
pretty guardians in stylish suits

@duranger-blog1 / duranger-blog1.tumblr.com

this is all very silly, but here we are anyway

soooooooo mad props to flakybandit for pointing out that there shouldn’t be any links in posts anymore!  if you want to see the first comic, just go to the duranger blog and scroll down, because i’m not taking any chances now!  

in the future i think i’ll probably stick a little scribble in here as a “previously on duranger” to compensate for this new, link-free world.  for now, it is just a blurb, so previously on duranger: the durans got superpowers from an alien.  they also fought against some different aliens who are on earth for unknown reasons (but probably not good ones).  when i put it that way, you really didn’t miss much.

will john meet a ghost, now that he’s met an alien?  will john have better luck with the ghost than he did with the alien?  how long will nick be able to hold out in the car with nothing to do?  will removing the link pull the comic out of its death spiral of Apparently Only Two People Saw It (I’m Crushed)?  we’ll all find out next time!


(man, i wish image posts could have titles...)  here is duranger comic two, installment one!  in which space crew convenes and rio’s leadership approach means the durans... don’t.  i wonder if that’s gonna be a problem.  also they get a COOL CAR!!!!!

next time: is it haunted? and the beginnings of (aaahh!) real monsters.

if you somehow missed the first one even after it got posted so much everyone was sick of it, here’s a pdf! 


surprise, i’m alive!  the First Update of Second Duranger is closer than ever (easy to say no matter what stage it’s at, huh?) - there’s one page left to draft out, and then it’ll probably be a week of inking and toning until it’s done!  for now, here is a quick swishy tails doodle, john’s tails are fun.


consider the following

so i’ve noticed that the relaunch posts… aren’t exactly doing as well as i wanted.  this latest one has gotten the attention of one person (thank you nonetheless, you know who you are!); meanwhile, the original comic post has amassed more notes.  if i had my undivided attention on the new material, i’d have an update ready in about three weeks.  i do want to keep the format of posting eight (possibly even four?) at a time because it cuts things into manageable chunks for me and keeps updates slightly more regular for you.  but i’m getting the feeling that going back and fixing/reposting first comic is unnecessary, and we are all ready to move on.  what do you think?

if nobody cares either way, i’m going to stop these first comic corrections in favor of moving forward with the second comic.  after this last week, where everything that could go wrong irl went wrong and all i got to was the corrections, the idea of continuing on with something almost nobody wants to see instead of new stuff just feels awful.  (plus, i’ve taken on new responsibilities at the radio station, so it becomes even more a case of “these correction posts aren’t the best usage of my time.”)


consider the following

so i’ve noticed that the relaunch posts... aren’t exactly doing as well as i wanted.  this latest one has gotten the attention of one person (thank you nonetheless, you know who you are!); meanwhile, the original comic post has amassed more notes.  if i had my undivided attention on the new material, i’d have an update ready in about three weeks.  i do want to keep the format of posting eight (possibly even four?) at a time because it cuts things into manageable chunks for me and keeps updates slightly more regular for you.  but i’m getting the feeling that going back and fixing/reposting first comic is unnecessary, and we are all ready to move on.  what do you think?



i’m sick, so things have been going in slow motion all week.  the bad news is, i’m guessing i’ll have the next comic batch out the door at this time next week.  the good news is, i have five pages of the second comic ready to go! ...which really speaks of poor time management more than anything, doesn’t it?  something to do better at when i’m fully recovered.  thanks for your patience!


here we are at the first on-tumblr update!  thanks to how this was laid out, the cover and character pages are baked into it, so it’s really pretty short...  for all i know, by the time we reach the end and therefore the pdf, i will have reverted the latter back into japanese for better joke communication (cue people saying they didn’t get it either way)

next time: they still won’t have any superpowers!  

table of contents: 01|02|03


also, i wanted to say thank you and welcome to all the new followers!  and thanks for all the comments.  i got insanely busy this week, so i’ve only had time to draw @_@ but i do really appreciate you guys, and all the activity.  the first part of the relaunched comic will be here tomorrow, and i should hope i’ll be able to get the last two nick princesses done over the next week!  they have to battle for attention with the first comic fixes and the second comic everything, so between that and real life this week they’ve slowed down a bit.  but next week should be uneventful enough that everything gets done!

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