact is claiming that you have set hours you’re obligated to fulfill. Unless a work task can only be done at a set time for practical reasons (i.e. you’re an audio freelancer paid to support a live event that occurs at a particular time and requires a certain amount of pre-show setup), a company cannot set an independent contractor’s work hours. This is further evidence that you were missclassified.

The whole exchange establishes that the company is interpreting an employer-employee relationship rather than expecting a service. Discipline and potential for firing (you cannot fire an independent contractor; no longer purchasing their service is not equivalent) establish that this person views themselves as a manager. Independent contractors cannot have managers.

This one text exchange could:

  • Get you back pay for the full duration you’ve worked there, to bring you up to the compensation that an employee would have gotten
  • Get you back compensation for lost benefits that an employee would have gotten
  • Get you back pay for the additional self-employment taxes the company should have covered
  • Get the company to pay back taxes to the government
  • Get the company to hire everyone who performed a similar role, or face further penalties and fines
  • A win would encourage the rest of their missclassified workers to sue for the same, or give them leverage to demand a better deal

If the company is going to screw you over like that, may as well make them pay for it.

Since this is getting a lot of reblogs, here’s a federal source that can help you determine if you’re illegally classified as a contractor:

You can also file a form with the IRS to force the company to correct your classification (assuming you meet the criteria), without necessarily having to sue:

Keep in mind that this is just federal. Most states also prohibit missclassification as an independent contractor; and even if states have more lenient rules, companies still have to comply with this federal law. The rules have largely been bipartisan and existed for decades, so they’re common.

States also have an interest in having regulations about missclassification: it’s a significant loss of tax revenue. Your self employment tax does not fully equal what a company would have paid for you in payroll taxes.

A lawyer can help point you in the right direction if a company is currently missclassifying you.

Fantastic addition


why is this about to make me sob

a poem i am sure everyone has seen but i'm still going to share anyway

as well as this other poem inspired by giovanni's

and this beautiful tweet


[id: a photo of a small green spider sitting on a web. Below them is the text: “i’m sorry for scaring you but i didn’t know being seen would cost me my life”]/id.

[id: the poem Allowables by Nikki Giovanni:

I killed a spider Not a murderous brown recluse Nor even a black widow. And if the truth were told this Was only a small Sort of papery spider Who should have run When I picked up the book But she didn’t And she scared me And I smashed her

I don’t think I’m allowed

To kill something

Because I am

Frightened]/end id.

[id: The poem “Mercy: after Nikki Giovanni”:

She asks me to kill the spider. Instead, I get the most peaceful weapons I can find.

I take a cup and a napkin. I catch the spider, put it outside and allow it to walk away.

If I am ever caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, just being alive and not bothering anyone,

I hope I am greeted with the same kind of mercy.

-Rudy Francisco]/end id.

[id: tweet by Kayla Ancrum ✨ ICARUS coming Winte… (@KaylaAncrum) from 2022-12-07: “I had a dream that I was commissioned to write a poem from a bug to a god, and I do not remember any of the poem except for the last line which was: I pray nobody kills me for the crime of being small.”]/end id.

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