
Queen, beggar, and fool

@blood-earth-and-ink-blog / blood-earth-and-ink-blog.tumblr.com

Feanorian Fangirl and madly in love with the Orkney Brothers. Hey there! I'm a bit of a writer and in general just love stories, history and lore. If it's Fantastical in nature I probably love it and you'll probably see it here. I'm always happy to talk to other people, and am *always* ready to nerd out about Tolkien, Ancient Gauls, the Matter of Britain, Vikings, Bards, Knights, Romans, and Emotionless Fish Aliens.

I am back! School has been making things difficult for me recently and i haven’t been able to get online as much, but i am still here! Alright, I’ve been away from this thing for way to long, haven’t I? Let’s see if I can’t keep up with it any better, atleast for the next few days. The last one of these was pretty depressing, so how about something more lighthearted this time? Yes? Yes. Good then!  Onwards!

17. Something that’s practically canon

So, Sauron’s a bit of a clothes horse? Or you know, the Ainur equivalent of one. You know that sort of person, the one with the impeccable fashion sense? The sort of person who seems like they can present themselves exactly as the want to when they want to?  The sort of person who has an outfit for basically every occasion? Yeah, that’s Sauron, only as an Ainu, instead of his clothing that’s under constant rotation,it’s his physical form itself.

I picture this as something from even before he was seduced over to Morgoth’s side. Mairon was a being who valued order and perfection and  beauty -- beauty in it’s many and varied forms throughout nature, and he enjoyed expressing that beauty through his own form and being. After he was brought over to Morgoth’s side, this propensity for shifting shape and form  became something he found to be of practical use to him as well. He could change masks so easily to suit his purposes, switching from the shape of the Lord of Werewolves, to the face of a half-delirious prisoners’s trusted friend. He could strike fear into the hearts of others, merely by having them look at him, or he could worm his way into hearts of others wearing a face too fair to ever be thought to conceal the evil that lurked below the surface. And Sauron enjoyed each form equally well.


30 Days of Silmarillion Headcanon- Day 16

16. Something that makes you weep tears unnumbered

In Angband, Maedhros became intimately familiar with the process used to turn elves to orcs. Sauron and Morgoth would taunt him with each and every gory detail, even as they played their games and tormented him. They would revel in every ounce of defiance and hate he showed them, mocking Maedhros by saying it only drew him nearer to the hordes that served them. It wasn’t the physical pain that created an orc, no that was only a tool. It was a twisting and corruption of the fëa, so closely linked to the physical body in an elf, that made such beasts. A loss of hope and compassion, wisdom and courage and kindness, until all that was left was despair, hate, and bloodlust.

Despite Morgoth’s taunts, Maedhros knew that the fallen Vala would never make such a beast out of him. Maedhros was too valuable. And yet, to become like that has always been Maedhros’s darkest fear.

The memory of the blood on his hands during the Dagor Aglareb will always remain with him. Hot and sticky, it ran down his hands in black rivulets. And he liked it. He’d felt a sharp elation, a breathless, sick, twisting glee at taking these beast’s lives. These creatures who had done so much harm at the behest of their master, yes. Who had beaten and nearly broken him, yes, but who had also taken joy in it. As the realization came upon him, just after the battle, a sharp pang shot through Maedhros and he wanted to leap back from himself. 

He could not become that.

For centuries afterwards there was peace. Maedhros devoted himself to protecting the eastern marches from Morgoth’s influence. But that fear always lurked at the back of his mind, with the knowledge of his oath, with the memory of the Kinslaying. 

As the second Kinslaying happened, and then the third, Maedhros knew he and his brothers were becoming more and more known as nightmares. As monsters. He fought against that, he did everything he could to retain what honor, what little good in him that was there left. But at the same time there was still always that haunting fear that one day he might look into the mirror and not even recognize himself. The he’d catch a glimpse of those glowing yellow eyes he’d seen in his own nightmares of Angband.

Mirrors. huh. If such frivolities had survived the fall of Himring and the setlement upon Amon Ereb, Maedhros would have likely avoided them.

The Silmarill rejecting him, burning his flesh was what pushed Maedhros over the edge. It was as good as confirmation to him, even if his blood remained red, even if his face remained the same. Those orcs that he had fought against, who had tormented him in Angband? He was just as bad as they. 


I like the idea that Fëanor actually had a lot more friends than this, but they didn’t make it into the Silm lol. The alternative is just too lonely. 

We know three of his sons were married, and I don’t see them marrying into families that weren’t close to Fëanor (hence the headcanons about the OC Telperimpar). I think Fëanor did recognize some people as very importants, mostly those who invented things before Fëanor was even born. Mahtan was probably amongst them, as well other smiths but also architects, mathematicians, healers… Fëanor is brilliant but he is just one person with limited time and duties as a prince, then a very big family. He must have had students, collegues and friends working with and for him, people taking up his ideas and bringing them farther, or people inventing stuffs that *he* brings farther.

I’m definitely all for the idea of Fëanor having *all* of the friends because of basically all of the reasons you stated. I’ll admit that the list I’ve given was pretty short and he probably did have many more colleagues and friends who he did indeed respect, but at the same time  Fëanor has always struck me both as someone who draws a very strong distinction between “friends” and “acquaintances”, and as someone who makes his judgements of other people very quickly, and once that first impression is made, it’s kind of difficult to change his mind about it. I’m not saying that it’s impossible, but it would probably take a lot of time and a lot of work.

All of this is to say that, while I can totally see Fëanor working with and learning from so many other people, because of his many and varied interests -- artists, architects, healers, mathematicians, scientists of all disciplines, historians, and linguists -- and while he would be building upon the works of others and having his own work built upon, I tend to view his actual group of friends as pretty small in comparison.

Fëanor is described in the Silmarillion as taking council from few, and the only named person who can actually change his course on particular matters is Nerdanel, his wife. In light of this, I tend to see the fact that he would deem to take advice from and listen to other people as a sign of his ultimate respect. On top of this  Fëanor is arrogant, and stubborn, and has , quite honestly, a rather abrasive personality. He would be difficult to get along with to begin with, which would further limit the number of friends he has. I mean, not only do  Fëanor’s friends have to pass his own selective judgement, but they actually have to be willing to put up with him. Truely a test of character if ever there was one. xD

On the other hand, Fëanor is a deeply passionate person and those who have his love and loyalty have it in full. His friends, though they might number few, would be as good as family to him, and he would literally kill and die for them, as he expects them to do for him. I also see  Fëanor, especially before Morgoth became involved, as being a scholar more willing to entertain some of the stranger and more out there ideas that passed among the Noldor, so long as the arguments that supported those ideas were compelling enough. Really, I think a certain level of heresy would have helped to endear a person to Fëanor, though it wasn’t always nessicary. I don’t think it was agreement on every issue that  Fëanor looked for in his friends -- I mean, he married Nerdanel after all! Instead, he tended to be drawn towards people of intelligence and insight, those who were as passionate about their work and ideas as he was, and those who thought...well, differently. They had to be able to hold their own against him of course, Fëanor is not the sort to have patience for pushovers and the ability to give a good argument against him certainly helped.

So basically, I tend to view  Fëanor as having many shallower relationships between acquaintances and colleagues, while keeping his own inner circle fairly small and tight knit. That said, those few that Fëanor did consider his friends were probably the most varied and diverse group of thinkers on Valinor, from well respected scholars and sages such as Rúmil to obscure fringe thinkers that went a bit too far in some of their theories for even  Fëanor to fully agree with. And above all they were all absolutely brilliant.


Tagged by @calendille :) Sorry it’s taken a few days to get to this, but thanks for tagging me^^

if you could live in one fictional world (for as much time as you like), where would you want to live?

ohhh, so many choices xD Only one? I’d have to say Arda during the Years of the Trees. Definately Tirion. I mean this was basically the elven renaissance! So many new ideas are being explored and new things being invented and discoveries are being made! and the people living during this time see no end to their progress or discoveries! That would be an amazing time and place to live in, surrounded by so much art and beauty, literature, history and lore! And just...just ALL OF THE BOOKS! <3 It would just be so incredible.

if you could save one character that died in canon, who would you save?

Oh Eru, I don’t know! all of my favorite characters die ;;_;; Maybe either Barahir or Finrod, in order to prevent the fall of Nargothrod and (maybe, hopefully?) some of the trouble Caranthir and Curufin caused? Pooosibly even avoid the Nirnaeth (or atleast mitigate some of the damages).  Also Finrod is awesome, he’s an adorable golden retriever of an elf and I love him.

favourite thing to do to waste pass the time?

Oh tumblr, definately xD After that it’s probably watching other people draw and art and stuff on yourtube and through livestreams

if you could be anything at all, what would you choose to be?

To actually get my writing published and to to be able to make a living off of it would be nice.

least favourite school subject?


top 10 ships?

Feanor/Nerdanel, of course. And Caranthir/Haleth is the ship of my heart <3. Glorfindel/Erestor.  Eönwë/Sauron. Oh! Angbang can be interesting to explore (the more twisted and wrong the better). Maglor/Nyárë (that is, Maglor’s wife, who I totally need to write more about). Aegnor/Andreth.

As for non-silm ships my big ones are Cadvan/Maerad, Brienne/Jaime and both Major Hewlett/Anna Strong and John Andre/ Peggy Shippen because I have equal love for both of my Turn ships and I cannot choose between them, like, at all. (even if both of them did go and shatter my heart)

top 5 books?

The Silmarillion, The Books of Pellinor, Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norell, The Bards of Bone Plain, and all of the Sandman comics 

favourite mythological creature?

That’s a hard one xD so much mythology to choose from. It really depends on what I’m writing at the time I guess? The Fair Folk and all of their iterations are always a safe bet though. Also, gryphons. Because gryphons are cool.

day or night?


cake or ice cream?

Ice cream

would you rather give up tv shows, books, or music?

Hrmmm....I’d hate to give up Arrow and Turn, but if I had to choose I’d probably end up giving up TV. Couldn’t live without music and you will have to pry my books from my cold dead hands. 

And I shall tag: @theserpentsadvocate, @paivansade-ja-menninkainen, @maedhrosrussandol, @shewhodoesnotexist, @gmused and whoever else wants to do this. As usual, feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to do the thing :)

Dawn Felagund's "Another Man's Cage" really gives Fëanor a very three dimensional representation of his brilliant intellect.

Ai yes! That one is also really great not only as showing a three dimensional representation of  Fëanor ‘s intellect, but also as just a very three-dimensional representation of the characters in general. Dawn Felegund’s fic is awesome :D

I really like this. I think Rumil was the closest to an intellectual equal that Fëanor had, at least until Maedhros completed his studies. I think Fingolfin, under different circumstances, would have shared that intellectual discourse also, but it was not to be. It's easy to forget Fëanor was not just skilled with his hands but as you say he was a skilled linguist, loremaster, philosopher and deep thinker.

I know right? Well, one of the few people who  Fëanor would have *admitted* to being among his intellectual equals, atleast xD (Also on that list: Nerdanel, His sons, Finwë, and Aulë. Though how he feels about that last one probably depends at what point in his life we’re talking about) And oh, eru, Can you just picture Maedhros joining in on those discussions as well? That’s such a brillant image! :D

I definitely think that if things had been different  Fingolfin would have totally been able to share in atleast some of that discourse as well.  Fingolfin and  Fëanor are a bit more alike than they’d like to admit I think, and  Fëanor probably would have respected him and even considered him a friend if it weren’t for the fact that he were Indis’s son. *sigh*  If only...

But yeah, I’ve definitely seen some good portrayals of  Fëanor-the-Scholar. And What Happened After, by arrogantemu is the first example that springs to mind, so that aspect of his personality is not exactly *ignored* persay...but yeah, I definitely feel like his more scholarly inclinations are often overshadowed by his skill in the forge.  It’s those exact inclinations towards scholarship that make  Fëanor one of my favorite characters though, and it always makes me smile a bit to see those actually shown in a fic


30 Days of Silmarillion Headcanon- Day 15

Alright well. Things have happened over the past few days. and..wow I’ve fallen behind of this. xD Welp. Onwards!

15. Something that makes you impossibly happy to think about

I love the idea of Rúmil and Fëanor together. I love the idea of  Fëanor and all of the other Lambengolmor together to be honest, but  Rúmil and Fëanor as friends and colleagues is of particular interest to me. The contrasts in their personalities matched with the greatness of their minds -- the sheer intelligence and creativity that these two posess -- make their  possible interactions so facinating to me.

I mean, here you have Rúmil, the Sage of Tirion. Here is this historian and linguist, the writer of the Ainulindalë, the Annals of Aman, the Lhammas, the Ambarkanta, and  not to mention the fact that he invented writing itself for the elves. There is a work titled I Equessi Rumilo, “the Sayings of Rúmil” I mean, that title! Just think about the implications of that title for a minute? That’s not the kind of title one gives to their own work (unless one has a particularly large ego xD). It reminds me of something like Plato’s Dialogues, which mainly featured Socrates?  Or maybe something like the Analects of Confucius?  I mean, it’s just really easy to picture Rúmil as that sort of thinker, with all of these students and followers writing down and studying his ideas and thoughts, especially as most of  Rúmil‘s own writings are the basis for so much of elven scholarship. And you know, I can so see Fëanor as one of those students. I can see Fëanor as having respect for Rúmil, because, well Rúmil is that smart and that accomplished. And look at  Fëanor‘s own work in linguistics, he eventually exceed Rúmil , but  his Tengwar were inspired by Rúmil‘s Sarati, and both Rúmil and Fëanor share the distinction of being one of the few elves to have studied the Valarin language.

Fëanor is so skilled and so talented in so many fields. There is much focus put on him as a smith, because of the myriad of jewels he created, and the palantiri, the Noldorin lamps, and most importantly of all, the Silmarills. But I love it when people explore beyond that with him as well. Because he was a Linguist and a Loremaster.  I love the idea of he and Rúmil discussing linguistic trends and getting into scholarly debates. Just the image of the two of them sitting down in one another’s studies or in a Noldorin coffee house and getting into heated arguments over things like philosophy and history. 

And the thing is that the two of them are so different, personality wise. Rúmil has been described as “garrulous and whimsical.” He’s this talkative, good natured elf. With his work on the  Ainulindalë and his study into Valarin --describing the language so poetically as, “like the glitter of swords, like the rush of leaves in a great wind or the fall of stones in the mountains,”  Rúmil seems more inclined towards the Valar than against them. He did not follow Fëanor into Middle Earth, after all (though he might have followed with Finarfin’s people, and turned back to repent). Meanwhile Fëanor is rash and impulsive, his personality is abrasive and difficult to like, and, well...we all know about his feelings for the Valar. But those differences are exactly why I love the idea of Rúmil’s friendship with Fëanor.

Rúmil and  Fëanor are able to get along as they do, because they both recognize the other’s genius, despite everything else. Rúmil is able to stand up to  Fëanor through his good humor. A friendly natured rapport had built between them over the years, of easy sarcasm, gentle chiding  and blunt honesty. Rúmil is more laid back and Fëanor is a firebrand, but early on, I think, much as Nerdanel held  Fëanor back,  Rúmil as a friend and respected teacher had his own effect on  Fëanor too. So yeah,  Rúmil and Fëanor as friends. I love it! <3


RULES: tag 20 followers u want to get to know better. ( repost, don’t reblog! )

Tagged by: @legolasisagreenleaf, thanks! :D


GENDER: female

HEIGHT: 5 ft, I thiink...? 



TIME: 9:56 am

LAST THING I GOOGLED: the lyrics to Pompeii

FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU’D LIKE AS A SIBLING: Ai this one’s hard xD I think I’ll go with Fingon, because Fingon is aweome, and if I have him as a brother then a also get Aredhel and Turgon and Argon as siblings and also the rest of the House of Finwë as cousins  :D


FAVORITE BAND/ARTISTS: Oh but I have so many! xD okay so, an abbreviated list:

Battlelore, Blind Guardian, Eluvieitie, 9bach, Abney Park, Delta Rae, Dessa, Elane, Fairyland, Falconer, Gamma Ray, The Sword, Seth Lakeman, Hagalaz’ Runedance, Heather Dale, Heidevolk, Kirby Krackle, Kivimetsan Druidi,Tengger Cavalry, and Turisas

Yeah I think I’m gonna stop there, seeing that’s already 20 bands/artists xD

DREAM VACATION: Oh, a visit to the British Isles would be nice! :D Especially going on a Tolkien Tour, that’d be fuuun ^^

WHAT I’M WEARING RIGHT NOW: Sweatpants and my Feanorian star shirt

WHEN DID I MAKE THIS BLOG: this blog? in march of this year I do believe

HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW: ummm..somewhere between 400 and 500? This is going between two different blogs that follow some of the same people, so my math is kind of inexact >.>

WHAT DO I POST ABOUT: Tolkien. a lot of Tolkien

DO YOU GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS: No so much a regular basis as it is sporadic xD But yeah, my ask box is always open, so..talk to me y’all ;)

AESTHETIC: Rolling green feilds, their color washed out by mist. The stark green of pine needles against snow. Crumbling ruins. High, airy, open, arching architecture. Celtic knotwork, Carved wood, painted and guilded. Leather bound books, illuminated manuscripts. Feathers. Long, flowing robes, tunics and dresses. Wildly colored hair, multiple peircings, eye makeup and face paint. tagging: @theserpentsadvocate, @shewhodoesnotexist, @maedhrosrussandol, @calendille, @thewhitewolf94, @starforgedsteel, @feanope, @greeneruvyreth, @aliceace14, @glorfindelsbitch, @approximatelyhere, @gultgull, @gmused, @paivansade-ja-menninkainen, @gaymowgli, @hedonistbyheart, @myaire21, @tookishgirl...aaaand anyone else who wants. As usual, only do the thing if you feel like it, otherwise feel free to ignore :)

Hey I have been following both you and you without knowing !

xD fancy that. Welp, I must’ve been doing something right if you liked both blogs enough to follow them! But yeah, atleast the silence on the other blog will be over now. hope you don’t mind seeing even more of me on your dash ;D


*sneaks back in here* >.>

So umm…hi guys! Guess who lost not only her tumblr password, but the password to the e-mail this account was connected to during her break from the fandom? Yeahhhh…this girl >.>

Okay, now that that embarrassing confession is out of the way, I just thought I’d get back in here, explain what’s happened to me over the past several months, and just give a bit of an update to what’s going on with me (if any of y’all care). So, rambling about my situation over the past few months,a look at what I’ve been doing in the present, and talk about the future are all under the cut

Oookay, so basically I finally managed to get into my old tumblr again and there’s going to be some re-organizing and shuffling around going on over the next few weeks. You can read about it more in the post up there, but yeah. Thought y’all should know.


From The Lord of the Rings Appendix A: ‘The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen’ (abridged)

Elven scholars decided to romanticise the first meeting of these two famous lovers (as they did with everything). For poetic reasons they decided to also leave out the part where Aragorn ran to his room and cried to a week out of embarrasment for announcing his noble lineage to her in an attempt to recover from his pick-up line.

(Fun fact: this is how my parents met too)


I was watching a documentary about King Arthur. According to the mythos there is a line on his grave that stays “…here he shall lay until he may return to us and bring goodness back unto the land”. So what I’m saying is…

Why hasn’t there been a story of resurrected, very confused King Arthur tamping around the modern world trying to save everyone? “Do you prefer that I do battle against that monstrosity?” It’s a smart car and no, they’re good for the environment. “Alas! That must be the machinations of a foul wizard!!” No, homeboy, it’s just a cell phone. I’ll get you one, easier to find you when you wander off aga– “An imp seeks to rule this, this, America. Should someone not slay that orange-faced mongrel?” No, you–Well, yes, actually, you can kill Trump

The crash is loud, particularly for 6am. Loud noises should be banned before 9am, Mo thinks. 8:30am at a push. Bleary-eyed, she pulls back the duvet and stumbles into the next room. 

“What are you doing?” she asks. 

From where he’s standing, baseball bat in hand above a pile of what looks like it may have once been an alarm clock but is now mostly a mess, King Arthur blinks at her. “I am vanquishing the beast,” he says. 

“That’s an alarm clock,” says Mo. 

“I know not what that be,” Arthur replies, and prods the heap gingerly with the end of the baseball bat. “All I know is that it did shriek at me at an ungodly hour, foul thing, and I did see fit to ruin it. I thought mayhap it were a banshee of some kind.” 

Mo holds the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger, and exhales very deeply. “Well,” she says, “I’m going to put the coffee on, if you want any. Unless you want to beat that machine into a pulp, too?”

“I approve of the coffee wizard,” says Arthur. “That noble thing may remain.” 

“Great,” says Mo. 


It’s only when Arthur has ‘vanquished’ the toilet flush, Mo’s mobile phone, her laptop, the television, and - bizarrely - her mother’s best shoes that Mo realises that there may, in fact, be a problem. 


“So what you are saying,” says Arthur, looking rather ill at ease in his borrowed Big Bang Theory sweater and peering at the screen, “is that I may not vanquish this terrible beast, either.”

Mo sighs, and changes the channel. Procuring a new TV set had been a right pain, but luckily her pay is pretty good. For some reason, not many people had been willing to babysit the recently resurrected King of legend. 

“No, Arthur,” she states mildly. “That’s Iggy Azalea.” 


Mo drops the bags of Tesco shopping and drags Arthur away from the child. 

Arthur protests loudly. “I would not have vanquished the beast which did plague him without first asking - ”

“He wasn’t being plagued by any beast,” says Mo, teeth gritted. “He was wearing Heelies. Now pick up the shopping.”


Arthur peers at the television, eyes narrowed, and Mo tries her best to ignore him. She has a rather large expenses claim to fill out to the council, after all.

“I must ask something of you,” says Arthur, quietly. “I have questions about the beasts which roam this land.”

Mo sets down her notepad and pen, and prepares herself emotionally. “Go ahead.” 

Arthur shifts in his chair. “I wonder - when did it happen that goodness was brought here?” he asks. “The prophecy foretold that I would return when goodness was needed, and yet I am faced at every turn by an image of what appears to be evil, but is goodness in disguise. I cannot vanquish it, for it needs not vanquishing. Why am I here?”

Mo looks down at her expenses claim. At the top, the words All expenses will be paid in full, provided that the claimant is able to keep the subject from inflicting further damages on goods which are not their own. Otherwise, these costs will be deducted from their expense claim. 

Sighing, she changes the channel. Arthur recoils. “Vile!” he cries, and attempts to shield his eyes from the screen. “Luminous orange; what manner of beast is this? What gives him cause to spew such bile? Such filth that pours from his maw! Be he some form of serpent in the almost passable guise of a man?”

“That’s Donald Trump,” Mo says flatly.

Arthur looks excited. “I shall vanquish him!” he states. “I shall not rest until his blood - ”

“Maybe you could start with a rousing speech,” Mo suggests, thinking of her expenses. 


Mo’s expenses are paid in full that month, minus the cost of a pair of Heelies. 

Arthur’s TV publicist, on the other hand, is not quite as lucky.

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