
The Light of the Bane


Hika. She/Her. Bi/Demi. Side blog. Ao3: ColorfulWarlock. Gif edits, moodboards, fanfics, and a lot of rambling. A Malec hoe first, and human being second.

Some sort of supernatural being (warlock/fae/djinn/etc) tries to trap the gang and says “only if you complete my task will I free you.” And then said task is “hold the whole world in your hands” and clary and Simon start trying to craft a globe and Izzy and Jace are yelling about geography (incorrectly) and Alec just looks at them, looks at the being, and picks Magnus up.

They are instantly freed, the being is gobsmacked at being outwitted. Magnus is smitten and sending heart eyes at Alexander and snuggling up in the bridal carry he’s being held in. His shadow hunter is so smart And romantic.


That's so cute!

Also, always a super bonus if they manage to outsmart an opponent.

And there is always my go to headcanon about how Alec's casual shows of strength tend to turn Magnus on like that.

so win-win. 😁


It's dandelion season where I am and I felt like this song basically perfectly describes show Malec (especially both the 1st and 2nd verse) so I drew something for them!


Prompt: They're using me to get to you

for the By the Angel Bingo hosted by the @malecdiscordserver

Taking your kids friends on a field trip to visit your future husband be like

I think Magnus mentions in early TMI that he pretty much only helped them cause he was dating Alec so I feel like this is how Alec felt XD

This prompt was probably originally meant for angst but the previous prompt had enough angst to last a lifetime so we're going with crack-ish art instead


Malec cooking

Alec in the kitchen produces a decent meal. Magnus in the kitchen produces a gourmet meal. Alec and Magnus in the kitchen produce no meal at all, as they end up eating the ingredients off each other


I have somehow two settings for Magnus and Alec that are completely contradictory. For Magnus, both him being all super bamf like: "I'm over 400 years old and I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with your incompetence, so step aside and let me handle this you noob." But also being a bit …: "Ugh, do we have to deal with this serious matter right now? How about we let someone else be the adult and go have a little day drink?"

For Alec both being suave and confident as fuck: "Hey Magnus, wanna try out how many positions we can get through until my stamina rune runs out?" But also being shy and a bit insecure: "Izzy, this is serious. Do people celebrate a one month anniversary? Should I get Magnus something? Do you think this is too much? I don't wanna come off as clingy. But what if it's too little. I don't want him to think I don't care. Izzy? Izzy stop laughing and help me!"


Alec was on his feet now. His seraph blade was in his hand. He shot a look of contempt at Sammael. “Michael,” he said, and as the sword blazed up with holy name, Sammael visibly inched at the sound of the archangel’s name. Magnus felt a wave of pride. Not everyone could diss a Prince of Hell so artfully.

Michael is the name of the Archangel who defeated Sammael and it is also the middle name of Alec's son. Maxwell Michael Lightwood-Bane.

I just think how Alec when in battle can use both his son's names and lit up the seraph blade. Rafael. Michael. Alec loves both his children to infinity and I am so sure of that.

It's so beautiful to know the fact that Alec thinks of his family and heads into a battle.

And, the way Magnus is proud of Alec makes this moment even better. Also, props to Alec's sassiness.

Magnus: i am darkness, i am power, i am your worst nightmare, i could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine, i am the night, i am fury, i am a weapon, i am-
Alec: a doll
Alec: a cinnamon roll
Alec: a sweetheart
Magnus: …stop it

The fact that Robert Lightwood was in the circle and his parabatai was in love with him, and he thought he was disgusting for it

And THEN the universe gives him a gay son in love with the most flamboyant and known downworlder ever, THAT was karma at it's finest


Alec Lightwood somehow manages to perfectly fit the categories of ‘looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll’, ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’, ‘looks like he could kill you and could actually kill you’, and ‘looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll’ all at the same time and I think that’s admirable


Can you imagine when Clary or Simon figures out that Alec is just.... Living out a regency dime novel, how fucking funny that would be. Like.

Simon: No because think about it, a repressive society, an inexperienced heroine who's been forced to hide her sexuality, a rich rake who's in a local position of power---
Alec: I'm also in a position of power!
Simon: Yeah, some heroines are like, duchesses and stuff too, but they don't have any real power due to the crippling weight of societal expectations---
Alec: I'm going to kill you.
Simon: but anyway, the rake who's known for throwing these like, elaborate balls, who's closed his heart off to love---NO WAIT. MAGNUS IS MISTER DARCY. Like "I'm ignoring the inferiority of your birth" but instead of classism it's that your parents were magical Nazis.
Clary: You know, I think Magnus is more of a Bingley, I'm pretty sure he was into Alec from like, Day 1.
Simon: Have you seen Mr. Darcy? No way that man was not thirsting after our girl Elizabeth Bennet from like, the first time she sasses him back.
Clary: No, but hold on, I think Jane fits way better, the one who has all of their parents expectations on her to marry well, I mean, Elizabeth is more like Izzy or Jace if anything, like fuck the rules, stick it to the man vibes.
Simon: you realize. This makes YOU Mr. Darcy.
Clary: ...
Clary: Let's go back to Alec being a regency dime novel heroine.
Alec: I hate both of you.
Simon: Honestly, half of it is just how great of a dime novel hero Magnus makes. Like he's rakish and rich, and looks like he'd pull off a cravat. And he's always talking about how much he wants to "ravish" Alec. But their entire love story fits the plot honestly. Hero introduces heroine to the world of desire and passion, and heroine has to choose between the life she's always wanted for herself, or this sexy man with rippling abs who society doesn't want her to have.
Alec: talk about Magnus's body again and I'll find a stake and use you as a wall decoration.
Simon: ...I guess he's a little more violent than most regency heroines but there are variations to the genre.

When you fall asleep and your family decides to draw all over you and give you a "makeover"

continuation doodle dood aftermath from my last post


Doing something good together

Hi gremlins,

It's been a while since I've been wanting to talk to you all about something.

As a lot of people in here I feel helpless and scared about the many horrors happening in the world right now, and I know it's nothing compared to the people who are living theses situations right now, risking their lives every single days, sleeping in abject conditions, eating what and when they can, loosing their homes and families.

I wanted to help but I didn't really know how. I'm a student, all my incomes are going into my rent and food. I'm donating when I can but it's not regular and it's small amounts.

There's one thing I can do though, and it's drawing.

That's why I've decided to open special commissions with the following terms ;

  • All artworks will be sold at the price of 20€
  • I will only do Malec, Supernatural or OC's centered commissions
  • I will also do a more precise explicative post about the artwork rules
  • The integrality of the money will be donated to the associations Care International, prioritizing the help of women and children all around the globe and Women for women international to provide urgent help and care.
  • You can fin these associations here : https://www.care-international.org/ and https://www.womenforwomen.org/

And that's where I need YOU.

I know that not everyone is able to spend 20€ for a piece of art of an unknown artist. I understand and respect that.

What I ask is just that you help me reach a maximum of persons so maybe some of them will be able to do it.

What I need you to do is hit that reblog button as much as you can, speak about it to your Shadowhunter and Supernatural fan friends and try to help me reach a lot of people.

Thank you for reading this until the end,

I'm trying, and I know you are too, so let's do something good together ♥


where the sun sails and the moon walks


Welcome, welcome to a place of magic and wonders, of glee and mischief.

Here you’ll see the best our world has to offer. So many talents in a spectacle that will blow your mind.

Bring your kids, let’s play. You’ll want to stay with us forever.

Welcome, welcome dear folks. Have fun and be who you are.

Welcome to the Circus of Morning Star.

Notes: This story was created for @malecsecretsanta, and it's a gift for @cinberella 💜

You can read Chapter 1 on AO3!

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