
No stupidity on my watch


I’m in the business of speaking up my mind and rejecting bad ideas.
Anonymous asked:

Shikamaru being sexist was only shown as his own problem, as a weakness that he has to overcome. Kishi didn't show us how the women around him were affected by his view. If I was Ino, and my teammate's a sexist butthole, I would be so frustrated and hated his guts. Probably even picked a fight with him.

Hello Anon,

No. Not really, it might have been presented as “his own problem” during his fight with Temari for the sole purpose to introduce them as a future couple, but Shikamaru’s sexism does influence his female counterparts when he doesn’t acknowledge their capabilities and brush them away when he thinks of a strategy. 

Let's look at some of Shikamaru's thoughts about women in power:


Tobirama, the Scientist.

I saw not long ago a particularly interesting post, it claimed Tobirama’s theories about the Uchiha were “biased headcanons,” but didn’t expand further (in all fairness it didn’t need to, the phrase summarized his approach quite beautifully) I chuckled, because the claim can’t be more truthful, but wasn’t able to re-blog it with a little bit of my input.

In that sense, I would like to discuss -shortly, Tobirama's status as an “Academic”, a title with which this fandom continues to associate him, and that viewed from a current perspective carries with it the notion that all his theories have scientific support and evidence-based on his research, and not on his personal beliefs.

I'm not here to dispute the idea that he was a Scientist. If that's how his fandom wants to call him, then, by all means, they're free to do so. What I'm here for is to discuss the status that the title gives him.

Being an intellectual in the Narutoverse or the real world does not automatically transform the individual to whom the title was bestowed upon into a higher entity. Under that premise, my degree puts me at a higher level of analysis, a thing that probably many fans of various characters I critique would be quick to deny.

So let's break this down:

  • Intellectuals/Scientists are not exempt from incorporating their prejudices/personal experiences into their theories.

On many occasions, the "deconstruction" they submit themselves to (if they even go through the trouble of performing an internal introspection to take into account their apprehensions before embarking on an investigation) does not guarantee a completely neutral look. And even if the work is to be believed as "neutral", it is always (always) necessary to review or discuss such theories with people who belong to different “cultural bubbles” that might be able to notice if an analysis has been influenced by the cultural, social, and economic barrier to which the author belongs.

[How many times have we mentioned how the medical study of human beings used to be (and hell, might still be) subjected to a patriarchal prejudice that placed women as biologically inferior to men? How many papers were elevated stating that the sexual organ with which a person is born determines their gender?]

Intellectuals aren’t exempt from allowing their personal beliefs to rule their works, furthermore, many times their personal bias is the primary reason for them to investigate a subject: They can go out of their way to prove how their prejudices are right while discarding/twisting any information that doesn’t back up their claims.

  • Intellectuals are capable of concocting a theory against a marginalized group if they work alongside people in power.

Or if they are the ones actually in power, they're able to present fake evidence to support such bigotry (if they even bother of making it look “professional”).

Let's look through another work of fiction as an example of what I'm trying to convey: Shakespeare in “The Tempest” -a play written in between the years 1610 and 1611- introduced three characters that represented important spheres of colonialism: The colonizer (Próspero, he arrived at the island, imprisoned the former leader of the place, and enslaved the population), The Intellectual (Ariel, he also subjected to the will of the colonizer, but instead of revolting, leaves his knowledge/powers at the disposal of his subjugator as to obtain a benefit) and The Slave (Caliban, native of the island who was enslaved by Próspero and is also subdued by Ariel).

Ariel, much like Caliban (and unlike Tobirama), has no real political power, but he has tools to help the colonizer, and in order to buy his freedom, he’s willing to work with the tyrant and become the oppressor of another subjugated group that he also considers inferior.

Intellectuals played a big part in the colonization of entire cultures, they were the ones who helped promote the idea of barbarism vs. civilization in order to put a country/society above others and allow those in power to steal natural resources and enslave native people.

In the Narutoverse, Tobirama was in a position of power when he “studied” and disseminated the rumor (that, later on, became an actual scientific theory, way to go) that the Uchiha were subjected to their emotions (particularly, negative emotions) and therefore, were untrustworthy and unfit to rule.

The only thing to back up his hypothesis is what he learned about the Sharingan's progression, and even if the Doujutsu does develop and evolve because of the user’s emotions, to plead that none of the (natural) users would be able to control their (emotionally driven) actions by only that premise is nonsensical.

[And here I'll add this: Fictional universes are indeed ruled by their made-up premises, so it can be very plausible to find fictional works where certain characters are ruled by their ("evil" or "good") biological characteristics.

However, that particular argument that many people use in Tobirama's favor collapses under the weight of the own narrative that displays instances of people "subjected to the Curse of Hatred" being in control of their emotions (Itachi, Shisui, Madara after Izuna's death), and taking rational (logical by the narrative's premise, that is) decisions.

In the same manner, it also shows the exploitation of those “raw emotions” to benefit a particular character (Hashirama when Madara’s love for him helped him to build Konohagakure) or Konoha’s favor (Hashirama sending Madara to different meetings as a representative); so in the end, the problem isn’t the characters having those emotions, but demanding agency over them.

Several characters stood against the Curse of Hatred's premise, including people who cared not for Konoha or the Uchiha clan in itself (why would Orochimaru, who by all means despised Konoha and was only interested in the Uchiha clan for the Sharingan, contradict the Sandaime if what the former said as irrevocably truth was, indeed, plausible?)

How come there were Uchiha members that were, according to Tobirama, loyal to Konoha and not entirely subjected to the COH? Here's the thing, the COH isn't about the existence of emotions, but about who owns them (are they at the service of the individual to whom they belong, or are they for Konoha's benefit?). How come the Sharingan is fueled by the user's emotions, therefore becoming the driven force of that individual's actions, yet particular characters fight against those feelings in order to perform "the greater good"?. Genetic predisposition can't be altered with an ideological disposition.

If the COH's theory sustains itself by how the Sharingan is developed, why are Uchiha members that possess no Sharingan (therefore, no emotional-influenced chakra) considered to be under that influence as well?

As Tobirama's legacy, we have two different approaches to reach the same goal that branches themselves from the COH's theory:

Danzo, who took Tobirama's teachings and concluded that emotions were too volatile and hard to control as to ensure absolute loyalty to Konoha, therefore creating Root -whose premise was, basically, "no emotions allowed". He took kids away from their families (or he specifically looked for orphans with no important background) and stripped them from their identities to train them to become the "ultimate weapon". That is, disposable tools that work solely for Konoha's benefit without the prospect of any retribution nor emotional bonds to prevent the possibility of someone becoming more important than the village. The latter point is also interesting if we think why would Danzo be so concerned about emotional bonds or reactions by non-Uchiha people blinding their loyalty to Root and/or Konoha if the COH was biologically tied to a specific clan? Wouldn't that mean that people being ruled by emotions are, instead of a genetic predisposition of a specific group, a very human response to traumatic events?

Hiruzen, who unlike Danzo was more inclined about exploiting people's bonds and emotions in order to tie them to Konoha rather than a person/clan; basically constructing Konoha as a symbol that encompasses those who are dear to the shinobi, creating a nationalistic mindset where family=village. Therefore, if Konoha (symbol) isn't as important as a specific group/person, then you're against the village as a whole. It's a Them vs. Us clash that ultimately benefits the system as it currently is since any criticism can be taken as subversion. And again, it also contradicts the theory as it's rawly presented, since Hiruzen isn't against those emotions existing, but to whom or what they are subjected to: The individual or the village.

The number of times we saw non-Uchiha characters perform emotionally-driven actions (Sakura choosing to kill Sasuke and knocking off her comrades in a foreign land, Naruto becoming so distressed over Pein's attack on Konoha and Hinata that he lost total control of his tailed beast, Hinata jumping in to commit suicide in front of Naruto, and so on) is a clear indication that feelings influence the behavior of every human being -not just a specific group. Furthermore, Tobirama created rules forbidding to show emotions during missions because of that specific reason, so his COH's theory was more about ensuring his control over the Uchiha emotions to profit from them (meaning, he ensured his position as the leader that was capable to "think for them", because they were unreliable), because he was aware that the members of that clan were less inclined to blindly follow him (giving their history) and jeopardize their entire wellbeing without explanations first, and he wasn't willing to treat them as equals and disclose the reasoning behind his actions.]

If the fear of people’s natures being easily controlled by their “special techniques” is so vast as to marginalize an entire group, then how come Naruto’s wish to become Hokage -a Jinchuriki, a tailed beast that canonically influences Naruto’s mood and whose power also can go loose should Naruto get stressed enough-, doesn’t raise any eyebrows? How come Naruto is given a chance because he can learn to “control the beast”, but an Uchiha can’t be taught how to “control his emotions”?

(Naruto wasn't marginalized in the same manner the Uchiha were, which it isn't to say he wasn't discriminated at all: Mito wasn't discriminated against because she had Kurama as wasn't Kushina. Naruto was pushed aside because Kurama killed many people during his birth and the survivors associated the tailed beast with its vessel, they merged them into a single entity. Before that, Jinchurikis weren't discriminated against because of their nature, while the Uchiha were always segregated.)

Regardless of the many plot holes his theory possessed, people were quick to believe Tobirama because he was both in power -he could have silenced detractors, and he was an “intellectual”, meaning, he had both political and academic status.

But, if the theory that was literally the basis used to discriminate an entire group was able to survive as long as it did (and it still does, to this day) solely because the one who invented it possessed the academic status to be taken seriously, doesn’t that mean that the prestige the title gives should be questioned?


Sakura's decision to kill Sasuke in the Kage summit arc

This is one of the most misunderstood moments in the series and one that Sakura is most mocked for. Sakura is bashed for everything she does in this arc, from deciding to tell Naruto the group's decision on Sasuke all by herself to confessing her "love" to Naruto and to going up against Sasuke all by herself.

People took all those actions at face value, not looking into the behind the scenes, what was really going on in Sakura's head in that moment, and thus criticise her for it. People to this day do not understand why Sakura wanted to kill Sasuke, EVEN THOUGH Kishimoto spelled it out for the reader on page (Sai's conversation with Naruto)!

Another reason she gets so much hate is because Kishimoto poisoned the well throughout her whole confrontation with Sasuke. 

It does not make any sense that Sakura would hesitate in carrying out her mission. ANY. But of course that she had to choke last minute because Kishimoto didn't want it to look like she didn't love him anymore. 

It does not make any sense that Sakura would go after Sasuke a SECOND time and cry at his back because she's not able to stab him. Come on. From the first arc of the story, Sakura told us the ninja rule of hiding one's emotions during battles. In that moment she cried because she had yet to bloom, but am I supposed to believe that hundreds of chapters later (after going through extensive medical training), she'd have the same reaction? Nah. Kishimoto just needs to admit it that he wanted to draw golden boy sweep in and save the day by breaking Sasuke and Sakura up. He could have done the confrontation in so many other ways, but that wouldn't have given him the Naruto-Sasuke stare panel.

It does not make sense that Sakura would bring in just any poison to fight Sasuke, especially given how she's never shown to use them in battle. The only time in the series where she holds a poisoned kunai is when she decides to fight the most important fight of her life. Sakura is smart and prepared and she herself studied Orochimaru's effects on Sasuke. The point is, she would have come to that fight with her most powerful tool/attack, so if it was just regular poison she doesn't have the habit of using, why bring it? Also, Kishimoto throwing it in there that Sasuke is immune to poison because he absorbed Orochimaru (doesn't make any sense, btw) is just a huge cope, an asspull to protect sasucakes and to make Sakura look like an idiot.

Do you want a direct look into what Sakura was going through in those moments? Do you want a more realistic confrontation between Naruto and Sakura? Do you want to see a Sakura vs Sasuke fight that makes sense? 

here : 


ex-fucking-scuse me, but were her entire clan and family murdered in a state sanctioned genocide by konoha's government? was she forced to fend for herself as a 7 years old after everyone she loved was murdered and she was left alone and got no therapy or any kind of support whatsoever? was she used as a tool by the same very village that wronged her and her clan on so many levels? was she ever labeled as a disposable criminal and ever had assassins sent over to kill her???

imagine saying that s*kura was a victim of anything but her own stupidity, let alone saying she "is as much of a victim of konoha as sasuke". one of the 24633568887 reasons to hate s*kura stans. pls SHUT THE HELL UP.


She’s a victim of Kishimoto’s bad writing of women, if anything.

Look, I like Sakura, but when I read the type fo things people say about her I’m like 😬 y’all need jeasus

Anonymous asked:

Mikoto owes absolutely nothing to Kushina. She had her own problems, like raising her sons in a very toxic place and supporting her husband. The world wouldn't revolve around Naruto.

Naruto fans believe it firmly in their hearts that the whole world should stop and cater to Naruto’s pointless middle-school whims, because his story’s a little sad. He should be treated like a fragile piece of crockery by all and sundry. How can anyone be so fucking cruel as to “break” this sunshine-and-jelly-beans’ heart? That’s what “good” fascists are made of!

Racial discrimination, dog whistling, and genocide? Forget that. Uchiha clan (and Sasuke, of course, because the boy’s life should always be about Naruto not feeling sad and lonely and left behind, dawww) should gather together round Naruto to clean his shit-smeared diapers because that’s exactly what a discriminated clan should do, wipe the ass of an oppressor’s son. Also, let’s not forget that Nagato should drop his goals to appease Naruto, as well, because my God, mass-slaughters, pillaging, and poverty are bearable compared to the big fat “tears” in Naruto’s eyes and his oh so very deep “please, bring the conversation back to me and notice me and validate me!” speeches that bespeak his gross privilege. Why can’t these people stop being fucking emos? The nerve!

Slavery? Forget that. Naruto’s swing has more tragedy contained in its every wooden board compared to the small children on whom a slave mark, which could kill them at the Head Family’s tiniest whims, was placed.

Orphan exploitation? You see, no body “talked” to Naruto, so his middle-school friendship is clearly a stuff of Greek Tragedies compared to the children Leaf sent out through Root and Anbu to be butchered for State interests. Naruto had it so bad, man, like the worst! Let’s all weep!


If I could rewrite Naruto, the first thing I’d do to fix the female characters would be to remove all romance and ship-teases from the story. I might leave SasuSaku / NaruSaku as they are, at least in OG Naruto. Without the NaruSaku / SasuSaku love triangle, a clan, unique powers or a unique role in the story, I feel like I’d be working with a blank slate if I tried to change Sakura from the very beginning. I might or might not have Sasuke get with her at the very end, but that would be more about his character or happiness than hers. Honestly, I might just make the whole story into an upbeat friendship / adventure moral story and end it when the characters were still little kids, leaving the NaruSaku / SasuSaku question ambiguous. Everyone else would stay single and not concerned about romance and would focus on friendship, exploring and fighting. I’d try to follow through on the “teamwork” and “changing the shinobi world” themes Kishimoto introduced in OG Naruto and give all the side characters more agency, respect and development. I’d also try to emphasize teamwork and friendship even amongst teams. I’d still want to do cool arcs like the Chuunin Exams arc, but would want to emphasize that it’s not actually right to pit kids against eachother for power, even if they are on different teams.

Ino’s clan powers would be alot stronger, and she’d get a backstory revolving around her goals as a ninja or her role as future head of the clan. She’d be the kind of person who acted grumpy because she didn’t want to take people’s crap, but let her energetic, ready-to-go, enthusiastic and bossy side out when given a chance to go on adventures or take on a challenge. She would also show how caring she was towards her friends. She would never make fun of Choji for being fat; come on now. Considering that she defended Sakura from being bullied for her appearance, that doesn’t even make any sense. Team Gai would be alot closer to and supportive of eachother in canon. They’d go on alot of fun adventures; it would be a bit like how they are in Rock Lee’s Ninja Pals. Tenten would be made stronger, and her desire to be like Lady Tsunade and her discovery of herself as a good ninja in her own way would be explored in canon. She’d do more than just get beaten up by Temari and disappear from the story except to complain about Lee’s hyperactivity. We’d get to see the whole team bond and have ups and downs together as they worked towards their goals. Hinata, Kiba and Shino would be close, caring teammates. With Hinata’s lack of confidence, Shino’s feelings about not being noticed and Kiba’s desire to prove he and Akamaru aren’t just a joke, there would be plenty of material for them to bond with and support eachother over. Hinata would have a pessimistic outlook on life, be terrified of Neji and be more of a passive daydreamer who had a vague desire for people to live in harmony, but wasn’t interested in making it a reality. The Chuunin Exams would actually cause her to have an epiphany about how her cowardice and passivity weren’t going to fix her problems or help free Neji from slavery, but were keeping her stuck in a rut while her family suffered because she didn’t have the courage to do anything or think beyond herself in a concrete way. Jiraiya wouldn’t be such an obsessive pervert, Tsunade would never have given up on being a ninja, and they’d stay good friends. Maybe they both left the village long ago because they were tired of its crap and wanted to devote their good-hearted efforts elsewhere.


And would you fit all of this in story that’s a sensible size? I’m all for a TenTen arc, but I think it’s complicated to meander and not focus on our main characters, especially since you haven’t mentioned much about the girl in the group

Anonymous asked:

It’s crazy how Julie Plec and Co found a way for all these irrelevant characters like Matt and Caroline to attend the Mikaelson’s ball but they couldn’t find a way for Bonnie to attend. The writers wrote Rebekah to have a little crush on Matt, the writers wrote Klaus to randomly have a crush on Karoline. But the writers couldn’t find a way to make Kol or Klaus or hell even Esther invite Bonnie?

Even though it is canon that Kol likes to align himself with witches. Even though Bonnie and Abby are descendents of Esther’s-mentor Ayana and were an integral part of Esther’s plan that night. The writers really couldn’t be bothered to include the WOC at the ball even though it would’ve actually made sense for them to be invited more than for Matt and Caroline to be invited.

While Julie Plec was whinning about Kennett shippers and saying Bonnie shouldn’t be with crazy Kol, ships like Mabekah and Klaroline were getting arcs, even though Rebekah is prone to violent jealousy and has even planned to kill Matt to get back at Elena, and even though Klaus is fucken violent and has violent outburst with Caroline.

Plec and Co have always been okay to tweak personalities and make vampire/human ships “work”. Kol and Bonnie couldn’t be explored but the writers sure made Kol and Bonnie’s white counterpart a thing on TheOriginals.

Suddenly when it comes to Bonnie it’s “impossible” and “morally wrong” for her to have her sexy bad boy at her feet.


you basically summed up all our rants related to the infamously racist (i’m just gonna call it a downright racist episode, at this point) 3x14 and the subsequent marginalization of bonnie, in spite of the Originals being connected to witches in so many ways. i bet at one point the writers regretted having made bonnie a witch, because yeah they needed their magical negro, but shit, they (julie) didn’t want her witchiness to distract the supernatural guys from the white trophies. it was so blatant and gross. and god, the kol/d*vina thing...i would’ve liked that dynamic, but every time i look over gifsets i just get a bad taste in my mouth because it’s so obvious it’s the kol/bonnie storyline that they couldn’t even imagine doing with bonnie at the helm. their imagination stopped where bonnie began, it’s...really disheartening. and yeah, the “bonnie is too good and pure for these boys” is julie’s favorite get out of jail free card (see also her infamous and “well-intended” tweet about black women having to save the world, sigh)


I think the word you're all looking for is "gate-keeping"


I’m about to rain on most shippers’ parade ...

Sasuke and Karin fucked in Canon. How do I know this for a fact? Here’s how …


Look, I like your blog and you spill tea on Sasuke’s character and how the narrative did him dirty, but you’re really reaching in this one.


some of you never learned the difference between “bad writing” and “narrative choice i didn’t like” and it shows

Finally, someone had the guts to say this. I’d add to this: many of you never learned the difference between opinion and criticism and that your “likeness or dislikeness” isn’t proportional to the quality of the narrative, and it shows.

Also, let’s not forget that “Potential” is another term for “my Fan-Fiction didn’t come true, so now, I’m endlessly going to be a cunt about it.” 


Understanding PTSD in Children

“The presence of at least one of the following intrusive symptoms that are associated with the traumatic event and began after the event occurred:

Recurring, spontaneous, and intrusive upsetting memories of the traumatic event, which can be expressed through play

Recurring and upsetting dreams about the event

Flashbacks or some other dissociative response where the child feels or acts as if the event were happening again, which can be expressed through play

Strong and long-lasting emotional distress after being reminded of the event or after encountering trauma-related cues

Strong physical reactions, like increased heart rate or sweating, to trauma-related reminders

The child exhibits at least one of the following avoidance symptoms or changes in his or her thoughts and mood. These symptoms must begin or worsen after the experience of the traumatic event.

Avoidance of or the attempted avoidance of activities, places, or reminders that bring up thoughts about the traumatic event.

Avoidance of or the attempted avoidance of people, conversations, or interpersonal situations that serve as reminders of the traumatic event.

More frequent negative emotional states, such as fear, shame, or sadness

Increased lack of interest in activities that used to be meaningful or fun.

Reduced expression of positive emotions

“The child experiences at least one of the below changes in his or her arousal or reactivity, and these changes began or worsened after the traumatic event:

Increased irritable behavior or angry outbursts. This may include extreme temper tantrums.

Hypervigilance, which consists of being on guard all the time and unable to relax

Exaggerated startle response

Difficulties concentrating

“As with adults, it is more common for someone to develop PTSD after a traumatic event when they have already been through a previous traumatic event. The emotional impact of trauma can have a cumulative effect, so even if a child didn’t demonstrate PTSD symptoms after a previous traumatic experience, it is more likely that they will experience PTSD with each subsequent trauma.”

Responses to the Event

The following cognitive and emotional responses to the traumatic event have been shown to influence the development of PTSD in children and teens:

Anger about the event

Avoidance and suppression of the trauma related thoughts

Dissociation during or after the event

Higher heart rate at time of hospitalization if required due to injury during the event

It’s almost as if people are pissed off at the realistic depiction of the extreme-end of trauma through characters like Sasuke (Nagato, Madara, and Neji, as well). You know, genocide? Imagine, if a child that’s been through a fraction of that can experience all this (I quoted above), how extreme would his reactions be if he faced something like genocide? 

Maybe you people don’t like characters displaying verisimilitude. You simply enjoy packaged content that comes with a pretty bow on top! That’d explain the cheap, horrifically written, and comically realized “fixing” Fan-Fictions that do nothing but tear apart the depiction of the subject-matter. (You people can’t write for shit, and you know it.) Why do you talk about good writing at all when you’re not interested in decent depictions of the subject-matter? This fandom fucking blows my mind as to how full of shit it is. 

Anonymous asked:

Could you please make a blog on why Mikoto is an Uchiha by blood, people just, don't want to accept she is. sighs.

The Uchiha clan has a long-standing history that extends so far back that the Sage turned into a myth in the public discourse; so we’re talking about thousands of years here. Their culture is very clan-specific (like Hyuuga) in that it’s based on their own Doujutsu secrets, Tablet decoding, and inventing Kinjutsus. Basically, they’ve got their own cultural mores that they all abide by. All of this would only be possible if the clan’s secrets never left the clan, and the bloodline remained pure. 

The thing is, many westerners have got their heads stuck so far up their own assholes that they don’t understand the concept of clans and family-lines and the honor and prestige associated with them; since, they were never a part of rich cultures and old families, they can’t understand them. It’s pitiful and pretty pathetic the way they read Naruto with a western eye when it isn’t meant to be read that way. Marrying within extended family “to keep the blood pure” is very much a thing in many parts of Asia. The reason behind this is that many of these families go more than a millennium back. As a result, they’ve got a name associated with them; and that name brings them pride, honor, and recognition. It makes no sense to bring an outsider into the long-running family-tree (let’s call it clan for discussion’s sake) and ruin the bloodline. It’s literally termed as “spoiling” the bloodline. Many a time, the revulsion towards the transgressors is more extreme and they’re ousted from the families for good. Their access to the wealth, name, and honor is terminated permanently. I’ve seen many such incidents that took place in prestigious families. 

If you look at Naruto, the bloodline’s purity is literal in a very extreme sense as “powers” are linked to the said blood; so if the blood represents the clan and its powers, why would the family want to ruin the chain of “pure-bloods” and their power as a result? You see, Kishimoto has translated the concept that’s very common to Asia into Naruto as it is. Take “oral traditions (Hiden)” for instance. They’re passed down from ancestors to the new generations. Tradition is only tradition if it has a legacy behind it. Do you think these clans would’ve been able to maintain their legacies if they kept dragging in outsiders for marriage? It doesn’t work that way. 

That’s another reason why Itachi is well-liked among many Americans: he’s very western in his outlook towards life; and that’s precisely the reason why Sasuke’s loved in many parts of Asia, and Itachi isn’t. What you read on “the Uchiha clan’s arrogance” from an average dude-bro or auntie is nothing more than common behavior that’s a part and parcel of long-running family-lines. They don’t get “it”, because they’ve never been part of such families, and they never will be. Many of them probably don’t even know who their great grand-parents were. It’s just pathetic to me. They want the whole world to express things their way, which is the “right” way, apparently. I mean, Sasuke’s maligned for the exact same reasons: he’s selfish and arrogant and sees nothing beyond himself; but to any Asian individual who understands these concepts, none of this is “negative” behavior. 

So Mikoto’s considered a half-Uchiha because many of these people (who’re mostly SS shippers) think that if the Uchiha clan was alive, they’d have accepted Sakura (or any other non-Uchiha girl) into the family when that’s not how this works. There’s literally no reason for a prestigious family to accept an outsider into their family and “spoil” the blood, especially since the blood literally carries powers. Why would the clan lower the chances of Sharingan when it’s a mark of their clan’s pride, legacy, and honor? It’s absurd! And I don’t understand how people think that Sasuke of all the people wouldn’t have married in an arranged marriage. It’s laughable to me. Sasuke would’ve absolutely married to anyone his father would’ve asked him to. He’s a very obedient son. He was pulling out all stops to make his father happy. Why would taking a wife his parents choose for him would be any different? Do people in the west even know that marriage is considered a duty in many parts of Asia to this day? Shocker, am I right? Sasuke would’ve never married anyone without his parents’ consent. This is the guy who was fighting for his dead clan’s honor when he could’ve easily thrown it away and lived his life. Why the fuck would he disobey his parents if they’ve alive? It’s so stupid. 

So, no, nothing in the manga shows that Fugaku’s wife was an outsider as it goes completely against the idea of clan’s mores; and Fugaku was also the Head of the clan. Why would the clan’s head take in a non-Uchiha wife to spoil the blood of his family that’s meant to lead the whole clan? Not only that, both of his sons have powerful chakra, Sasuke specially so, and that can only be possible if the line was pure from the start. Some people need to get over themselves as the chances Sakura (or any other non-Uchiha girl) would’ve had with Sasuke or Itachi are below zero. It’d have never happened. Not in a million years. What would someone like Sakura bring to the table, anyway? There’s your answer.


The rumours these SS tards spread to suit their explanation as Sasuke does not give a fuck about Sakura-chan so they end up saying Mikoto is also not from Uchiha like why are they so desperate when its fictional 👀 is beyond my salvation... 

And Yes being an Asian I totally agree that Sasuke would have married a girl his parents choose him. This is very common in Asian countries.

Anonymous asked:

Why dont you like Naruto

you mean the character? I wrote about him here.

If you mean the series, mostly it’s because its morals and messages:

  1. It condones crimes against humanity like genocide and slavery
  2. It glorifies subservience to oppressive government, and conformity
  3. It promotes nationalism and militarism. It undermines people’s real family and connection in an attempt to bolster their support for the state.
  4. It encourages victim blaming and brainwashing
  5. It encourages vanity, selfishness, guilt tripping and emotional neediness
  6. It demonizes talent
  7. It demonizes mental illness
  8. It demonizes people who’re naturally unsociable 
  9. Also because it has Uchiha Itachi, here, this is why I hate Itachi.

Yes, I do hate the ships passionately too, but it’s mostly because of their fans.

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