
-keep me in mind-



You’re the reason

You’re the reason I can

no longer see people

as themselves.

There’s bits and pieces

of you scattered in them

like glitter in a kindergarten


You’re the reason I can

no longer kiss another,

for their lips will never

taste as bitter-sweet

as the first time you kissed me

with tears pouring down my


You’re the reason I can

no longer sleep by myself,

the place you once stayed is

now a cold void that

whispers to me

at night.

It shares its secrets and sorrows

just as

we did.

post poetry// you don’t sleep in my bed anymore


did i ever tell you guys about that time i gave my sister 2000 nickels for her birthday

special ordered them from the bank

nice to know that in a world full of change, tumblr still has no idea how numbers work

thats…thats $100, right? 

@ you weebs


Two hundred dollar power move

Y'all. 2,000 nickels is $400. 2,000÷5. It equals $400.

i’m crying. no, no it doesn’t

the answers keep getting worse better

Guys it’s 50$.

what the hell.

This post is getting progressively worse and I love it with a passion 

welcome to tumblr we fucking suck at math.

its 5*2000 to find the cent value (because theres 2000 nickles not 2000 cents) then divide the answer to that (10000) by 100 (because theres 100 cents a dollar) and you get the dollar amount which is $100

40 nickels make a $1. 40 x 100 is 4,000. $1 x 100 = $100.

Broke: Hunchback of Notre Dame and Phantom of the Opera have similar stories
Woke: Victor Hugo and Gaston LeRoux both saw the same disfigured man on the streets of Paris and wrote novels about his love life.

One day

One day --

I will tell them about you.

I will tell them how you were

one of the greatest loves of my life.

I will tell them of Sunday's by the lake,

Of stargazing on the hood of the car,

And of pancakes at 3am.

I will tell them about you.

I will tell them about your eyes

and how they were the most beautiful brown.

I will tell them of the meteor shower,

Of pizza picnics on the bed,

And of 8 hour phone calls.

I will tell them about you.

I will tell them about the plans we made.

I will tell them of high school,

Of the years we spent apart,

And of Boston.

I will tell them about you.

But I will also tell them to be careful.

I will tell them not to love someone

so much they lose themselves.

I will tell them not to make excuses,

That it isn't their fault,

That they wouldn't ever deserve that.

I will tell them you leaving

was something I thought I could not survive.

I will tell them I was wrong.

I will tell them I am grateful for the years without you,

Of my strength,

And of how I found myself.

I will tell them about you --

One day.

--emily j, 6/24/18--

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