
You’re a Sunflower

@misssunflowersandsangria / misssunflowersandsangria.tumblr.com

She/Her 18+ You can call me ✨Mickey✨How do you Tumble? Posting/reblogging all the things that make my heart smile. Also shameless self promotion of my fanfics on AO3- sangriakisses . InoShikaCho owns my whole heart. Let's be friends! 💕 Nartuo Fanfic MasterList

Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sai/Yamanaka Ino Characters: Sai (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Temari (Naruto), Akimichi Chouji, Karui (Naruto) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Romance, Explicit Language, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Love at First Sight, Whirlwind Romance, opposite of a slow burn, Porn With Plot, Sex, Oral Sex, Shameless Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, valentines day Summary:

When Ino had met Sai the night of her friend's Valentine’s Day wedding she’d thrown all rational thought to the wind in favor of one memorable night with a mysterious and handsome stranger. She never imagined that their lives would become irrevocably intertwined.

Sai had never been interested in relationships or romance. That all changed when he saw Ino from across the room in a dimly lit bar and he was struck by Cupid’s arrow. Now, all he had to do was to convince her that their story was destined to last for more than one night.

Hello my pretty flowers! Happy Valentine’s Day from my corner of the world.  My SaiIno babies have been so sweet and supportive of me.  So this is my Valentine to you.  It’s been a while since I’ve written a multichap for these babies.  Fair warning,  it’s smutty from the start and will continue that way throughout the story.  Hope you like it!



Ino stared at the elegant drink placed in front of her. She’d been staring off at a gorgeous painting hung behind the bar when the beverage had appeared. 

“I didn’t order this…”

“It’s from the gentleman in the corner.” The bartender explained pointing towards a table behind her. Ino rolled her eyes ready to send the desperate man a dirty look. Did a move like this ever work? 

She’d slipped out of the wedding reception once everyone had been just tipsy enough not to notice her presence. It had been the perfect wedding. Filled with true love and romance she’d never been happier for her friend. Chouji had always grown up with a touch of self-esteem issues. Never believe that anyone could fall in love with him. His new wife had been straight out of a dream. Their courtship had been a whirlwind. From a first date to a marriage proposal it had all happened in a blink of an eye. Still, seeing the two of them made her believe that perhaps soulmates were real. 

And thus the Akimichi had spared no expense in giving his bride Karui the most incredible wedding. The ballroom at her favorite hotel had been transformed into something from a fairy tale. The food and drinks were impeccable. Chouji and Karui’s love story had been like one pulled from a movie that their wedding was held on Valentine’s Day.  Chouji was convinced that it was good luck.  That perhaps those looking for love would find it.  And Ino had smiled, laughed, and cried the whole way through it. It wasn’t till the couples’ dance that an unsettling feeling of loneliness came upon her.  Now that Chouji was married and Shikamaru would be soon, she was the only one in the trio left standing alone.  In a cruel twist of fate, she’d been the one to awkwardly catch the bouquet.  Single and with no prospects in sight the self-pitying began. And so Ino found herself here. Seated alone in a bar with gilded ceilings, high-priced alcohol, and pity drink from a stranger. 

Ino turned in the direction that the bartender had indicated and felt herself freeze. Inky dark eyes regarded her from across the room, his hand elevated with a drink in it. She raised her own in a silent toast. His gaze on her was heavy as he watched her take a sip. She was used to the stares of men but there was something different about this one. Hungry and possessive, his eyes hadn’t shifted from her face rather they sought to see into her soul. She couldn’t escape and she knew that this time, she didn’t want to. 


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nara Shikamaru/Temari Characters: Nara Shikamaru, Temari (Naruto) Additional Tags: ShikaTema, ShikaTemaMonth, ShikaTemaMonth2022, STMonth22, Fluff, Smut, Arranged Marriage Summary:

Temari had long accepted her fate of an arranged marriage. It is just what their family had done for generations. What she wasn’t anticipating was the man that she was destined to marry.

Happy Shikatema Month my Deers!  I’ve absolutely loved all of the submissions for this month.  Here’s my tiny contribution. It’s longer than my usual one shots but this prompt was everything.  It’s fluffy, smutty, and chock full of ShikaTema goodness.  Enjoy it, babes!

Prompt: Arranged 




Royal Flush

Hello my deers!  Here’s a quick ficlet courtesy of late-night thoughts. Something sweet and silly because it’s a mess out there.  Enjoy!

Summary:  Tired of losing to Shikamaru at Shogi Temari brings something new to game night.  




Temari groaned aggravatedly while Shikamaru just chuckled at her frustration.  

“I don’t understand how you keep winning.  We’ve been playing for years, you would think by now I’d have you all figured out.”  She pouted annoyed.  

He shrugged as he started to reset the Shogi board. 

 “Have to keep you on your toes somehow.  Now would you like to start or should I?”

“Actually I have an idea.”  He watched curiously as she disappeared into her room and returned with a small pouch.

“We've been playing your game forever, today I want to play one from Suna.”  He looked intrigued as she pulled out a deck of elaborately illustrated cards. 

Bringing this game to Konoha to play against Shikamaru had actually been Kankuro’s idea. For years now she'd forced him and Gaara to play Shogi against her to improve her skills so that one day she’d actually be able to beat Shikamaru.  He suggested that instead of trying to beat him at Shogi they should play another game. It originated from Suna. A game that he and Gaara could never win against her. The idea was pretty inspired and she gleefully imagined that future in which she finally beat the Genius Nara.

Shikamaru nodded as Temari explained how to play. The rules seemed simple enough.  

“I think that I get it.  Why don’t we make it… interesting?”  He suggested as he took time to study the various cards.  

Temari peered at him curiously.  “What do you mean?”  

“A bet, the winner gets a… prize let’s say.”  Shikamaru replied in his typical lazy manner. 



Choji would like to invite you to his birthday party!🥳

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Just a few days left to pre order the @inoshikachozine !!! All the contributions are top tier, an absolutely gorgeous collection! Get it while you can 💜


Happy ShikaTema (4/10)!

I had to post something for my babies on their day!  Here’s the first chapter of a modern AU that I’ll never finish.

Summary:  Temari is a top divorce lawyer.  Sharp, cruel and cunning her skills in the courtroom are unmatched.   Life experiences led her to have certain beliefs about love and relationships.  Could a certain stand in flower seller change her mind?



De jure


“You ever get tired of ruining the lives of men?” 

Temari grinned at what she considered a compliment from her colleague. 

“Do you ever get tired of representing the absolute scum of the Earth?” 

Her male counterpart shrugged. “If they keep paying me the way they do I’ll represent Satan himself.”

“I’d say given your last client you already have.” 

“You wound me Temari.”  He replied dramatically, clutching at his heart.  She was sure that it was more related to how times she’d rejected his request for a date. 

“That’s what I live for.” 

Temari was one of the top and most sought out divorce lawyers in the area.  Known far and wide for her skills and talent.  

She was an absolute terror in court. Ruthless, calculated and precise. She always seemed to get the settlement, decision or outcome that she wanted.

Each case was its own kind of Chess match and she was determined to outplay her opponents every time. Beyond the mental challenge it presented she found joy in helping her clients get out of terrible relationships. The settlements didn’t necessarily forgive what happened, but it helped. 

A success story by every measurement.  Shrewd, and cunning she’d established herself as someone to be reckoned with.  And she relished being in that role. She didn’t work as hard as she did to make herself small in a field that was dominated by men.  

A lucrative career. The respect and fear of her peers.  There was little more than she could ask for.  But despite it all there was still ….something. 

Temari took a deep breath walking into the familiar flower shop. When she was younger and just starting out as a lawyer she’d send her clients flowers after their final meeting. It was just a little extra touch of comfort after having to go through such a difficult process. It became a habit. Usually she’d just have an assistant call in the order but today was a tough case and she needed the comfort of flowers. 

Her favorite store was just a few steps away from her office.  Family owned and operated their flowers and arranging skills were unmatched. She used their services so much that she’d even formed a working friendship with the shop's owner. 

Instead of the familiar blonde she was used to seeing she found an utterly bored man staring off into space.

Ino had told her weeks ago that she’d be going away on vacation with her husband and that a friend would be watching the store for her.  

“Oh you must be Ino’s replacement?”  This shook him out of his stupor and he straightened up to look at her.  


A surprise look crossed her face at hearing her name.  “Ino told you about me.” 

“A little bit. She just mentioned that you might be stopping by.  She wanted to make sure that I didn’t scare away her best customer.”

“Still a chance.” 


Head in the Clouds

Hello my deers.  I had some time, some thoughts and feelings so this was the result. Hope you enjoy it!

Summary:  If someone is constantly on your mind then maybe that’s where they’re meant to be.




It was a peaceful and sunny day.  The weather was perfect for being outside and Shikamaru gladly took advantage of a rare day off.  Against the cool grass, he lazily watched the clouds pass by.  It had been a while since he could lay so listlessly about.  There was no room for leisure while in the throes of life, death, and war.  But he settled into a relaxed state easily. 

He drifted in and out as he stared out into the high heavens. He thought about his friends and family. The work that would be inevitably waiting for him the next day. His mind wandered with no destination in mind. Until a curious thing happened. 

The clouds above seemed to take various shapes. Unique but familiar, their shapes reminded him of a certain wind-wielding kunoichi. And despite how he tried to convince himself that they were actually different objects they remained as permanent symbols that taunted him from the sky.  

Shikamaru reasoned with himself that this was happening because he knew what was to take place tonight.  

Temari had mentioned it casually after work on their way to dinner. She’d been asked out on a date by a jounin whose name he’d happily forgotten. The announcement was confusing and surprising so he just nodded and wished her a good time. What else was there to say? Temari was young and attractive. Her brother was the Kazekage, of course, she’d attract attention.  This was a good thing. And they were friends. Weren’t you supposed to be happy for your friends? 

He tried to forget about that conversation and refocused towards the sky.  He would be a liar if he didn’t say that this was the first time that he’d thought about Temari and not just while cloud watching.  It seemed that more and more simple things would remind him of her. Certain sights, and sounds, always brought him back to her. Temari was now the center of his dreams and it was becoming much more troublesome. It was becoming some kind of strange vice. 

It didn’t matter whether he was sitting in silence or thundering chaos his thoughts would inevitably float towards her. What she was doing, how she might approach a particular situation. This would often influence his decisions and she’d become some sort of muse.  The harder he fought against thinking about her the more it seemed that she remained stuck in his mind. 

It was becoming worrisome that he’d considered talking to Chouji about it. He knew that if he admitted to what was going on his friend would insist that he should just ask Temari out. That they should finally just become a couple. Everyone was just waiting for them to be together. 

It happened more times than he’d like to admit. Those around him asked constantly if they were dating or a couple.  Wanting to be proven right.  That they’d foreseen the inevitable.  Shikamaru would just claim that he didn’t dare think about her that way. That they were just friends and to imagine anything more would be wrong. 

It was a claim but not a fact. And to say that he’d never considered her as a romantic partner would be a bald-faced lie.

Shikamaru rubbed a hand over his tired face. His beloved clouds provided him no comfort. He needed a distraction.  Knowing that she was out there with someone that wasn’t him was making him anxious. 


Where the Love Light Gleams

My deers!  Hello!  I’ve been tossing this story around in my head for a while and I finally got inspired to finish it!  It’s a follow up of my ShikaTema holiday story from last year Please Have Snow and Mistletoe” Alot of things may not make sense if you didn’t read that story.  Quick reminder ShikaTema meet, they pretend to be together, fall in love, she leaves, he follows and we have happily ever after holiday style.  There’s a few time skips/scene changes so I tried to indicate that.  Anyway enjoy! 




Christmas Day a Year Before

“You’re really leaving already?”  Yoshino asked her son, surprised as he hurriedly packed his things. They had just barely finished eating their Christmas meal together and now he was a flurry of activity trying to leave.  

“I’ve had this meeting scheduled for a while and I can’t miss it.”

“You’ve been here less than 24 hours and you spent most of it on your phone.”  She replied upset and annoyed. 

“Can you not be a nag about this?”  He replied thoughtlessly.  

“Shikamaru!”  The booming voice of his father made him realize what he’d said. 

He waited for his mother to explode into a tirade but instead she stood there shocked and silent.  For all her brass and bravado he knew that her silence was far more dangerous.

“Mom, I’m-”

“Next Christmas, I want at least a week.  I’m giving you a year to get yourself in order but I expect you to be here and present.”  He held back the argument at the firm look from his father and defeated expression on his mother’s face.  There was no room for discussion.  


Their goodbye was the lowest he’d felt in a long time. He knew that they were both upset and disappointed but he’d hope that they could at least understand.  The world didn’t care that it was the holidays or about family traditions.  Didn’t they see he was doing this for them?  For the Nara name.

It was a lonely flight back on his way back to the city. Seeing his family and friend’s festive and fun pictures online while he sat there cold and alone made him consider for the first time whether this was the kind of life he wanted to keep living.


Before Shikamaru met Temari

“Hello.”  Shikamaru finally answered the call that he’d been avoiding for weeks now but his mother was nothing if not relentless. 

“So, when will you be arriving?”  At his mother’s excited voice he felt a punch to the gut.  She wasn’t going to be happy.  

“About that...”  Shikamaru began seeing the bright reminder about a meeting he was scheduled for the very day he was set to arrive home. 

Yoshino sighed exasperatedly.  “Shikamaru, a week.  I asked just for a week.”

“Of course I was planning to be there but…”  He grasped at a good enough cover to explain why he would be late.  Explaining that it was for a meeting would only enrage her.  

“My um… girlfriend.  She couldn’t get the time off.  We’ll be there by Tuesday.”

“Your what?”  He could hear the confusion mixed with delight and excitement in her voice.  

“Surprise?  I’ll be bringing someone home for Christmas this year.  She’ll have to leave on Christmas Eve so she can be with her family, but yes, we will both be there.”

“Shikaku come over here.  Oh, honey, I'm so excited to see you and this girl!  Okay, Tuesday, let me know what time your flight arrives.  I’ll talk to you soon, your father and I need to plan!”

A sense of dread settled over him as he hung up the phone.  He knew that it was a dumb lie but he couldn’t handle disappointing his mother any more than he already had.  She still hadn’t completely forgiven him for his behavior last Christmas.  

His phone pinged a reminder about another meeting he needed to attend.  The girlfriend problem would just have to wait.




Hello my pretty flowers!  I’ve missed you all.  I’ve been in a Sai/Ino mood so here’s a quick little ficlet from me.  Enjoy! 

Summary: After a horrific mission gone wrong Sai becomes closed off and reclusive.  Ino takes it upon herself to bring him some light.




Ino adjusted her hair before bidding her father a quick goodbye. The flower shop had begun to introduce flower delivery and while it wasn’t what she typically did she offered to fulfill today’s deliveries. She enjoyed going to the village to drop off these little bouquets of joy. Today’s last stop was a special one though. 

On her way to her final delivery, her steps felt heavy.  Ino hoped that her appearance at his home wouldn’t be too alarming.  She’d heard about the mission and while she was thankful that Sai had returned home in one piece she’d heard just how badly he’d been injured. So much so that Kakashi removed him from active duty.   The details of the mission were highly classified so she could only speculate as to what happened.  But for something to affect a former Root member so drastically, it must have been bad. 

She’d tried multiple times to see him at the hospital but he’d refused any visitors. When he was finally allowed to return home that was where he stayed unwilling to leave and did not allow anyone to see him. She was not going to give up though. 

The outside of his home was beautiful. There was a well-maintained garden and trees that provided a reprieve from the sun. Realizing that this was the first time she’d ever seen his home showed just how much she still had to learn about him. It seemed like a shadow loomed over the house.  The shutters and blinds were tightly closed not allowing for light or anyone to come inside. 

Taking a breath she knocked on the door.  It was met with silence so she made another attempt.

“Go away.” 

“Sai, Sai it’s me Ino. I just have a delivery for you.” 

“What? I didn’t order anything.”  She could sense the irritation in his response.

“I know but, please.”  Sai didn’t know whether it was genuine curiosity or the slight pleading in her voice but he met her at the door just opening it slightly sure to remain in the dark.  She could only see half of his face clouded by shadows. 

Ino held out a beautiful arrangement of purple flowers. Meticulously ordered and set, bright and lovely it reminded him of the girl making the delivery. 

Confused and a little taken aback, he shook his head. “I didn’t order flowers.”

“It’s just something small, from me.  I wanted to see you, and …well if you need anything please let me know.” 

Without giving him an opportunity to refuse the gift she pushed the arrangement into his chest. He caught it before it could fall. 

He sighed at the beautiful but invasive blonde. “Ino, you didn’t have to do this.”

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