
D∅ | really ©are?

@thebalancingyiingy / thebalancingyiingy.tumblr.com

Yiingy Nichan (Pronounced: Nick-Han). AKA: The BlackSmith Bitch™  M!A Status: None/accepting Perma M!A: Alive Again  [ Icon made by: the-real-slim-strider Sidebar made by: rebelliiou2 ]

(Hydrophis ornatus) Ornate sea snake

Habitat: One of the most wide-ranging species of sea snakes; found mainly in shallow to moderately deep (deeper than 30 m) marine waters & reefs near the shores of most countries of the Indian & southwestern Pacific Oceans. Rare in the Persian Gulf, but fairly common around Australia, New Guinea, & most of Southeast Asia. 

Activity and Behavior: Both diurnal & nocturnal. Relatively docile & non-aggressive even when handled by fishermen.

Venom Characteristics: Not well known, but probably mainly potently neurotoxic & myotoxic. Few human bites & envenomations reported, no fatalities reported, so far.


@geminidoomed replied:

tell me about 2omethiing you love

| love my k|ds, all of them. | love my mate so much. |’m not good w|th t|me but | th|nk |t’s been a couple sweeps we’ve been together now...

| love the heat of the hearth ‘nd the l|ght of the moons; \nd how the jungle |s never truly qu|et... 

Your turn!

That’s the entirety of my job. If I didn’t have that as my recognizable trait I’d die I’d just die. Nothing would be the same.
I know, sometimes acknowledging the self is inconvenient, but those questions must occasionally have answers. It has been excruciatingly slow here for a few months. Time has lost all meaning, we’re wasting away in the apartment. But Dave got into college! He’s been accepted to one up in New York by the rest of our family, so we’ll likely be moving up there over the summer.

You wouldn’t d|e, you’d just have to f|nd another sk|ll to make people fawn over you for. L|ke the glasses.

Dude, l|sten. |’ve forgotten to ex|st for the last, what has |t been, year? Do you th|nk | acknowledge my pathet|c half al|ve half ghost consc|ous perce|vable form? Who wants to be perce|ve? Bah. But th|ne quest|on hathe been answered. And sh|t dude really? That’s amaz|ng to hear! Sounds l|ke the dudes |n for a w|ld r|de!

I’m just being melodramatic, legit. Maybe another day. It’s popping alright right now. Nice to see you. Other than traitorous head wounds, how are you?

Aren’t you always sem|-dramat|c at all s|tuat|ons? At least a l|ttle? But also fa|r, understandable, have a n|ce day. |t’s n|ce to see you too! Golly, how AM |? Ask|ng very d|ff|cult quest|ons.... Pretty alr|ght!

Anyth|ng new on your end?


@titanofhope replied: 

creativwe mood strike you or vwere you looking for something? (also hi and sorry to hear you got hurt.)

Project | got pa|d for. Just a s|mple dagger, noth|ng fancy. D|dn’t even want a pretty handle. But |f that’s what they want.

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