
The Writing Mill

@the-writing-mill / the-writing-mill.tumblr.com

Millberry_5 on AO3. Depressed person with too many ideas. Feel free to leave me asks and prompts. All my fics/ideas are open for people to use/take inspiration from with basic credit.

WOOOHOOOO!!! We've got some fun prompts in the works that we're very excited to share! [ Photo Text Reads: Kenfetti Week 2024:

Good news everyone, Kenfetti Week is back for another year!

This year we’re doing something a little different, over the last three years we received a *lot* of submissions for the prompts for each day of the event. Despite doing our best to group them by kind and create broader categories that work to cover as many of the prompts we receive as possible, you all have submitted so many that we couldn’t do them all. So this year our prompts will be all the ones from previous years that didn’t make it into the schedule before! So this Sunday, May 12th 2024, we’ll be announcing this years prompts. We’re so excited and we hope you are too! This year you’ll have until July 28th to post your submissions and the event and reveals will be on the first full week of August, the 4th through the 10th!

See you this Sunday! /end ID]


Due to an influx of abusive spam comments on April 21, 2024, we temporarily disabled all guest comments across the site. We have now re-enabled the ability to leave guest comments, but if you comment while not logged into an account, you may encounter a verification page that checks that you are not a bot. We are also working on other ways to help reduce spam, including a small change to the default comment settings on the work posting form that will be rolled out soon.


Another Update Regarding "No Fandom" tags

AO3 Tag Wranglers recently began testing processes for updating canonical tags (tags that appear in the autocomplete and the filters) that don’t belong to any particular fandom (commonly known as No Fandom tags). We have already begun implementing some of the decisions made during the earliest discussions. By the time this post is published, you may have already noticed some changes we have made.  Several canonical tags are slated to be created or renamed, and we will also be adjusting the subtag and metatag relationships between some tags to better aid Archive users in filtering.  Please keep in mind that many of these changes are large and require a lot of work to identify and attach relevant tags, so it will likely take some time to complete. We ask that you please be patient with us while we work! While we will not be detailing every change we make under the new process, we will be making periodic posts with updates on those changes we believe are most likely to prove helpful for users looking to tag or filter works with the new or revised tags and to avoid confusion as to why changes are being made. 

Anonymous asked:

is writing fanfiction of clown corps okay? i noticed a lack of fanfiction for such a great peice of media

As someone who's made multiple comics about Fraiser, yes I'm fine with fanfic!


Anon. Anon. Please. Please write some fanfic for this comic. It's been over 3 years and there's still just my single oneshot on AO3. Please join me. Please please please.


Happy Leap Day! I wanted a rare publishing date so here's a one shot. That is also me finally dipping my toes into the One Piece fandom publicly.

Featuring trans Croc, alive Kuina, and the weirdest not quite mentor-mentee relationship I've ever written 😂


Not only is it still The Good Bloody Day (Valentine's or James Cook Death, depending on your persuasion) in some part of the world. But it is still February 14th in my part of the world. So I have really actually met my self-imposed deadline.

So have 10k more of romanceless hucow Obi-Wan smut 😃


A humble plea to writers on AO3

Please, don't use the tag Read by the Author to say that you proofread your work!

Read by the Author is a subtag of Podfic. It's meant to be used for tagging audio works read by the author of the text.

If you wrote something, and then recorded yourself reading it out loud and posted that to AO3, you can tag it Read by the Author. That's what that tag is for. Please don't use it on written works to say "oh yeah, I read it before I posted it". It will make your work show up in the Podfic tag and confuse/annoy people looking specifically for audio works.

Thank you!


Last line challenge

Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).

Tagged by the lovely @sankt-jesper

He could feel, finally, a bit of life nearby. He couldn’t even identify any sense of life to tell how much of it was sapient, or how many living things were nearby. He couldn’t really tell how far he was sensing. He focused back on what should have been the bar.

(Doing last paragraph then last line because I'm in the middle of a Force feeling scene so things are purposefully short and choppy and "He focused back on what should have been the bar" seems unfairly short if floating alone)


Updates to AO3 "Mythology" Fandoms

Hi AO3 users! You may have noticed that recently, fandoms previously canonized as "Mythology" are being updated to "Religion & Lore". This renaming project is part of a wider ongoing process on AO3 about respectful treatment and naming of various religions, spiritual beliefs, faiths, and collections of folklores belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. This includes both major and minor religions, as well as reconstructionist, ancient, and modern religions.

In the coming months, the term "Mythology" is being phased out of canonical fandom names. This is because of its potential for use as a disparaging term, and the way in which it is used primarily for religions which are already under-represented. Since "mythology" has connotations of being fictional or inferior to the religious beliefs of the speaker or writer, and is unfortunately used in this way by some, the decision has been made to replace this term with something that the Wrangling Committee believes is more inclusive and less derogatory.

After extensive discussion between individuals from varying religious backgrounds and beliefs, including wranglers representing the various fandoms which were being covered, it was felt that "Religion & Lore" was an appropriate and neutral way to describe the bodies of faith, belief, knowledge, and tradition associated with many of these religions which were ancestrally imparted and regional in nature. It is also hoped that this will decrease ambiguous or confused use, allowing people to more accurately describe their works and find works in which they are interested moving forward.

The use of "Ancient" in many of these fandoms' names reflects that these countries still exist but now have different predominant religions or spiritual beliefs. For example, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore (as Greece is now a predominantly Christian country) or Ancient Egyptian Religion (as Egypt is now a predominantly Muslim country). Because "Norse" does not refer to an extant country, region, or culture, it is not necessary to specify that it is historical or ancient in nature.

The names of these fandoms will also have the native language piped, if the English-language demonym is significantly different from the native-language demonym or if there is a culturally specific term based on consultation with individuals who speak these languages as a first language. We hope to give representation to the language of the source culture by doing so.

Each of these changes has been and will continue to be carefully researched and discussed with traditional knowledge keepers and researchers from the cultures represented in the fandoms under discussion.

Many religions face the issue of texts being written long after their events occurred. Unfortunately this is something which is shared across many religious fandoms; AO3 seeks to treat these religious fandoms equally. Care has been taken in researching characters relating to these fandoms, and character tags will be canonized or made a synonym on a case-by-case basis. Fandom tags that are currently synned to the Ancient religious fandoms have been checked as thoroughly as possible to ensure that they are not referring to modern folk tales, and where possible such relatively modern folk tales are canonized as their own fandoms.

(From time to time, ao3org posts announcements of recent or upcoming wrangling changes on behalf of the Tag Wrangling Committee.)

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