
Emotions, Various and Sundry, about the World


A place where I can vent my feelings and headcanons about hetalia
Anonymous asked:

Do you think Matt still knows how to drive on the left like the Brits/Australia or does he get his keys taken away?

So fun fact: when I needed to do it a few years ago, a Canadian license can be swapped for a British one perfectly legally and in like five minutes because Tampon Charlie is our head of state and it was okay for me to just try not to die, so I did drive a bit in the UK.

He's fine. It's a bit mind fucky but he's a north American he can drive in any circumstances tbh. Like he's been driving since before there were licenses so he might not be a very legally sound driver, but he is a good driver. It's like using kilos and pounds for food or height. Or klicks, miles and hours for travel. Or having a wank with the left hand because the right got frostbite. Or using French or English. He can switch lol.

No one takes his keys and while he's a tiny bit better at navigating, I do think he can be a bit of a passenger princess. Alfred fucking loves driving and he's kind of shit with maps so Matt navigates sometimes but mostly he will pass the fuck out listening to NPR or Alfred monologuing. A thing Alfred can be trusted with is not getting them killed on the freeway so Matt's just like "I am safe, it is nap time." And just wake up two states later with the best sleep he'll have had in 6 months lmao


(This is rebelsandtherest on main) I adore all your art, especially of the disaster family tree. After noticing some of the facial resemblance between your Arthur and Alfred, and also Alfred and Matt, it got me wondering—most people would probably be able to tell that both Matt and Al were raised by Arthur just because of…. How they are, emotionally and mentally 😂 but does anyone point out to Alfred that he looks like his dad, or does it come as a surprise that they’re related? Likewise, do people assume Matt is his bio son, or do they look so different people have wondered about it?


Ohohohoho your question tickled me in the best way poasible! I love the theme of resemblence and biological relations with these bastards!

I guess the best way to describe weather Alfred looks like his dad or not would be by saying that many people meeting Alfred and his disaster dad tease him by saying he "picked out" all the good/attractive features od his dad. Like he undeniably looks like his dad but there is something unique on him. For instance his skin is darker but still he has Arthurs unmistakable freckles. Alfred has features that, when looked closely are uniquely his, but when you are looking at him in photographs, you could assume youre looking at a tall, well-feed, broader and tanner Arthur. They are definutely father and son looks-wise, but if you had to pick out who is more good looking, its Alfred by a long shot.

In my hc, they are biological father and son since I love the notion of nations being born like humans (to other humans or to nations it doesnt really matter, their dna is a match) and having that distinctly human nature to them while absolutely not being human. So, in that aspect they are (unfortunately for Alfred) biologically related. Whereas Matthew and Arthur are not. I also love that aspect. I love the notion that this rat man adopted a french whore child and at first had no interest, no love and no care for this boy. But, as time goes by and as Matt sheds blood, sweat and tears to fit into the mold of the "Anglo child", Arthur accepts him, be it after an unfair amount of time and effort. By the 21st century Matt is Arthurs confidante, his no. 1 emergency call, his oldest son.

Its unfair that Matt spent less time with Francis and he is still considered his son by the old world, but had to spend considerably more time under Arthurs "care" to even be considered the mans bastard.

Matt and Alfred arent twins to me. They look alike in the sense that they share a second parent, but you can definitely see the resemblence as well as differences. They are not interchangeable looks-wise, no mistaling Matt for his yank bro in this household.


Engla Londe

Summary: Takes place in the 9th century of the Common Era. England suffers under the onslaught of the Viking Army as he feels himself fracture into pieces. While hiding away in marsh alongside an unlikely leader, he dares to hope for a better future. Written for the Historical Hetalia Week 2021.

Word count: 3,538


  • Vulgar language
  • Blood
  • Death
  • Violence
  • Semi-graphic descriptions of violence typical of the Viking era


Anno Domini 793

He’d been on the road when the pain first began.

Emrys had told him long ago that such pain was possible, that he would be cursed to feel it as he grew older, as his people spread out and acquired more land, encountered more enemies, but he’d had no way to prepare himself for the feeling. One moment he was walking down the forest road and the next he was facedown in the dirt and panting for breath, clutching at his chest because he thought he’d been shot.

A fortnight later when he learned that there’d been an attack on the monastery at Lindisfarne, he hadn’t considered that the two had been connected. After the pain subsided, it lingered in his joints, an unnatural arthritis that no child his size should expect to endure. The following year, the profound pain, the dolore magna, as Emrys had told him it was properly known, returned. This time, when he heard of the tragedy at Monwearmouth-Jarrow, he knew that it could not be a coincidence.

The Vikings had come to ravage his people, and his body was paying the price.

This is probably a very vain reason to reblog myself, but I was going through my mentions and it’s been on my mind. Over the last several months, a number of folks have brought up a headcanon which has been utilized by the wonderful and talented @historia-vitae-magistras in her ongoing time-travel fic (which you should read! It’s amazing!)

The headcanon itself has to do with Arthur and some old trauma/injuries sustained during the Danelaw. She’s tagged me a couple of times when clarifying that the headcanon originated with me (though I wouldn’t say it “belongs” to anyone). I’m happy to hear it’s become a popular idea. For anyone who is curious, this is the fic where I wrote about the incident that became that headcanon.

I haven’t written any new fic in some time now, so it makes sense that very few people know that I write at all 😂 but yeah! Blast from the past, both for me and for poor old Arthur.


go away creepy linkedin sounding bot i'm not going to be assimilated into the chatgpt or some other AI fic stealing hivemind lol

Dude i got that shit 2 days ago too wtf it scares the fuckety fuck out of meee

Dude, me too! Freakin bots…


alfred having an embarrassing crush on gilbert that he genuinely couldn’t conceal at valley forge is a headcanon i’ll always stick with, but i do feel like even if he isn’t as polished as his older self, he also started learning to put on a performance for old world nations on his post independence please trade and be friends with me tour. it’s not the smug and confident world power persona of course, but he quite deliberately plays up being the charmingly unsophisticated, blue-eyed ingénue i feel, for the likes of everyone from russia to morocco to china. there’s a lot of flying by the seat of his pants, but the old world is all very interested in a new fresh faced young thing who has Arthur in a fury, so why not play up a persona as a wide eyed and somewhat innocent, but also rebellious debutante, that lets them feel amused and wise next to his provincial self if it gets him trade and treaties? why not indeed. showing people what they want to see and manipulating his public image to get what he wants is something alfred, the superpower, does all the time, after all.

I never thought of that and now im kicking myself for never thinking about that before

#yaaasss all of this!#like half of it is genuine#but much like a toddler who figures out he gets what he wants if he cries loud enough#Alfred very quickly realizes how old world folks respond to him#and what gets the best response#and he probably doesn’t understand the reasoning behind it for a long time#but he knows it works so that’s what he’s going to do#god I have so many thoughts about this in particular#Alfred from the very beginning has been so incredibly sensitive to what people think about him#and not in a way that like#he has to be adored by everyone#but he can#for the most part#read the room very well so long as he’s reading it in relation to himself#if that makes sense.#the old world wants a bright eyed bushy tailed innocent country bumpkin? that’s what I’ll be#they think I’m an upstart who’s playing pretend at being a competing industrial power?#okay let them think that so they won’t see me coming until I’ve outsold them all#and then BOOM great white fleet and the rest of the 20th century happens and he blindsides the greater percentage of those who know him#then during and after the Cold War it becomes#oh so they think that I’m a self absorbed asshole who’s greedy and hedonistic and doesn’t care about anything outside my borders?#okay fine#let them see what they want until I’m ready to show my next hand#and like in some respects that last one holds an amount of truth#as did the others#but yeah I think Alfred is very conscious of how he is perceived#and he learned how to behave not by being told#but by watching others’ reactions to him#and so his M.O. is to do and be whatever people expect of him#good or bad until he knows he can reveal a little more of himself and simultaneously take the upper hand

July 13th, 1917

Be it from a sense of paternal concern or simply patriotic duty, Arthur made sure to leave his soldiers in the charge of an older Corporal and made his way to the quite pathetic excuse of a medical section where his son was left to rot.


I present to you my years long obsession - female America.

This is not a Nyotalia version it's just a concept of "what if everything is the same but Alfred was born a girl". Like i see so much potential! In a world where all the odds are stacked against her, she despite it all gets to where she is today. Making good and bad decisions along the way.

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