


Female. Royai trash. Also a trash for many stuffs, but mostly Royai. Piano (albeit self-taught). FFN : tootooroo

edward elric is so edgy and so pained and so hostile all the time and everyone buys it because he lost his family and some of his limbs and meanwhile al is in the corner having lost his entire body giggling to himself because he fit 3 whole cats in his stomach and nobody caught him yet

Anonymous asked:

I love your Royai collection on AO3. If you are still taking promps what about Madame Christmas asking Riza or both of them for grandbabies

royai deserve all the babies so thank u for this anon uwu so y e s thank u for this prompt anon!! i love it

also let’s just ignore the royai “we feel we don’t deserve to be happy” feels and let them have kiddies uwu

The two of them were sitting, staring at her, as if she’d grown another head.

“What?” It was a short and sharp question as Roy blinked at her like a fool.

“You heard me, boy.” Her tone was even and patient as she replied. But Chris Mustang didn’t repeat herself. Not even for her own son.


Chris almost snorted. She’d never heard such a refined response from Riza before.

More silence followed for a beat, and Chris eyebrows twitched into a frown. It wasn’t that difficult a question to answer.

“Um, well,” Roy stuttered. He lifted his hand to the back of his neck, giving it a rub. It was a clear sign he was nervous. He glanced over at Riza, giving her a sheepish smile.

“Is it really so hard to answer?” Chris rolled her eyes when Roy stiffened at her tone. God, it was like he was a teenager again and she was scolding him.


Full and finished short-story of the black cat. Please have a heart for black pets in general, animals do not deserve this kind of hostility. Please give credit when reposting, Thank you :)


Twitter log.. Kind of 

And no.. I’m not uploading that Roy’s modelling photo (it make me blush)


This conjures a mental image of a guy driving down the road, minding his own business, when the cat pops up next to him, he starts screaming, the cat starts screaming.

me, begging, tears in my eyes: please. please just tell me what the book is about. the plot. please
a book annotation on the cover, unfazed: A Subversive Masterpiece. A Deep And Touching Story. The New York Times Bestseller. Go Fuck Yourself

Sometimes I really need a map of central city to find out how far away from central headquarters that tower from Death of the Undying was.

I don't think we appreciate enough how quick Roy got to Riza and Fuery when he heard those shots.

I mean, he was still on the phone with Elizabeth when she didn't answer him anymore. That fucker immediately dropped the phone, parkoured his way through that huge office building and got in the first available car, probably even stealing it from someone who was about to use it, and drove like a madman. (we have seen his driving style when the stakes are relatively low, now imagine what he was driving like when he thought Elizabeth bas being killed)

Then he jumped out of the car, definitely leaving it running because there is no time to waste, and ran up all those stairs, not even slowing down to make turns. He full on flung himself against the walls everytime he had to make a turn so he wouldn't sacrifice any speed.

(proof is the shot of him sweatily leaning against the doorway. He crashed into that doorway, there was no time to slow down)

And he came just in fucking time to rescue his team.

That fucker must have had several heart attacks in his full panic mode...

Kudos, Colonel Mustang. Kudos.

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