
I need coffee


You can call me Ari | pan/Ace | 17 | I draw stuff sometimes | I love crime shows and coffee | I need more sleep | main art acc: @arimageddons


Hello! Time for my bi-yearly commission post update. 

If you’d be interesting in commissioning me, please send me an email (orla.artist@gmail.com), not a DM in order to discuss details and prices. Please do not send the money before I have agreed to the commission, as my contact email is separate from my PayPal email. I will send an invoice after discussing the piece and agreeing on the details. Commissions over $50 can be paid partially, and do not need to be paid until I have sent you a preliminary sketch you’re happy with. I will only send an invoice after explicitly agreeing on your exact commission, and I withhold the right to not send you a completed piece until the payment is made in full.

Other details

  • I have the right to refuse a commission if the subject material is too uncomfortable (slavery themes etc)
  • When drawing N/SFW I may ask for proof of you being over 18 if your age is not stated on your social media

Thank you! Reblogs are appreciated to spread the word.

Support me on Ko-fi!


I’ve been having a rather difficult month in regards to my mental health; someone I know took their own life and I’d like to be able to see my therapist more frequently than I currently do (once or twice a month). If anybody would like to help me out please consider commissioning me, boosting this, or even sending me a couple bucks via kofi. Thank you!


I watched a documentary about stylized posters and why they don’t show up as much as they used to and its because of focus group testing. A bunch of studios test out these posters on random people and when they show posters like the spiderman one their like 

“The poster is a cartoon that means the movie is a cartoon, im an adult i don’t watch cartoons” 

They prefer the dull poster since it has all the celebrities because their like “hey i recognize that person i like them i will see the movie”

If your interested in the doc its called “ 24X36: A Movie About Movie Posters “ another one i recommend  “ Drew: The Man Behind the Poster”

tldr: posters today are dull cause a lot of people are dumb

“Sebastian, I have something to tell you.” 

((70 frames of death to my hand)) 


Whoever invented kangaroos is a fucking idiot

Kangaroos are animals that seem like they should be cryptids but it’s an entire species.

God: What if we just made a really horrible man? Give it. Give it lots of things. Tail leg. Belly sack. Talons. Abs. taste for flesh. Valid driver’s license. Fur.

the ability to beat the goddamn piss out of you.


and taunt you afterward

excuse me, this is an actual kangaroo? not a cunning-edit furry joke? you’re telling me this is what literal live kangaroos look like in real life?

yeah kangaroos are actually pretty mean looking. The cute ones are wallabies.





this is just so fucked up


I call this “tiktoks that would have been vines”

w h a t s a h a r d b o i l e d e g g


I lost my MIND at the packing peanuts one holy FUCK

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