
Infinite Choices, Infinite Universes


Theories, Fiction, and a lot of shitposting

Lol so I'm probably the only one focusing in on this (since everyone seems to be talking about the cliffhanger at the end suggesting my boy Zeph is not trustworthy), but


Like, I wanna see them and learn why they thought they were doing MC favors by keeping their head in the sand. I want to learn more about Atlas's protector family.


Atlas said they got stuck in the mirror dimension saving us, and we briefly played as her fighting in the mirror dimension in the very beginning, meaning this attack must've happened prior to or at the start of the series. What happened??? They said it like MC was supposed to know... Was MC just being their clueless self and didn't realize they were in danger or something?

Also, who is Professor Swan to MC and Atlas?

I know we previously thought she might be the mom, but I don't think she'd let Atlas think she's dead the whole time. She and Atlas seem to be familiar with on another, so I thought she might be a part of Atlas's protector family, but then she'd be doing a kind of a sh*t job not realizing they've been missing for a couple of months. Is she an old friend of the parents who acts as another protector for the both of the twins? She was a new staff addition to Penderghast right before MC entered, which is kinda suspicious. Like, I know she has prescience but she decided to enter Penderghast based on a feeling?????


Maybe I’m wrong - and I do hope I am - and I’m obviously presuming things but if Zeph ends up being the traitor and the bad guy, I’ll be so pissed and

As I said before,

Please, PB, don’t pull some kind of “love is the solution” kind of thing on me and don’t make Zeph the bad guy. That would be just another aphobic cliché.

My fingers are crossed that he has nothing to do with Raife and that he's involved in something else with the mirror dimension.


You know who’s nerve test I’m fearing ? Imogen. They used his ptsd on Tom and family’s lives and debt for Danni and if you didn’t support them enough they give in, but Imogen has been manipulated by her parents since forever and now ? They coerced her into their cult and binded her to the Power, a power they seem keen on keeping and I’m not so sure that the ghost’s hatred of Astrid in particular is a coincidence. Maybe the ghost is a sacrifice turned wrong (a Vance family member maybe), maybe they’re just a bunch of greedy assholes that pulled a Redfield but in any case, convincing Imogen to go against the parents that shaped her whole life plus the fact that she may now also need a sacrifice to keep her end of the bargain with the Power and may be influenced by it is going to be, como se dice, a hell of a fucking ride

Astrid claimed that it was a former member who got greedy and then got corrupted to what they are today, but we know better than to trust that b 🙄


When everyone starts looking at freshie HSSCA MC like they sabotaged the og HSS MC...ummm guys

Lol why can't I just straight up say "hey it was my first time EVER in this theater so DANIELLE told me how to help set up the props and where to get it". Or even point out that the next favorite for the role after OG MC was Danielle and that me getting princess was never the original intention. In my playthrough, I even had the additional bonus of saying I wanted to be the witch.

Whatever, Trevor, Danielle, and whoever turns on my freshie MC are fake 🙄 and I guess it's for the best freshie MC finds that out their first year rather than later.


Why Isn’t Tumblr Freaking Out?!?!

Guys. Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed!!!!

Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed!

  • Article 13 just got passed.
  1. Article 13 just got passed.

I don’t know if I’ve said it enough. So…


I have been on tumblr all morning and haven’t seen one post about it yet! I don’t understand how!


They’re voting on it one last time in January 2019, but that’s barely any time to change anything!!!!

You still have time to call your MEPs so PLEASE!!! Do so.

If you don’t know what this means, it’s basically then end of how the internet currently is in Europe. Memes? Nope. Youtubers? Bye!

You’d need a license for everything!!!!

And my fellow Americans my be all like, well, what’s the big deal for us? It’s a Europe deal.

No, because the Youtubers there that you love so much? This effects them too! I’m freaking out because Jack, the person who helps my depression go away, may no longer be able to do what he does!

Guys, we need to stop this somehow. Please.

Call your MEPs. Sign petitions. Protest (Peacefully please. Don’t get hurt).

I’m sorry for tagging you guys if you don’t want to be or already know, I just want as many people to know as possible!

I can’t tag everyone, but if you see this, please reblog it. Spread the news. Sign the petition. Call your MEPs. Do what you can to help stop this from passing in January.

I don’t live in Europe but this needs to be spread

I’m spreading this because this is greatly unsettling to me. I live in europe and really can’t imagine how the future would look like.

I don’t live in Europe but I signed the petition and am signal boosting for all my EU pals. Call your MEPs!

Because they still have to vote for it two more times.. maybe .. that’s why?

All you Americans who are saying “I dont live in europe, but…” You do understand how the internet *works*, right? You *WILL* feel the backlash from this if things go through the way they are going now.

this needs to be spread. article 13 will effect the world.

wait WTF????????????

The fuckers who passed this deserve a metal chair to the head.

At least 10 times



Anonymous asked:

Julia! I need a little help. As far as I know, all Choices series are connected somehow. However! The only one that does not have any connections with the others is the It Lives series. Do you or any of your followers remember anything that ties it to the other books? I don't mean subtle references like "I believe you're my perfect match!" I mean characters existing in both universes. Wow I'm sorry for sending you such a long ask.


…but nothing comes to my mind tbh 😔 I just headcanoned some things like my ILITW MC was cousins with Aiden and my TE MC, but as I said, it’s just my headcanon.

Can anyone remember if they ever said something that would crossover with other books and the other books with It Lives series??



“Mind if I barge in? In Chapter 2 of ILITW, MC got Stacy’s phone number from FaceSpace, which is also mentioned in High School Story by Emma and MC.”

omg 😲

“Isn’t Principal Flores older Maria?”

Was it ever confirmed? I played only Book 1 and 2 of HSS so I don’t know. But I guess they just share the same surname. I do hope my girl Maria would do more if her students were attacked by spiders and bears and her professors by snakes as a Principal

“In ILB Chapter 5, I still remember there was a line of Tom where he said, “Great acting you got there. You’re just like Victoria Fontaine.’ The line is something like that but I clearly remember he mentioned Victoria’ s name.”

Omg you’re right he does say this!!!

In the latest chapter of ILB, Imogen also named her horse Diavolos, which I'm guessing is after the character in TC&TF, which is a famous tv series in all the other books.


SABRINAAAAAAAAAAAA I missed you! 💔 While you were away I changed my url twice lol so you may not recognise me, but it's Julia (beanieboynoah) here 💖💖💖💖


Aaaaa, I missed you, Julia!! 😙 Lol the url change was a little surprising at first but the Tom Sato love is nothing new so I kinda already knew it was you ❤ lol out of curiosity, what was the other url change?


Me coming back to Choices and the Choices Tumblr fandom after a long hiatus:

Like, wow, I missed A LOT. So many new chapters and series, and I can't even scroll down my feed in fear of spoilers.

((Even though I did briefly see a confession with red beanie Noah, so I'm already shook...is that really in the book or is that another amazing edit??))

[ps so sorry for disappearing for anyone I may have worried. I was just dealing with a lot of family and personal issues but I'm back and I really missed you all]

I started following this girl and her whole dash ended up these. And her last post. I can’t even say words. Anons took her life. If that okay with you, then carry on with your day. If you agree this is unacceptable and okay, then reblog and spread the word. What you say can actually change a persons life! So help out

I don’t care if this makes your dash look ‘ugly’, no matter what type of blog you have you should reblog it.

If you can’t reblog this, I pity you as a human being.


This is sickening. This is why I fuckin hate most anons. Most are just pure assholes. Bullies. But I realized something. They only hate on others cause their life is miserable. So they make others miserable to try and be happy. They need something to vent their pain on

So important to remember that the anons are struggling with them selves and therefore try to take it out on others. Not saying it makes it acceptable, but knowing this might make it easier to not take their comments to heart.

IRL, the people who always called me fat, were all overweight/morbidly obese and the heaviest person in class. They feel sad and insecure about their own weight, so they decide to try to make me too feel bad about my own weight.

I wanna cry 😭

This is sad… what makes it ok to hurt others to a point they kill themselves? I wish I could go up to those people and punch them because I dont care if they go through tough times at home, you dont take it out on others💙💙

If you ever send anon hate, I hope you know how despicable you are. There are real people behind these blogs, you never know how it will affect someone. Just don’ t send anon hate.


For a better resolution of the photo click it and zoom in to read it !

This is a new project I’ve been working on; it is a TRR AU Series and it will come out soon. The story will contain adult, dark themes and it’s a work in progress.

If by mistake I tagged in this list minors please let me know to remove you from and do not read this story ! Also if I tagged someone that is not interested in this future story, tell me and I will delete your tag.

A personal favor… I will appreciate very much if you could help me spread the word about this story by rebloggin this post. Thank you in advance ! 💖💕

I will tag some people I think might be interested in no particular order (log list after the cut, possibly the longest tag list ever seen 😁😉)…



it’s occurred to me that ‘lbd’ may not even stand for little black dress. in fact, because of its taunting nature in reminding you that you’re dirt fucking poor, i think it stands for “loser, buy diamonds”

Brushed Under the Carpet: Madeleine as an Alternate LI

Trigger Warning: Discussions on bullying and toxic behavior, minimizing of the same.

Alternate LIs are awesome. Often when we play a Choices book, we find ourselves in a situation where we have a favourite LI, one we love dearly and will choose in the end. But there are also times when we find ourselves caring for a few other LIs as well. In such a situation, we as readers and players fear breaking this character’s heart, fear rejecting them, worry about how they will feel when they realise the MC doesn’t return their feelings. My LI of choice in TRR is Liam, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t break my heart to see Hana withdraw and return to best-friend mode after my MC Esther turned her down in Book 1.

Alternate LIs are great, especially for romance-oriented books where the MC gets to finally pick one person. The presence of an alternate LI allows the player to be at least a little guilt free in their choice of love interest, allows that particular character to find love and hope in another person besides the MC. (Note: I’m not talking about everyone, just those who care about an LI who isn’t their primary choice, and want to see that LI happy).

For example, a number of people in Book 1 worried about how they could turn down Liam for their LI of choice because he seemed so in love with her, but the moment it was revealed that Olivia truly loved Liam, and wanted to marry him for him and not for the kingdom, there was hope for those people that Liam would eventually find someone who loved him the way he deserved to be loved.

Alternate LIs in TRR

So far in the books, there are two alternate LIs that have been confirmed in canon: Olivia Nevrakis for Liam and Lady Kiara (to some extent) for Drake.

Olivia was confirmed as the other option for Liam at the end of Book 1, when she confessed to the MC in a diamond scene that Liam was the sole reason she participated in the social season in the first place:

“Not this. Not just being Queen, or the crown, or the palace. What I wanted was Liam.”

Ugh, no. I haven't been up to date on PB lately, but 🤢 this is just too toxic. I can understand the Aunt Mallory redemption (tbh personally wouldn't have done so but whatever, ROE MC is a pushover) because the series really pushed family, but what keeps Madeline in our orbit??? Like, we can get another PR rep. One who didn't try to psychologically torment our friend. Not a fan of Madeline on our team personally but I can deal with it.

But Madeline being linked romantically to Hanna? Hell no. It has toxic and terrible power dynamic written all over it.

The writers need to either get Madeline to undergo an actual redemption arc where she recognizes her terrible act, comes clean about it to Hanna, and changes. Or, it wouldn't kill PB to introduce a new character all together for Hanna. It could be someone from back home or whatever. Lily got that in ILITW so Hanna should have that option too instead of *barf* Madeline

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