

@ballpointandfountain / ballpointandfountain.tumblr.com

Educator | Learner | Pronouns: Optimus Prime/Megatron
Anonymous asked:

Hey are you still learning Arabic? More updates and tips would be really useful!

Unfortunately, I haven’t touched Arabic in a long time :(

Anonymous asked:

hi! I have an arabic question that might be kinda dumb but when making vocab lists from ones I find on here or other places online I only ever see them in the singular. what should I do to note them in the plural too? just like good “(word) plural” ? thanks!

Hi... Extremely sorry for the late reply. I haven't used tumblr in a long time. In answer to your question, there’s no set way to make your lists - its whatever works for you to help make memorisation easy. I, personally, just write the plural in brackets. Not sure how that came about but that’s just how I do it. 


pen (pens)

Hope that helps!



رجب ٨

صباح الخير! أنا ادرس عربي حتا أكل طعام العرب. 😋 هذا لبنة بزيت زيتون و شاي حليب. عربي طيب أكثر!


Rajab 8

Good morning! I am studying Arabic while eating Arab food. 😋 This is labneh with olive oil and milk tea. Arabic is very good!

{arabic verb conjugation table graciously provided by @ballpointandfountain}



I was chilling in a coffee shop when I suddenly decided I needed to write something. No pen was in sight. I asked the barista for a writing instrument and he passed me this plastic, average looking thing. I humbly accepted his offering and began to write.

I wrote a line of words and was hooked. The fine lines - so crisp, so sharp. What kind of sorcery was this cheap looking piece of plastic? This, my friends, was the day the G-TEC-C3 entered my life and changed it forever. 


28 sep. 2017; 43/100 days of productivity

Sorry for posting at odd hours lately- it’s been really hard to keep up with all my extracurriculars, so tumblr has been taking a backseat! Here’s some physics notes for my test on monday.

Anonymous asked:

Can you make the arabic printable in other languages?

What language do you need?


Ohhh man!! I love doing swatches 😌😍 I finally started a studygram where I will post many notes and my handwriting, so check it out and go follow me on there: @fabiostudies


04/15/2017 || 7.57 am || a work in progress

Today is weird … walked the dog from 6.30am till 7.57 am! Need to get ready for work(starts at 9am) and I need to gather the rest of the Easter presents for the family! Need to finish this chapter of history revision today! Need to wrap the Easter presents! Need to do some revision for maths! Need to do one part of a maths Abitur!

Need to later check if I have done all these tasks! Wishing you a happy study session whenever you see this! Keep up the good work!


- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filled in with the chapters. Tick off the completed chapters as well as reading the translation.

- Fast Tracker: Keep note of completed fasts, more importantly those that were missed due to menstruation or illness etc.

- Habit Tracker: Make a list of tasks/habits you wish to complete and implement them over the 30 days of Ramadhaan e.g. Salatul Duha, clean-up after iftaar/dinner, read morning/evening adhkar etc.

- Meal Tracker: Keep a log of food & water intake throughout the week (especially helpful for those who struggle with timetabled eating).

- Calendar:  Several variations of calendars are available. Salah tracker and tick boxes to record fasts.

- Monthly Goals:  An alternative to the habit tracker allowing individuals to make note of one-off goals, as opposed to repetitive tasks.

May Allah allow these to be of benefit. Do notify me of any errors and I will rectify them, inshaa’Allaah.


Calligraphy Worksheets!

I haven’t been doing a lot of posting or doing requests recently since we’re rehearsing for one show after another, and I’m really sorry about that. But, as a little thank you for your consistent support, I made these calligraphy practice sheets (with theatre references, of course) for you and so that you could learn how to do brush calligraphy as well. 

I hope you enjoy! 

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