
The Devil in I

@betweenloveandfire / betweenloveandfire.tumblr.com

20 years old. Rock 'n' Roll Lover. Movies. TV Shows

Klay Thompson - Hard Times.

Thanks, love! Okay, I have a plot… you and Klay had a fight (jealousy?) and are barely talking and when he suffers the injury against the Raptors things get worse. He is so mad that he will be out for 8, 9 months that he ends up taking it out on you. You don’t know what to do because you want to take care of him and give him some love but he’s acting like an idiot and that makes you really angry. Drama, anger but with a cute ending, please!?

“OH MY GOD!” You yelled, across the room. You were feeling lost and just wanted this fight to stop. “I don’t know how many times, I have to tell you. I am not cheating on you, nor have I. I’m not even sure how I could, when you’re up my ass 24/7.” 

As soon as the last words come out of your mouth, you already regretted it. The sound of the bedroom door slamming caused you to jump, followed by the slamming of the front door. You finally let a deep breath out, feeling better. You were hoping that by the time Klay got home from the game, he would finally forget the fight. But, only you were far from long. 

The sound of the phone caused you to jump a little. It was too late for someone to be calling, that’s when your eyes landed on the clock under the tv. It was almost 12. Where was Klay? 

Panic entered your body, as you realized that the game ended two hours ago. 


“Y/N.” Curry’s voice was low, and tired sounding. “I need you to open your front door.” 

You nodded even though he couldn’t see. As soon as you opened the door, you hung up. Curry was pulling your boyfriend out of his car. A cast rested on your boyfriends leg. You already knew that from the look of it,  he must have tore his ACL. Klay, looked loopy but you could tell was most likely from the pain meds. 

Curry, placed your boyfriend in the bedroom, before coming out to talk to you. He knew that you knew what to do, but he wanted to warn you about how long Klay was to be out. 

“The doctor’s say he’ll need surgery in a couple months, meaning he’s going to be out for a good amount of time.” 

“How long?” 

“About 8 to 9 months.” You made a unhappy face, Curry shook his head knowing that you two were thinking the same. “Yeah, I know he’s not going to be happy.” 

You walked Curry to the door, thanking him, along with giving him a hug.

“If you need anything, call me.” 

“Thank you. Be careful and text me when you get home.” Curry smiled, before leaving the house.

Almost nine months out. Damn, he was going to be in a mood. Klay, didn’t wake up at all until the morning, but you still didn’t sleep. You ended up staying on the couch, in case Klay was in need of something. Before he woke up, you had made some breakfast, along with coffee and the bottle of pills Curry had given you last night. Making your way into the bedroom, you were faced with an already pissing looking Klay. 

“Hey babe.” You cooed. “How are you feeling?” You asked placing the pills in his hand, and handing him the coffee, before placing the plate of food on the table. 

Klay took the pills, taking them, before answering you. 

“How do you think I feel!” He didn’t really mean to yell, but he was mad at everything. 

Not only was he dealing with the torn ACL, but he was not allowed to play for almost half the year. He hated not being able to play. 

“I made you something to eat. You shouldn’t have an empty belly with the pills.” 

Klay, scoffed. “Oh now you care.” 

You left the room not wanting to get into again. If he was going to be in a foul mood, you were not going to be around. You got why he was mad, but you didn’t think he needed to take it out on you. 

Ever two hour you checked in with Klay and handed him more pills when needed. Yet, for the most part you stayed away. 

Every since time you went in the bedroom, he had some remark to say to you. It was getting so bad that you ended up calling Curry. Curry had been a really good friend to both of you and he was more then a teammate. He was family, and whenever you needed Klay to get a swift kick in the butt, you called Curry. 

“Still in the bedroom?” He asked once he walked in the house. 

“Yeah.” You simply said feeling happy that someone was here to help. You walked to the room first in hope to make Klay smile, but it failed like it always did. 

“Great, I’m so glad you told me Y/N, not like I don’t have eye.” 

Curry, could tell you were already done, and it had only been a day. He couldn’t tell if you wanted to punch Klay or cry or both. By the look of your face, he guessed you had already been crying. You left the room in a hurry, leaving Curry and Klay alone. 

“What the hell man.” Curry started. He took a seat on the edge of the bed. “You are being such an ass, and all she does is care for your dumb ass.” 

Klay, went to say something but Curry stopped him. 

“You need to stop. I get you’re stressed and pissed about missing most of the season, but that’s not her fault. I know about the fight. I know that once you get something in your head you tend to believe it, but that girl out there loves you too much. She would never chest on you, just like you wouldn’t either.” Curry looked mad as hell as he looked at his friends face. 

“She doesn’t have to be here helping you. In fact, if it was me, I would have left your ass here to fend for yourself. You’re being an ass. You need to come to terms that what happened last night was not her fault. It was yours. If you didn’t leave pissed, you wouldn’t have played so hard.” 

Curry stood up walking towards the door. “You need to realized that you have it pretty good here.” With that he left the room. 

Klay, sat there thinking about his friends words. He was right. He was mad at you because he blamed you, but it wasn’t your fault. If he didn’t keep pushing the fight, you wouldn’t have said what you said last night. Even after all the nasty words he said to you, you still took great care of him. You didn’t have to. You did it because you loved him and forgave him even thought he was an ass. Once Curry left Klay, came out of the room with his crutches, too see you on the couch, wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. 

He watched you for a moment before, leaning over to kiss your cheek. You looked up at him with red eyes. His heart broke a little knowing that he was the cause of it. 

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for last night and for how I’ve been today. I love you and I shouldn’t have done any of that. I should have just trusted you, when you said nothing happened. I shouldn’t have kept the fight going and I shouldn’t have taken this all out on you. You didn’t deserve any of it.”

You sniffled a little before opening the blanket you had wrapped around you. Klay smiled as he laid down on the couch, laying his head on your lap, while his leg dangle over the arm of the couch. 

You two stayed like that most of the night, watching movies after movies and eating way too much take away. 



Pour Some Sugar On Me (one-shot)

Synopsys: A red dress, an innocent smile and lips like sugar- that’s enough to make Roger lose his mind. And the Reader will use everything she has to her advantage.

Pairing: Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x f!Reader

Genre: SMUT, fluff

Warnings: SMUT (m going down on f, fingering), swearing, drinking

Word count: 3035

Inspired by Def Leppard’s song Pour Some Sugar On Me… honestly such a fucking banger! If ya want, listen to it while reading this ;)

       The house was packed as Y/N and Roger walked inside, her smaller hand tightly held in his calloused one. People cheered and hollered when they noticed Queen’s drummer walk in their midst with his beautiful lady by his side.        “I’ll get us drinks, love!” he yelled over the booming rock music and saw Y/N nod in response.        “I’ll be somewhere on the dance floor!” and with a wink, she was off. The blond bit his lip as he watched her hips sway in that tight little red number that hugged her ass so perfectly it was like the material was a second skin.        She’d worn it just for him. That much Roger was definitely aware of because Y/N knew just how fast it set him off, just how quickly the crimson dress with the deep V-neck cut and barely-there straps made him hard. When she’d walked down the steps of their apartment and he’d seen what she was wearing, Roger had actually bit on his knuckles to keep the groan in.        “You’ll be the death of me, darling,” he’d murmured pulling her body right next to him and nipping at her earlobe.        “But wouldn’t a death like this be just oh so sweet?” Y/N’s voice was sultry, and if Roger hadn’t sworn to Freddie he’d be at the party, he would’ve just ripped the garment off of her and bent her over the counter.        “The sweetest,” he muttered a reply, before detaching and grabbing the car keys. 


How I Met Your Mother (Roger Taylor x Reader)

Summary: Roger’s kids asks him to tell them about how he met their mother, and Roger shares his favorite love story of all time. (Basically 1.8k words of Roger talking about all the things he admires about the love of his life)

Warnings: none, just fluffy! Also some extreme cheesiness

Songs I listened to: Flightless Bird, American Mouth- Iron and Wine, Home- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, I Always Knew- The Vaccines, In My Life- The Beatles

A/n: this is just a short and sweet one that was a request that i received from @juliammichelle that took quite an interesting spin in my imagination. I hope you don’t mind that I took it in a really strange direction, and I hope you enjoy this :) I started to think about all the reasons that you love someone, how you’d know you were in love, and all the things I’d want someone to fall in love with me for. Then this came on a whim. I hope this makes someone soft n happy!! Any sharing and love is greatly appreciated. I appreciate you all :)


Roger sits in front of the fireplace, his kids surrounding him. They all sit, listening intently to what he has to say. Roger finally begins, and he starts to share the story of how he met the love of his life.

“Kids, it wasn’t love at first sight when I met your mother. She had just begun her first job straight out of college as Queen’s personal assistant. She was painfully sweet, and at first I couldn’t stand to be around her. Everyday she’d show up to work in these plain sundresses, and I hated them. I’d tease her constantly for it. You see kids- back then, I could be quite the… ladies man, I guess you could say. I must’ve had a billion girlfriends, even some at the same time. I didn’t like my relationships to be too deep, and the women I tended to attract where those who felt the same. They wore half the clothes your mother did, and were all around easy. I loved to pick up girls and love them for the moment, then never call again. But they didn’t mind, because they probably wouldn’t call either.”

“Needless to say, your mother was the furthest from my type a girl could possibly get. Everything she did seemed to get on my nerves, no matter how nice she was to me. And that she was- the sweetest girl I had ever met. Every day she’d bring us coffee and lunch, and she’d never accept and money for it. And I think you kids could tell, she made a whole lot less than us. But that’s the kind of person your mother is, a giver. A lover. She chooses love any chance she gets. I loved to hide my feelings and keep things strictly business with those around me. But your mother, she was an open book. She talked passionately about the things that she loved- music, books, movies. You name it, your mother was in love with it. I had never met someone so full of warmth, and it scared me. It was almost as if I couldn’t touch her, like she was in a whole other universe than I was. I messed with her feelings all the time because I couldn’t get my own in check, and I knew it. But honey, don’t go around thinking that boys are mean to you because they like you. Most of the time they are just jerks-

“Dad!” His daughter whines, eyes rolling. “We don’t need a lecture. Get back to the story!”

“Of course.” Roger pushes his glasses that had fallen back up on his nose and stares out the window in thought. “Where was I…”

“Oh, right. It was the summer of 1975, and we had been recording at Ridge Farm. Every day at noon, your mother would make lunch for us. She always made my favorite foods just how I liked them, and wrote sweet notes to us, encouraging us to keep up with our recording process. No groupie had ever wrote me a note or anything of the sorts, and It just didn’t make sense to me! Every day I’d tell her to stop writing notes, that they were stupid and that no one was going to read them. But she never stopped, and the notes just kept coming. And I kept them every time and read them over and over whenever I needed a pep talk. In the evening when the sun would shine the brightest, she’d spend her free time alone, reading her favorite books. She’d sit sprawled out on a blanket and read for hours, until the sun began to set and casted an orange glow on her face. She always read the same books over and over, and it irritated me to no end. I’d call out to her from across the farm, telling her to get a new book to read. Every time I’d see her with a different book though, I’d go out and buy a copy for myself, secretly. I was such a dork kids! I read every book cover to cover along with her, but I never mentioned it to her. The books weren’t even good, for God’s sake! In fact, some of them were the worst books I’d ever read. But it didn’t matter, because it felt like I was getting a glimpse into her soul.”

“Your mother truly brought out the best in all of us. When we’d have a bad day or a rough session in the studio, she’d put on some corny song and force all of us to dance. Of course I was reluctant at first, telling her she looked like an idiot and couldn’t dance. But sure enough, by the end of every song I’d be dancing too, even singing along loudly. It wasn’t until later on that I’d realized how much I admired her. You see kids, you’ll meet a lot of people that are beautiful in your life. But it’s those ones who are just beautiful in what they do… who they are. Those are the ones you want to keep by your side. I’d think about her 24/7, what book she was re-reading, what corny song she was dancing alone to in her room, anything. I’d never felt this way about any one before, and the butterflies felt like they were eating me alive! Ugh, it was so stupid. I didn’t know how to show these feelings, and I’d just be even more cold towards your mother. Once again kids, I was stupid. Don’t be like me! Anyway… as i was saying, I thought about her night and day. Telling her how I felt. Telling her that I wanted her to be mine. But I didn’t know how she’d take it, and I was so scared. But my advice guys… is to do the thing your scared of. Do the thing that keeps you up at night. Have the courage to tell someone how you feel. It might just end up being the best decision you’ve made in your life.”

“It was September 18th 1976 when I kissed your mother for the first time. We had just finished performing at Hyde Park in London. It turned out to be one of the largest shows that had ever been performed at the Park, and a huge success for us. When things went right, your mother was the first person I wanted to tell. Her approval was the only thing that mattered. She made me want to be better, kinder, softer, and just all around a more love able person, and she didn’t even know it. Right after the show, I had left the band to search for her. I found her on the stage alone, finishing up the last things that needed to be taken down from the stage. I put on her favorite song and stood in the field where the crowd was. I told her to dance and she did, she sang the song and danced around the stage terribly. But I wanted to watch her and her awful dance moves and terrible singing forever. I stopped the music abruptly, because I just couldn’t wait any longer. She panicked a little, thinking I’d gotten mad at her again. But I just ran on the stage and kissed her. You should have seen the look on her face, kids! She was so shocked. But deep down inside, I think she knew how I felt all along.”

“We spent the following years together. She was the first thing I thought about when I woke up, and the last thing on my mind before I went to sleep. No body mattered besides her, and I was willing to sacrifice the world for her. We spent our days together happy and in love. I’d read her favorite books to her while she laid in the hammock in the park. She’d sing my favorite songs to me when I’d have a bad day. I know we sound crazy kids, but the right person will make you this way. And you won’t think it’s corny, you’ll love every second of it. All those cheesy love songs she’d talk about, I finally understood every word of them. All of those terrible books she read, I began to love. We loved to try new things and meet new people. But we also loved to stay in, just putting on a record and dancing around the flat for no reason. We’d sit on the living room floor for hours, introducing our favorite records to each other and explaining why we loved them so much. It wasn’t always smooth sailing though, and it won’t always be in your relationships. But what’s important is that you never run. You stay, and you work it out.”

“Your mother made life just a little bit sweeter. She taught me how to love the most boring, mundane things. Every party we went to was the most fun we’d ever had. Every song we played was the best song we’d ever listened to. Every cup of coffee we made was the best thing we’d ever tasted. And this is how it is kids, when you love someone. When you put love into the world, the world loves you back. I knew I wanted to marry your mother, and I did just that. I took her to see her favorite band, because she loved concerts more than anything in the world. I knew she wouldn’t like some big flashy proposal, she always said that life should be in the moment and spontaneous. So when her favorite song came on, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said yes, and we spent the rest of the night singing every song like it was written just for us.”

“Our wedding day was one of the most fun days of our lives. Your mother always said she wanted a huge wedding. She made it a point that we should spend less on the dress and the venue, and more on making everyone have the time of their lives. So we did just that. We didn’t care about what it looked like, only that we got married surrounded by everyone that we loved. And we spent the night getting everyone as drunk as possible, and we danced to every song we could until the lights shut out and we had to go home.”

“When you meet the one, kids, forever doesn’t seem so long. And not everyone will understand your love, and that’s okay. And sometimes even you won’t understand why you love someone, just take your mother and I for example. At the end of the day, you don’t choose love, love chooses you. You’ll always be too much for someone, too loud, too weird, too quirky. But for someone else, your quirks will be their favorite thing. You won’t be for everyone, but you will be someone’s whole world. My best piece of advice I can offer, kids, is to just embrace who you are. Let yourself be emotional. Let yourself look ugly sometimes! Talk about what you love. Read your favorite books over and over again, even if some idiot tells you they are stupid. Always just be totally and unapologetically, yourself.”

This was amazing! It’s so well written and I really loved the flow of everything, you’re so talented!



If they’re trying to make me cry it’s wORkiNg

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