
Stop Villifying Tony Stark


Side blog of Marky-Mark-Quack-Quack-Quack.
Love most things marvel
I love Steve but for many reasons I have to side with Tony.
Tony puts up with a lot of crap from the Avengers and the fandom that he doesn't deserve. I'm not saying he's perfect (but that face is).
Team Iron Man

Okay, but seriously, why does everyone give Tony crap for having his name on a building or the Starktab/phone/etc? It’s the name of the company, people! A name he did not choose. If I read one more fic where he’s insulted for the “ego” of engaging in standard corporate branding (most of which is probably done by the PR team) I’m gonna scream.

also what’s so bad about naming them stark? You all realize how marketing works?? Tony stark IS a brand. People want to buy things that have his name on it. It would be stupid not to bank on this. 

If you think about it, with all the press coverage of his child genius shenanigans, and SI making him CEO as soon as possible, you could just as well say that Tony has been corporate branded all his life. Like you just know that to Obie and the SI board, he was insurance for the stockholders - “Look, we have an emergency backup Stark Genius ™! The future of our company is assured!”

This reminds me of a bit of dialogue I’ve been toying with to play on the common “Tony is so arrogent for saying he is a genius, why can’t he be modest” bit, with Tony casually saying that women tend to like good looking, rich geniuses, and have someone make the “oh and modest too” response only for him to come back with, “modesty is the luxury of people who haven’t had PR teams since they were six.”

And like, going into the idea that he has been exposed to both intelligence test results and literal market research on his attractiveness since he was a child, and knowing he is a genius or that he is broadly considered attractive is no more a matter of ego than knowing his shoe size at this point. He simply has not lived a life where he can convincingly pretend not to know how people see him, or how he ranks in various measures.


My dad never really gave me a lot of support and I’m trying to break the cycle of shame.


~ Tony Stark remembering little things about others ~

- remembers Peter's exact address

- remembers that Peter left the band and how long ago, from what Happy told him

- remembers what Peter told him in the messages he left him like the lady who offered him a churro.

- remembers what Happy's favorite show is and why he loves it so much (+ asks the nurse to put it in the tv for him while in a coma)

- remembers that Couslon's girlfriend is a cellist and where she lives from what he overheard Pepper say

- remembers that Harley's sister's watch was broken and buys the same limited edition watch. He also remembers Harley's Potato Gun and gives him a new one.

- remembers the names of the journalists

- remembers Pepper's uncle's name (even in his dreams)

He's so attentive and caring, I love him so much

Anonymous asked:


Confident Business Executive Power Pose my friend

  • head up
  • shoulders back
  • stomach in

and, more interestingly, in tony’s case: as a wannabe entrepreneur going through training and seminars and stuff, i was personally advised that, if i think my hands might betray lack of confidence (trembling, fidddling with shit, excessive face-touching, etc), i should keep them loosely out of sight or try to talk using them, while compromising chest openness as little as possible (ie, don’t fold your arms across your chest) (which, by the way, tony does A LOT throughout all movies, and it’s a huge huge huge hugE defensiveness/insecurity body language tell, but anyway, that’s a whole other post)

tony seems to be pretty aware that his hands are the achilles’ heel of his Fake Confidence ™, and indeed 

check out that right hand. if you watch it in the movie, you’ll see that he keeps clenching it and unclenching it

the thing with the hands also places tony’s drinking in a very particular place. some alcoholics do develop the compulsion to not only drink (obviously), but also to physically hold a glass when they are feeling pressured, or [whatever emotion that’s associated with the urge to drink]. smokers might develop a similar thing (think about people who hold unlit cigarettes between their fingers even when they’re trying to stop)

(Kill Me, he doesn’t let go even when they’re being attacked. he actually holds on tighter, Kill Me)

also, this stance seems to be particularly prominent in avengers movies, which implies that this is where tony’s felt the most conscious urge to deliberately project confidence

which, you know. clearly means he was feeling insecure as fuck the whole time


My heart is broken. He deserves so much better.

All this made me think of that scene in Civil War when Ross shows the Avengers the damage they caused in different countries.

Look at how he holds the chair tightly and how he squeezes his own hand.

+ how he moves his legs and does not stay in place, something (i know it too well) that happens during moments of stress.

And not to mention when he feels his anxiety attacks coming on, like with Peter, his hand is shaking and he touches it

Tony tries to look confident but is practically constantly stressed.

He knows that he risks not being listened to, not understood.. And he knows that danger can come at any time..

He’s been through so much pain, and faced so much, but he’s always here, ready to do anything to keep everyone safe.

I don’t understand how some people can dislike him and be so wrong about him!

I love him so much and i just want to give him all the love and hugs ♡


This is probably super obvious, but he clearly doesn’t hide his hands when he’s in the Ironman armor - can’t see his hands shake if they’re encased in a metal suit and maybe he feels more confident where he doesn’t feel the need to hide them anyway.


I love Tony's relation ship with his robots and AI so much

It's so precious

While many people might consider them only machines, Tony considers them and treats them like humans being

There are important, and he has known them for so long

He created Dum-e when he was 16 years old, then he created U to give Dum-e company, and he has kept them ever since

And has always kept them the way they are because, that's how they are, and he loves them that way


Jarvis too has been by his side for years, always ready to help him

He created all his artificial intelligence by taking inspiration from the people around him and who he cares about

Like JARVIS who comes from Edwin Jarvis the man who was there for him when he was a kid

or Friday that he imagines like Pepper

He gives them a real personality. Humor and character

They are not only there to assist him

He considers them as part of his family

He makes Christmas socks for Jarvis, and for Dum-E and U, next to the one for him and Pepper. And he even makes a personalized one with code numbers on it for Jarvis

They are there for each other

Jarvis often worries about Tony and takes care of him

Dum-E saves his life by bringing him his arc reactor when he was dying


And Tony always takes care of them and saves them. When his house exploded, he goes back to the debris to search for them in the ocean and repair them


They are among his closest friends. Tony really cares about them and doesn't want to lose them.

They are the only ones to whom he can talk about everything, who will listen and understand him. He knows they will never criticize him, hurt him, judge him or betray him.. As most of the people around him have done.

"Tony Stark creates his own friends. It's about a person who's very isolated and the only people close to him are the creatures he created." - Jon Favreau

I just love Tony so so much 💖


join us on 24th april on twitter and spread the hashtag #bringbacktonystarktolife


Such a great story thank you

You are the best !!


He deserves all the happiness in the world!!

#BringBackTonyStarktolife (petition)


Endgame directors and writers: Tony only thought of himself before and needed to die to become a hero. It's surprising that he's the one who sacrifices himself at the end




fvck u joe and anthony russo, just fvck u


Here's an afterword from Robert Downey Jr. in 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙡 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙤𝙨: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙡 𝘾𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚. Getting all emotional 😭 I love the MCU!


Happy: “Kid–,”

Peter, looking absolutely betrayed: “Were you ever going to tell me?”

Happy: “I didn’t mean to lie to you, I swear. I thought you knew.”

Peter, dramatic as hell: “Five years.”

Happy: “Peter–,”

Peter: “I spent five years believing that your god-given name was Happy Hogan.”

Happy: “—I’ll buy you ice cream or something, anything, just please don’t cry—,”

Peter, already tearing up: “I don’t even know who you are anymore, Harold.”

Peter: You too?!

Pepper: Peter-

Peter: No! I don’t want to hear it, Virginia

Peter: I just can’t believe they would lie to me

Bruce: What do you mean?

Peter: Happy and Pepper lied about their names!!! Like who would even do that?!!?!

Bruce, sweating: Haha yeah…


Peter: At least I can still count on you, Bucky.

Bucky: *opens his mouth to speak, but says nothing*


Peter, sobbing: “Mr. Stark, my whole life is a lie.” Tony, unsure if Peter knows that his first name is Anthony, and not Mr: *Pats consoling and tries not to panic* “The world has done you wrong, kiddo.”

Tony: Hey Rhodey, how was the training workshop?

Rhodey: Ugh. They made us wear name badges.

Peter: But why does your badge say Jim?

Rhodey: Because there’s always at least two other James’ in the room, so it reduces confusion.

Peter: James?!

Tony: *makes frantic ‘shut up’ gestures*

Peter, running up to Nat: NO ONE IS WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE
Nat, who knows for a fact that Peter doesn’t know her name is Natalia: … I’m a spy, but I understand

steve rogers on his 5th bowl @ 3:54 am on the balcony of avengers tower: guys did u k. did u kno they called her Peggy bec

natasha: what

steve: B. 😂😂😂BEcause She

tony with the straightest face: because she what steve



tony: why did they call her peggy steve

this remains the single best piece of Avengers fanfiction ever written

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