

@slitherynchiken / slitherynchiken.tumblr.com

Mostly random reblogs of so many fandoms *pansexual, aro/ace (somehow lol) - he/she/they - 22 yrs old profile pic by @queenofspades010

Can anyone pole or do you have to have a certain body type or flexibility? Basically is it learned or do you have to be born with a certain level of flexibility?


I hope you don’t mind me answering this one publicly, but I think it will be helpful for others too!

To say that ANYONE can pole is an oversimplification, because there are of course many extenuating circumstances and conditions that limit mobility or increase injury risk to the extent that it may not be possible or practical for some people.


It is certainly not the case that you require some innate abilities to do pole in order to start. Of all the gymnastic/dance styles I’ve encountered, it is the one that people are most likely to start as adults with no previous background, and that’s AWESOME!

I was 20 when I started, which is relatively young, but I had no dance background and couldn’t touch my toes, never mind venture near a split. As an instructor, I’ve taught men, women, trans, and non-binary folks, people who were tall, short, fat, thin, muscular, clumsy, agile, ex-dancers, gymnasts, archers, gamers, accountants, climbers, and many more, and all of them can be great polers (or mediocre polers who have a great time, which is at least as important!)

What you’ve done before and the skills you possess going in will determine your starting point, but as long as you’re having fun and keep going, it won’t determine your end point!


Mr. Gaiman, what's the best thing being famous?


I don't think there is one. It's pretty awful. I'd trade it for being unknown any day.


No matter how many famous people talk about how being famous sucks, our social order still worships at the altar of fame and still sees fame as this Thing To Be Sought At All Costs.

Like, even billionaires--who could live happily on their anonymous yachts--seek public attention, and are willing to spend lavishly to experience fame (think of the Starbucks CEO, whose name I hilariously cannot remember, who paid hundreds of millions of dollars to run for President, even though everyone knew he would never become President).

But being famous does suck. It's just (for me anyway) very hard to stop seeking even after you recognize it sucks. Like, Tony Hawk once said that he'd done all the drugs and the worst of them by far was fame, and that has been my experience as well. It's a drug. If a little attention feels good, more must feel better. If the attention makes you feel miserable, or you feel withdrawal when it isn't in your life, that must be because you don't have enough of it, and if you just had a little more, then you would feel the thrill of it again, when in reality it just makes you sicker and sicker.

Now, having enough money, which I do, is a huge huge huge privilege, especially in a late-stage capitalist society, because wealth is the closest one can feel to secure in a society that runs on precarity. But wealth and fame have become decoupled of late; there are famous tiktokers making minimum wage. And the fame part of being famous? It's a really destructive force in the lives of people who experience it, and yet often they cant stop seeking it, just as we all often continue to seek stuff that have become destructive.


Emily on Adventuring Party saying "I was gonna reach out to Ruben but then he dropped a fucking 9th level spell on me," is pretty illustrative of the difference between how the players see the game versus how a lot of folks online see it, like...why am I seeing people say stuff like "oh, they're all anti-capitalist until the battle starts and then all of a sudden, they're cops???? Do they not believe in restorative justice???"

These are kids who have plotted the deaths of the Bad Kids well before any of them actually did anything to warrant it, other than being good at adventuring. They've been openly antagonistic or have lied to and manipulated them. We're like, two episodes removed from them killing one of their own clerics (for the second time!) because they lost their opportunity to kill all of the Bad Kids. They sent dragons after a house full of kids that they launched into the sky in a wildly premeditated plan. They may have magically corrupted Gorgug's house!

The Rat Grinders have been manipulated by their teachers and magically corrupted by rage, yes, but even if you want to talk them down, if there's a rage wizard with ninth-level spells running around, you don't let that motherfucker drop a meteor swarm on all of your heads, like...there are priorities


Yeah why are cis women allowed more leeway than trans people (particularly trans men in this case) when having internalized misogyny , or having hangups about femininity .Why are people so obsessed with trans mens misogyny as opposed to anyone else. Why are they poised as being "especially" misogynistic

Is it that we are held at a higher standard? is it that trans people are expected to be perfect representations of our group at all times? Are trans men not allowed to be imperfect without accusing them of having privilege they don't have?

it's to punish us for being gender traitors.


it's because All Men Are Evil and choosing to be on their side is clearly misogynistic on its own

cis women are allowed leeway than trans men w p much everything, including misogyny, both irl and online and i'm not even kidding

aside from the points this post and its rbs have made, it personally irks me when ppl go "trans men are the most misogynistic in the queer community" and ignore queer radfem women who literally run on a platform rooted in bioessentialism. and i mean ALL radfems, including SWERFs and TERFs but not solely them. they're the most extreme, yes, but all radfems are poison to this community and are poison on purpose. not that trans men can't be radfems i'm talking about singling the entire group of trans men out and insisting we're the worst when there's women in the queer community who actively hate women

also, anecdotally, the vast majority of the most extreme misogyny i've experienced or witnessed in my immediate circles has come from cis women. i've heard and seen the women in my family say nasty shit that, if they or anyone else in my family who was a man said it, they'd tear them a new one and rightfully so

also the way i hear some cis women talk about men is uh. concerning, to say the least


Throughout the first five months of the war, both my big sister and my sister in law had been pregnant. They had to endure constant displacement and unspeakable horrors on top of pregnancy discomforts. The few times I was able to reach my sister, she would keep praying not to go into labor before that nightmarish reality ended.

Sadly, things did not go her way. The war was raging when she gave birth to beautiful baby Ossama, and it still is ongoing. Almost at the same time my brother and his wife had sweet baby twin girls, Ritaj and Rital. The three little angels are rocked to sleep by the sound of bombs and buzzing drones instead of lullabies. Due to the unsanitary conditions in their tent and formula scarcity, the newborns have been constantly suffering from acute respiratory infections as well as slow weight gain. The only medical care they were getting was that of an overcrowded field hospital with limited resources, and even that is now denied to them as my family has been forcibly evacuated again from Rafah to Khan Yunis where nothing is left but rubble.

As you may well know, many babies in Gaza are lost while waiting for consideration. The doctors previously insisted that the little ones would fail to thrive and fully recover if they stayed in the same unhealthy environment.

Despite everything, these babies are a source of hope and strength for us. Please don't let them fade away. My family is barely holding on for their sake and that of their older brothers and sisters.

We would be forever grateful for any kind of support.

Please donate if possible and reblog as often as you can 🙏


Please help save these babies


I don't know if anyone else noticed, but the first time that Luke blows the candles and sees the startled reaction of his parents, a pained smile starts forming on his lips, as if he's trying to ease their pain (or maybe his own).

But then the reality of it all comes crashing down and the smile disappears, and is replaced by an even deeper sadness. And maybe there's a little bit of shame and guilt, too, because no, Luke can't laugh away his feelings, he can't hide behind a nervous chuckle like he usually does. Not now. Not when there's no one else to call him out on it.

The walls he puts up, they disappear and that cheeky and carefree attitude is just a mask, and underneath that mask there's just a young boy - gosh, he looks so young - who ran away from home. He's just a boy, and he misses his parents. And they're right there in front of him, and they miss him too but there's nothing he can do about it. He goes there every week, alone and he doesn't tell anyone about it. Maybe it's a form of punishment. He ran away and left them behind, so maybe he thinks he deserves to be reminded of the pain he caused them.

He's wrong, he doesn't deserve any of this.

He's just a boy.


Ive said this before but swear the biggest skill to learn as an adult is how to resist high-pressure sales tactics. You do NOT have to answer questions with anything other than "Sorry I'm not interested." No matter how nice they are or no matter how many follow up questions they ask or even how agitated they get when you stand your ground. Just keep saying I'm not interested. Don't answer their questions. Don't give them an opening to try to push back on your reasons. Be a fucking brick wall of I'm not interested.

When we bought our car, I told Sean to let me handle it. I walked in and said "We have X for a down payment and cannot pay more than Y in monthly payments." My Y number had some leeway, but I didn't mention that.

First thing the sales guy did after I laid down the rules was turn to Sean and go, "What's your number?" And Sean said. "Oh, no, you negotiate with Gayle."

So, strike one for the sales guy. Could not divide and conquer us by implying THE MAN would not surprised at what I laid down.

Sales guy then had to confer with his manager and left us at his desk for several minutes. I have a vague recollection (this was 16 years ago) of Sean and I amusing ourselves doing bits about the other people there to look at cars. I am sure we did not give off the stressed or nervous energy they were hoping for.

Guy comes back. His first offer is fifty dollars a month more than I told him we could pay. I looked at him and said "I gave you our upper limit."

"Well, but what's another 50 bucks a month?"

"Something I can't afford."

He didn't know what to do with my open and unashamed admittal that I had a budget because my money was finite.

He went back to talk to the manager again.

It took two more rounds of "I told you what I can afford" before he finally came back 20 bucks under what I'd stated as my max.

The trick to resisting high-stress sales tactics is doing the math at home, knowing exactly what you can afford, and then walking into the room and stating that number minus 15%. Then refusing to budge from that number. Never, ever, meet then where they want. Always meet them where you want. Because at the end of the day, you can walk away and go somewhere else and say "I told the people at Z what my terms were, and they refused to work with me. Here are my terms. Meet them, and you make a sale today."

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