
My very own utopia

@clemidansleschoux / clemidansleschoux.tumblr.com

I like the same things than many other people but that doesn't make me a sheep though. I love the MCU, musicals, Tom Hiddleston, cats, Pokemon go. Cut me some slack.

besties I love the ficlets I’m seeing on my dash, but pretty please normalize the “keep reading” feature 🥲


Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.


Oh my God! 😭 You dropped this queen 👑

To think I thought I knew what ethereal beauty was before now. Laughable.

she’s so beautiful i had to include a few more photos


Her instagram is @queennyakimofficial !

Support Black Women!!! Support Black Womens Art!!! Support Dark Skinned Black Women!!! Support Dark Skinned Black Womens Art!!!


I’ve reblogged her before, but really, you can’t have too many dark-skinned Black queens on your dash. 

I have rb this before but I always have to do it again because every single time I get gay panic


I can't believe I've lived in the same town than Tom Holland for the past 5 years and I've never randomly completely by accident, bumped into him 👀


Thor’s Agency Problem In Gagnarok

Basically, ‘agency’ of any character means them making things happen/setting a specific course for the movie with their active actions. It’s v important for the protagonist to have agency in his movie.

To contrast how Thor has 0 of it in Gagnarok, I put together a list of just how much he has it in literally all other appearances (excluding Endgame).


Complete Agency -

Partial Agency (Reactions) -

No Agency -


Complete Agency -

Partial Agency (Reactions) -

No Agency -

He has had moments of impressive agency even in the assemble films that did not need it:

Avengers1 - getting rag dolled by Hulk to save Natasha; trying to talk Loki out of it.

Avengers2 - goes on his own to figure out the vision given by Wanda; deep dives into murderous waters to find out crucial info; resolves the conflict and creates Vision.

And then there is Thor3 (no screenshots because I refuse):

Complete Agency - 1. Stalling everything for his improv gags; 2. Mocks his gf because women are not men’s equal; 3. Tortures his brother for no reason and leaves him to die.

Partial Agency (Reactions) - 1. Fights Surtur & goes to Asgard; 2. Goes to Midgard; 3. Tries to get out of Planet Hulk by recruiting (bullying) 3 people who have no inclination or reason to put their lives on the line for Asgard or its pseudo-King; 4. Escapes Planet Hulk; 5. Gets wrecked by Hela on purpose to buy the Aesir time.

No Agency - 1. Wrecked by Hela on Midgard; 2. Captured by Scrapper Number 145; 3. Forced to duel Hulk; 4. Stuck on Planet Hulk; 5. Takes the throne of Asgard because Daddy died.

There were 5 separate instances where he merely reacted to shit and 5 where he had no agency at all. The times he did have it were purely to induce laughs. The final fight was the worse. He was told by Odin what to do, then Heimdall saved the people and Loki brought the ship as well as put the horns in the fire. So Odin, Heimdall, and Loki saved the Aesir while Thor still couldn’t do shit to Hela even after going God Mode. I mean, Surtur defeated her. It’s another level of embarrassing if your protagonist has literally 0 contribution in the final fight.

Funnily enough, the assemble film Avengers3 managed to give him a complete arc in mere 14 minutes of screentime (In Thor3, he had 57):

Complete Agency -

Partial Agency (Reactions) -

No Agency -

The biggest example of Russos and M&M understanding just how much agency he imbues naturally is in the scene where he ends THAT gut-wrenching conversation with Rabbit. The scene ends when he decides to end it (getting up to ‘go forward’).

But sure, Gagnarok invented cinema.

OMG I just found someone what hates Thor Ragnarok as much as I do 🥺🥺🥺 Let's be besties! ❤️


Just finished Crooked Kingdom and I’m proud to announce that I’m officially Kanej, Helnik and Wesper trash. And now

I feel attacked. Sometimes I rush through the end of a boom just to check out the fanfictions 🤷🏻‍♀️


A/N: Guess who’s alive? Uni is keeping me very busy so I’m sorry for not updating in so long. But here we are with a new chapter! I hope you enjoy it because this fic is nearing its end. Just two more chapters.

You can check here Pemberley’s Lake, Hooked on You, Smells like petrichor and paperThe Sound of MusicA Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Bloody Day and Ominous Letter, part one, two, three, four, five and six of my Nessian Pride and Prejudice AU.

Elementary, my Dear Lady

Nesta was minutes away from snapping at the trembling investigator in front of her. Her next move after that was to throttle her sorry excuse of a brother-in-law for hiring him. Almost one week had gone by and no sight of Elain yet.

“You are excused,” Feyre said to the young investigator, a dark haired gentleman named Sherlock Holmes, who could not have been more than twenty five years old.

The detective quickly bowed and left the parlor, not before throwing a wary glance at Nesta.

He had been gone not a full ten seconds before she turned to her brother in law, her eyes as cold as the winter.

“That is the best detective you could find? Do not tell me that your vaults are so empty that a Duke cannot pay for the best detective” she narrowed her eyes “Unless you do not care about Elain at all and are doing a half attempt to find her given your wife’s insistence”

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