

inactive lol

did anyone notice how fuckin fast jughead was running towards where the police showed up? like football star wilbur couldn’t keep up, catch me laughing way too hard at that lmao

honestly i need gifs of that asap. i didn’t realize cole could run so fast 

I did my best @colelili




Y’all: JUG AND TONI HAD SEX I’M GONNA THROW UP THIS IS WRONG RD: shows that Jug and Toni didn’t have sex, just did some heavy making out basically (when Jug was at his lowest). Y’all: WHAT IS THIS I’M NOT OKAY WITH THIS Me: *looks in the camera like i’m on the office*

Y’all: RD GETS 22 EPISODE FUCK YEAH SO MUCH MORE ROOM TO EXPLORE CHARACTERS AND SO MUCH MORE BH RD: uses that to not resolve everything in one episode like in s1 but to carry issues through to keep the angst alive a little and use it in a future episodes  Y’all: WHY DIDN’T EVERYTHING GET WORKED OUT IN THIS EPISODE??? Me: *looks in the camera like i’m on the office*

Y’all: BETTY AND JUGHEAD BETTER GET BACK TOGETHER SOON OR I’LL LOSE IT! RD: gets them back together but has them leave some shit for future episodes and bc both Betty and Jughead are physically and emotionally exhausted. Y’all: I DIDN’T MEAN LIKE THIS!!! Me: 


So accurate it hurts 😂


Okay but Betty going from “I could never stop loving you” to “Remember how to properly drive” was the most adorable transition


What’s up with Fred


drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs 

So are they going an addiction story with Fred? Is he hooked on oxy or its derivatives like so many Americans? Of course the hypocrisy with him preaching to Archie about the JJ and letting poisons into his body. But that’s what parents do. Preach to their kids about evil knowing full well they either did it in the past or are currently doing it. Question is did Fred get recently hooked or is it part of adddiction past? His DUS mention in 113 always seemed sus.

Please tell me this gets better, because Jughead seemed *bothered* by Toni’s rejection. He seemed happy to see her walking from the bedroom. And I’m so done. Betty doesn’t deserve this shit.

I disagree, but it may be that I saw and interpreted the scene differently. Maybe you can entertain my perspective for a minute and see if maybe it helps you see things from another angle? 

The episode opened with Jughead on the couch with his laptop when Toni walks in, and it closed with Jughead on his laptop with Betty beside him. This was a deliberate choice as it sets up the contrast and bookends the episode and it also illustrates Jughead’s feelings. 

In the opening scene, Jughead narrates about everyone in Riverdale wearing masks. When Toni emerges from the kitchen wearing the S-Shirt asking him if he’s hungry, he smiles and jokes with her. When she turns around and leaves and the camera zeroes in on him, his face visibly drops and we see him look to the side forlornly; like this is not what he wants. He’s wearing a mask. Everything is fine, he’s trying to accept his new normal, when he really, really is pretty shaken up about everything that has happened. 

And Toni sees right through that, which is why she’s the one who puts the cards on the table, and not Jughead. Jughead wants to pretend. Jughead wants to wear a mask. Masks conceal things and allow us to fool ourselves (as much as they fool the world).  

Remember, at this point, Jug truly believes that Betty dropped him like a steaming pile of poop. This is true during the Toni and Jug debrief of the night before in the diner, and it is still true for the rest of the episode. Jug is hurt.  More than that, Jug is angry. Any time he sees Betty or Archie, he brings it up; he’s anticipating more salt in the wound. 

Although I count myself among the majority of people who say that they wish we could have gotten the reconciliation on screen, that it was too subtle, we do see a resolution. 

The episode ends with Jughead on the couch with Betty in a re-creation of the opening scene, only in this one, when Betty’s eyes are not on him but the camera still is, we see him at peace – we see the face underneath the mask– and his look is so soft. He is relieved to have Betty beside him. 


Idea: Over the Garden Wall has potential as a stage play

TLDR: I’d really love to see OTGW have a stage play adaptation.

  • Full run time from start to finish is about 1 hour 40 minutes. The time can be left as is or can include pieces from the comic series to make include more content and an intermission.
  • A very large and dynamic cast of characters, with multiple opportunities for solos/major parts.
  • Costume department can have a lot of fun with this. As a costume designer myself I get excited at the thought. There’s a wide range of eras and decade fashion to be utilized, which also plays into set construction.
  • Speaks on a relatable level to a large audience as theater becomes more and more mainstream and reaches a teenage demographic.
  • Immersive characters that challenge both audience and actor alike to really delve into what makes their part important.
  • You wanna sing songs? You’re in! 
  • You don’t wanna sing songs? You’re also in!
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