
@syaovu /

21 ⋅ vietnamese ⋅ simmer ⋅ sims 4 ⋅ maxis match ⋅ wcif friendly ⋅ kpop lover ⋅ working on syaovu magazine

[SyaoVu] Hairs Updated

Working slowly through my backlog of hairs, these ones took a while. Updated 83 of @syaovu's hairs for the 6 new swatches. If/when they return to update these files themselves, I will gladly remove.

For any of the original accessories and stuff relating to the hairs, you will need to download them from @syaovu's website.

Download Folder Link: HERE

And to give more visibility I updated the following a few days ago:


I'm currently working through a large backlog of hairs to update, so I won't be able to take requests until I get through that list. I'll start taking requests once I'm done.


Thank you so much for updating them @babolat85​

Anyone who waiting for my hairs updates, you can download it here in the mean time ^^. 


[SyaoVu] Hairs Updated

Working slowly through my backlog of hairs, these ones took a while. Updated @syaovu's hairs for the 6 new swatches. If/when they return to update these files themselves, I will gladly remove.

For any of the original accessories and stuff relating to the hairs, you will need to download them from @syaovu's website.

Download Folder Link: HERE (Updated 11/09)

And to give more visibility I updated the following a few days ago:


I'm currently working through a large backlog of hairs to update, so I won't be able to take requests until I get through that list. I'll start taking requests once I'm done.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, which reshade do you use for your Warm Duo pics? It's absolutely gorgeous :D

Hi, thank you ^^ I used this reshade with a few photoshop adjustments to enhance the colors.

Anonymous asked:

I love your hairs! I especially love the vynia hair, I was wondering if you would ever consider adding bangs to it?

Hi, thank you! The Vynia Hair is one of the oldest hairs and it really outdated imo/ in my eyes. Personally I want to remake the mesh but I can not say I will do it any time soon as well as a version with a bang :(. Hope you have a nice day!

Anonymous asked:

Hi sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you accept commissions for hair?

Hi, sorry I don't do commissions for any cc at the moment.


Tutorial: How to add a name tag to your CAS items, taking advantage of the Birthday Update UI elements!

As you might know, a while back The Sims 4 recieved a birthday update with a few CC items from awesome creators put into the actual game. These items have a special tag that allows them to have a mouse-hover name tag.

Can anyone use this tag? At first i thought you couldn't cause it might've been hard coded, but actually it isn't! I'm gonna go through some steps to enable it on your items as well.

STEPS 1 - 3:

1: Open your CAS item .package file into Sims4Studio, click on the warehouse tab;

2: Look for your package file's CAS Part resource;

3: Inside CAS Part, look for the "tags" field;

STEPS 4 - 5:

4: Click on the "add" button and select CATEGORY: SpecialContent - TAGVALUE: SpecialContent_Anniversay21

5: Click on the "add" button and select CATEGORY: Style - TAGVALUE: Style_CAS_Branded_Anniversay21

We have now enabled the possibility for the asset to display a Name Tag. Now, how do we give it a string and customize what it says?

We are going to clone an object, whatever object, and utilize their strings to have a uniquely numbered string table that won't conflict with any EA or other CC item's strings.

STEPS 6 - 7:

6: Clone an object, it can be whatever object, i usually clone a tooth brush decor item and call the package "dummy" and stick it on the desktop;

7: Go into the studio tab and change the Catalog Name as if you were renaming your object normally, but instead type in your name or whatever you want the CAS item to display. For the purpose of this tutorial, i wrote "YOUR NAME HERE";

STEPS 8 - 10:

8: Go into the warehouse tab of your Dummy object and select all the String Tables, all of them;

9: Now click on batch export and save them in a folder somewhere;

10: Now, go into your CAS Item package and click on warehouse. Now, click on Batch Import and select

STEPS 11 - 12:

11: Click on one of the string table resources and then, click on the "Text" tab (by default it will show the "data" tab) and copy the "KEY" value of the string that shows what you typed;

12: Click on the CAS Part resource and look for the "PART DESCRIPTION KEY" field, and paste the value you copied earlier into it.

Now save, and test in game:

If it worked, hovering over your item should show a name tag, just like that!


Interesting. I might look into this. Thank you!

ok thats too cool not to share

Anonymous asked:

I just want to say I absolutely adore your hairs, especially your male ones. I have to try so hard not to put them on all of my boys. I'm sure people say this all the time but I really hope you make more one day they are so amazing.

I read this in the morning and thank you, it really made my day! <3

Anonymous asked:

Hey! Are there any good tutorials on how exactly to add the new hair swatches to cc hairs? I have a lot of hairs whose creators are no longer active/are not going to update and I'd like to do it myself. I downloaded aharris00britney's gradients but I can't figure out what to do beyond that. Thanks!!

i haven’t even updated my own hairs so i’m at a loss on how exactly to do this.

but my brain just says, update your game, and just run the gradient or action through photoshop and add those swatches to the file? i don’t think you’d have to create a whole new file but i might be wrong.

@aharris00britney can you help out? or any creator that updated their hairs? @okruee @ice-creamforbreakfast?



Step 1: after your game has been updated with the new swatches, open sims4studio, under CAS hit create 3D mesh, filter for hair and shift+click on any hair with all the swatches, and hit next. once the hair is loaded go to tools > colour palette in the top toolbar, hit the add button at the bottom to make a new palette and then click import palette and save.

Step 2: open the hair you want to update in s4s, export the dirty blonde (08) diffuse map texture as .png or .dds whichever you prefer. then go to tools > colour palette again, select the palette we just imported from the other hair and click ‘apply palette to package’ this will add the new swatches into the palette of your hair

Step 3: open the dirty blonde texture in photoshop, import @/aharris00britney’s gradients into photoshop by opening the gradients menu in the toolbar and clicking on the little gear > load gradients

Step 4: in the layer panel to the bottom left, click on the little circle at the bottom to create a new adjustment layer > gradient map. Now you can just click on the new gradients and you’ll see they match those of the new swatches, go through all of them and save each one

Step 5: go back to your hair in s4s, and import the new texture maps into the appropriate swatches (should be swatch numbers 01, 04, 06, 10, 11, and 16)

Step 6: if you want to make the new colours work with genetics follow this tutorial by @/greenllamas to give them correct tags, and now the hair should be updated! :)

Anonymous asked:

Hey, since you're not updating your hairs with the new color swatches would you mind if I did and posted it?

Yes, totally ^^ I will happy to reblog it too!


Hi there! I'm a new follower and I was wondering if you could give us the link for the tumblr theme you use? I just love it so much!


thank you for the follow, I use this theme, although I removed, added some stuff to the theme so it is not 100% look like the original ^^

Anonymous asked:

You have patreon?

I don’t have patreon, at least for now ^^


The Sims 4 Reflection Emulation For Blender 2.9 and UP

Making a specular texture in The Sims 4 is probably the most misunderstood process of the game's engine. Making a combined map without a guidance from the company that composed it can be a bit of a nuisance!

For a long time, creators would pick the color from EA's objects and go for that, but there's a method to everything!

This Blender file i created lets you emulate the reflection system of The Sims 4 FULLY and in real time.

How does this work? Basically, the RED channel of the specular map determines the roughness of the reflection, the GREEN channel determines the opacity of said reflection, the BLUE channel determines the roughness of the sun highlight and the ALPHA channel determines the opacity of the sun highlight.

In the blend file, you can either use the RGB color wheel to pick a shade to use on your specular texture project, or test the specular map itself!

I will provide some useful presets you can pick from for common materials as well!

1: Shiny metal with polished surface: FFFF00 / Alpha 100%

2: Thick rubber with porous surface: 0064FF / Alpha 100%

3: Shiny polished wood: DB9282 / Alpha 50%

4: Shiny plastic: FF84B3 / Alpha 100%

5: Rough plastic: B3C5EB / Alpha 65%

6: Very matte while still realistic: 0B34FF / Alpha 70%

From the king himself.

Now hold up a minute ......


PSA - For CAS CC creators: How to make your CC colour wheel compatible.

This tutorial is a WIP and may change. All of this stuff is really new so expect some bumps along the way, and if you have any issues with this please let me know so I can improve the tutorial!

Before we start, this tutorial only shows you how to add one colour wheel swatch to your CC (although you could add as many as you want). The reasons I’m not showing you how to make all the swatches compatible is because…

  • Pancake is already working on a converter program for this.
  • The file size would double (LRLE is around 2x the file size of RLE2) - this especially sucks for HQ textures that already have huge file sizes.
  • LRLE textures have noticeable artifacting/pixelation in comparison to RLE2 - this may be fixed in the future.

Also, in case you didn’t know, RLE2 is the image format that in-game textures use, and LRLE is the new image format that supports colour sliders (it’s what makeup and skintones use now), and is what we’re using for our colour slider swatch.

For this tutorial you need the latest version of S4S, and the Colour Slider mod by thepancake1 & @mizoreyukii​​ (just the UI package). Got that? Alright, let’s get started..

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