
If at first you don’t fricasee, fry fry a hen

@thelamplighter17 / thelamplighter17.tumblr.com

Holly / Finally not a grad student / Perpetually exhausted / I came here to drink coffee and procrastinate. And buddy, I'm out of coffee

If you're lamenting the fact that you used to be able to shoot through a 500-page novel in like a day when you were in middle school and now you can't, it's worth bearing in mind that a big part of that is because when you were in middle school, your reading comprehension sucked. Yes, mental health and the stresses of adult life can definitely be factors, but it's also the case that reading is typically more effortful as an adult because you've learned to Ponder The Implications. The material isn't just skimming over the surface of your brain anymore, and some of the spoons you used to spend on maximising your daily page count are now spent on actually thinking about what you're reading!

Reading as a kid: "I can tell that this is supposed to be an emotionally moving ending, but I genuinely cannot remember who two-thirds of these characters are."

Reading as an adult: *reads a paragraph* *pauses* *reads the same paragraph again* *flips back and re-reads the preceding page to make sure you didn't misunderstand something* *stares into space for ten minutes as the Implications sink in*


added to this: most of us have a whole lot more going on in our lives as adults than we did as kids, in the sense of having a constant background awareness of Tasks That Need To Be Done, which impacts your ability to immerse yourself in a book. so whereas your middle school self could effortlessly devote their whole brain to reading, your adult brain is equivalent to an overtaxed CPU attempting to juggle thirty open tabs across two browsers, an excel spreadsheet, bloatware, security popups, the trial version of adobe, and a song that won't stop playing because itunes froze


So Bail, get this, Bail Organa sends some ships to an Imperial-controlled planet. And those ships get stolen by The Rebel Scum. Bail goes ‘how dare you let my ships get stolen I demand full compensation’ and the Imperial Senate goes ‘ohhhHH of course of COURSE we are SO SORRY here are your credits Mr. Senator Organa sir’ and Bail, get this, Bail uses those credits to buy MORE ships and send them on Relief Missions to planets Suffering From Rebel Presences and those ships get STOLEN right out from under the Imperials’ noses. How could this be??? The INCOMPETENCE. In THEIR GREAT EMPIRE.

And Palpatine, who knows Bail had tea on the weekends with Obi-Wan Kenobi, has seventeen different reports on his desk every week telling him that the Empire is compensating Alderaan for losses sustained on Imperial planets and he’s seething as he signs them because he just KNOWS it’s never an accident and he’s actually funding the Rebellion but he can’t do anything about it because Bail, when asked about it, just presses a dramatic hand to his own heart and says, ‘why, Emperor, I have NO IDEA how The Rebel Scum keeps acquiring my vessels. Maybe if YOUR security forces were more effective we wouldn’t be in such a TRAGIC situation so often. Sign here.’


I guarantee you it’s some random Imperial admiral signing the checks thinking Bail’s just claiming fake losses and pocketing the money himself like any other self-respecting senator who has the good fortune to be married to a planetary head of state would do, so he doesn’t ask questions but Bail’s just SO goddamn popular with the Empire’s dedicated grifters. They’re in awe of him. He’s legendary. Mercy missions! Fleet after fleet getting “captured by Rebels.” The sheer NERVE of the guy to risk admitting to bad news like that, again and again! And he gets points for “honesty” every time, because who would willingly cop to losing ships to the Rebellion when there’s convenient pirates and criminal underworlds to be blamed? Bail Freakin’ Organa, that’s who!

Every grifter and self-enriching con artist in the Senate, the Navy, and anywhere else in the Imperial bureaucracy wants to be like him. He’s got the trust, the courage, the reputation of a saint, he even courts suspicion of Rebel sympathies—freakin’ TREASON—as his decoy vice, and he keeps disappearing entire fleets to line his pockets with the insurance money!

The efforts of Vader, the ISB, and even the Emperor himself to nail Senator Organa for treason just fizzles away to nothing, every time, because the Imperial machine they depend on to do the heavy lifting is like 85% grifters and embezzlers and thieves all the way down and none of them will entertain the notion for even a second that he’s ACTUALLY funneling all this wealth to the Rebellion.


I'm genuinely curious

I had this idea because I realized I definitely had a year where everything bad seemed to happen and I'd call it my worst, but I don't know if other people have years like this.

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