
atla secret santa

@atla-secret-santa / atla-secret-santa.tumblr.com

we're preparing to host an atla secret santa. stay tuned for more information! tracks #atlasecretsanta

god i’m so sorry for posting this so late, but i have a rather large family, so holidays are a long event for us.

i was the secret santa for @the-cloud-whisperer for the atla secret santa event, and they asked for a zukaang fic with a modern au as one of their wishes, so i sort of took that and ran with it. hope you enjoy, and happy holidays!


Things Unsaid- Mai/Ty Lee

This is an atla secret Santa gift for @tophbeifong​ . hope you enjoy!

summary: mai has liked ty lee for a long time. it’s not until ty lee gets a new girlfriend that mai decides it’s time to say something.

warnings: none

“Well? How was it?” Azula grinned wickedly.

“It was… wet. She was sort of crying.” Ty Lee answered sheepishly. “Lin has had a rough week.”

Azula snorted and exchanged looks with Zuko and me. "You’d think a bit of kissing would do her some good,”

“Well, you can’t possibly imagine what she must be feeling right now,” Zuko defended Lin with a small snort.

That makes two of us, I thought bitterly.

“She probably feels guilty for kissing Ty Lee, since she just broke up with Chan. Also, with the weight of our final exams and her mum being banished she has a lot going on right now!” Zuko explained, raising his eyebrows.

“You people and your feelings. It must be so crowded in your tiny brains.” Azula sighed.

“Well, just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean all of us do,” I chimed in, cocking an eyebrow.

I met Ty Lee’s eyes. She cracked a grin, and even though I didn’t feel like it, I smiled back. Zuko joined in, and soon we were all laughing like it was all fine- which, to them, it was.


Prince Egg

@atla-secret-santa merry christmas @zuwuko !

Some romances make their home in fates and fortune and destinies written across the stars. Some legendary lovers fall in love at first sight, some are torn apart by great tragedy, others love with a fiery passion so deep it consumes them. Some meet and the chemistry between them is instant, electric. Zuko and Sokka meet with a boomerang to the head and a kick in the face. 

It gets no better from there. 

Two fifteen-and-sixteen-year-old boys can hardly be expected not to clash under the best of circumstances; this is not the best of circumstances. Zuko is the prince of a nation that destroyed Sokka’s culture, Sokka really just wants his sister to stop attacking him with water and accidentally raising weird bald kids who may or may not be legends. He doesn’t have time for a fire nation prince, however exiled he may be, he wants to keep his family safe and watch out for his baby sister and that’s the end of it. He really could go without a smug egg-head man spitting fire at him and getting coal all over their village. 

He could, however, stand for slapping egg man across his abnormally scarred face. That, Sokka thinks, would be satisfying. He could also go without Aang—the avatar, a whole entire twelve-year-old-kid—almost getting eaten by massive fish, but he meets Suki and finds a new friend in a warrior (who only bruises his ego a little bit), a girl too. He learns a thing or two about humbleness and about himself that time. 

And then egg man shows up again. Sokka finally has a name to his stupid face. Sokka definitely wants to punch him in that stupid face. He also had a lot of questions about egg man’s—sorry, Zuko’s—weird… ponytail… thing. He looks like an egg with a rag on his head. And yells like a banshee. 

Sokka promptly resolves to avoid him as much as possible, which ideally means never seeing him again. 

Unfortunately, Prince Egg just doesn’t fucking give up. 

They go everywhere. South Pole, where Sokka meets Yue, who takes his heart and breaks his heart in a series of polite comments, beautiful laughs, and noble self-sacrifices that really should be illegal. At the very least, it shouldn’t hurt so much. It hurts a lot. It wounds Sokka in a way he doesn’t show, but eats at him anyways every time he looks up at the pale moon in the sky. There’s the Tui and La incident that takes her life, where Admiral Jerkface gets destroyed by murder water spirit Aang (Sokka has questions), and then, of course, Egg Prince. He seems to have fixated on kidnapping Aang. None of them are very happy about that. 

Then they go underground for a while, and Prince Egg Bitch disappears. Sokka doesn’t know where he’s gone, he doesn’t particularly care. All he knows is that Aang and his sister are safe, they have the Fire Nation to stop, and nothing is going to be okay ever. Probably. Maybe. Maybe things will be alright. He hopes. 

They don’t see Egg Bitch much. They meet his sister. She makes him look tame. Sokka’s a little nicer to Egg in his head after that, even dropping the “bitch” add-on. It fits Azula better. 

Then they meet Zuko again in Ba Sing Se, and Sokka gets good reason to tack the “bitch” part right back on. 

They don’t see him again, after that. They’re too busy caring for Aang, Katara trying to heal the deadly lightning wound left in his stomach. Sokka takes to spending most of the time abovedeck with his dad. He can’t stand to be in the quiet room, look at the kid passed out on the floor, to recognise how easy it would be for them all to die at this point. 

Then they’re in the Fire Nation, and things are a whole new level of bad. Sokka likes to think he’s a planner, unfortunately, his plans don’t like to go as planned. But it’s fine. They just focus on taking down Bitchlord Ozai. 

And, wonder of all fucking despicable wonders, Prince Asshole appears again. With a much better haircut, a much humbler look to him, and an offer to teach Aang firebending. 

So. That’s interesting. No one trusts him. 

Not for a while, at least. But then things start to shift. He earns different treatment, in bits and pieces. His personality seems to have done a total 180. Sokka’s really not sure why or how, but he’s not complaining. 

Prince Jerk—oh, sorry, not the prince anymore apparently, Sokka needs a new name for him now—Jerkbender seems to be nicer than Katara gives him credit for. Granted, he’s also the guy who tore their life to shreds and hounded them across half the world, and Sokka still hasn’t fully forgiven him for that, but Katara seems to be having a bit of a temper tantrum. He won’t begrudge his sister it, but he’s got his own perspective on his little sister. He doesn’t much mind Zuko, really. He seems shy, awkward, a little weird. He also seems to be trying. At least he doesn’t look like a boiled egg anymore. 

It doesn’t make things any less awkward when Zuko blunders into Sokka’s tent in the middle of the night to discuss their similar dead mother trauma, but Sokka just reminds himself again that at least Zuko is trying. 

He and Katara go on some life-changing field trip and apparently get their shit sorted. Katara actually ends up giving Zuko a hug, and Sokka would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little proud. It feels like their group is coming together— him and Katara and Aang and Toph and Suki and Zuko, like it was meant to be. He doesn’t believe in fate and destiny, he thinks they’re stupid. But he does believe in carving out a home. He thinks they might be able to do that. 

But things don’t change much. 

And then he and Zuko sneak away to the Boiling Rock prison, to save Suki and his dad. The fact that Zuko’s willing to go with him touches Sokka’s heartstrings. Loyalty means a lot in the Northern water tribe. 

The whole thing spirals into a fucking disaster, and no one is surprised, and Zuko apparently was dating the daughter of the warden? It’s not important. Sokka doesn’t think about it. It feels weird. He is not thinking about it. He is not thinking about it. No. He is not. 

He’s thinking about it. 

But he’s a minor bit more distracted when Zuko gets shoved in the cooler, still in the rough and too-thin clothes of a prisoner. Sokka winces at the blast of frigid air, worried for Zuko. But Prince Brave-Hearted Bitch just smiles at him like they’re sharing a private joke, and that’s that. 

He checks on Zuko in a bit, just out of worry. He expects to find him shivering and upset. Instead, he opens it to the exact opposite. Zuko smirks at him, fire curling from his lips, unflinching despite the cold of the freezer. Sokka realises then that, unfortunately, Prince Bitch is fucking hot.

This is not the time to have a sexuality crisis. Sokka moves on. It’ll be fine. He’ll think about it later. Now he has to get things done. 

It gets to “later”, and Sokka is very much thinking about it. 

Hasn’t been able to stop, for the last couple of hours—not while he sets up camp, not while he gets water for their dinner, not even arguing with Katara can get his mind off of Zuko’s stupid smirk. 

And now it’s haunting his dreams, apparently.


He doesn’t end up sleeping much that night, and it shows the next morning. It’s almost like he’s had cactus juice again, except the cactus juice is sleep deprivation, and the only hallucinations he can see are Zuko. 

It’s hard to meet Zuko’s eyes after that, outside of explaining strategy and making sure that the rest of his group doesn’t die (it’s harder than you’d expect). So he just sort of… doesn’t. 

He has better things to focus on, anyways. For example, taking down Mr. Evil himself. He throws himself into planning, making sure that everything works smoothly. Sokka is everywhere at once, stretched to the breaking point. 

He doesn’t have time to think about the jerkbender. Just how he likes it.

The end of the war draws up on them quickly, and it both passes in a flash and lasts years. The moments go by in a haze of adrenaline, but keep coming, one after another He’s driving an airship through its counterparts—an entire aircraft crashes to the ground, but he doesn’t have time to think about it as he hops from ship to ship, Toph’s hand clenched tightly in his. 

He glimpses death, holding onto Toph for dear life, surrounded by the enemy. He looks into the abyss, and thinks of Katara, his little sister, of Aang and his bright smiles, thinks about everyone he’s met and loved in his life. 

Zuko is among the people he sees in what he thinks will be his final moments.

And then Suki is pulling up underneath him, guiding an entire airship behind her, and he doesn’t think too hard about it, too busy leaping to safety and making sure everyone is safe.

He watches as the entire world lights up blue, watches as they win, watches as they secure safety for his family and his people. It’s almost like shock, what he feels in the moments right after, as he’s ushered into the palace, into taking a bath and changing his clothes. 

It doesn’t quite hit, though, until he’s standing in the crowd and watching Zuko give his speech about peace, about how he’ll lead the Fire Nation to be better. He stands there and looks around at the people he’s fought with, and realizes how much he loves them. 

And Zuko.


He’s going to have to talk to him, now that the war is over. Isn’t he? His only excuse is pretty much gone, and—

And he wants to. 

They deserve good things, after all they’ve been through. 

Sokka runs after Zuko when the speech is over, waving an arm in the air. “Hey! Fire Lord Egg!” 

Zuko turns away from where he’s talking to one of his advisors. He looks at Sokka incredulously. “Fire Lord Egg?”

Sokka just shrugs at him. “It’s what I used to call you, when you were chasing after us. IN my head, at least, you were always ‘Prince Egg’ to me.” He grins. “Now you’ve got an upgrade.”

Zuko snorts. “Thanks. Real flattering.” 

“Are you suggesting that my nicknames aren’t flattering?” Sokka scoffs, affronted. “I’ll have you know that I can be extremely flattering, if I try!”

“And you wouldn’t try for me?” Zuko asks. His tone is half-nervous, not quite teasing like it had been before. Sokka shifts awkwardly on his feet. 

“I came here to… talk to you about that, actually.” 

Zuko blinks at him. “You did?”

“Yeah.” Sokka, for once, has not made a plan, and is really regretting it about now. He looks away for a second, before taking a deep breath. Just rip off the bandaid. “I really like you, Zuko. And I have for I think a while, if I’m being honest, I mean I don’t actually know how long I’ve liked you but it’s definitely been a couple of weeks and there are some moments that I’m looking back on now that really seem like I liked you even when I thought I really didn’t and—” he cuts himself off. “Yeah.” 

“You like me,” Zuko repeats, dumbfounded. 

“Yeah, I said that an entire monologue ago. Keep up,” Sokka quips, but it’s weak with nervousness. There’s silence for a second. “Do you… like me too?”

Zuko blinks at him. “What? Oh, yeah, I—I do. I thought it was obvious.”

Sokka lets out a breath of relief. “That’s cool. That’s good, I’m glad.” 

Zuko scratches the back of his neck, looking away. “Does this make us… boyfriends? Or something like that?”

That’s… a loaded question. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.” As things stand, it’s too heavy for Sokka. A boyfriend comes with all the expectations of everyone around them, with all the standards that relationships are held to. It’s a commitment, a new step, and something frightening. Sokka’s only experience is a girl who kissed him and died (well, death but a little to the left) two days later. He doesn’t know how to have a boyfriend. He doesn’t know if he’s old enough or ready enough for that. He might never be. 

But he wants the possibility. 

“Maybe one day?” Zuko asks, seeming to read the look on his face. Some tension in Sokka’s shoulders releases. That’s part of why he likes Zuko. They get each other, without any words being said. 

It seems like a good sign for the future.


Once upon a time, they were friends, until Zuko let it all burn up. Two years later they run into each other and try again.

It’s different. It’s not unpleasant.  

By the end of the hour, he’s sitting at the foot of the couch, the bright sun lulling him into exhaustion. Around him there are 7 different plates of different brownie batches; Suki has fallen asleep but Sokka is staring right at him still. In the light of an awake sun against a cornflower sky, his skin looks more delicate, smoother, like a statue. Zuko is so full of longing it encompasses his being, makes him want to reach out just to make sure that he’s still real. He holds himself back.

 “You can sleep if you want” Sokka offers quietly before moving into a more comfortable position. It takes a few minutes before there’s a comfortable rhythm to his breathing. Zuko makes sure to drape a blanket over him before slipping out the door.

 He forces himself not to check if Sokka stirred awake in his absence.

@atla-secret-santa gift for @constallayetions. happy holidays to you, here is 8.7k words worth of zuko/sokka. 


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Toph Beifong & Sokka, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Toph Beifong, Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar) Additional Tags: Life Changing Field Trip, Slice of Life, Fluff Summary:

toph and zuko finally have their life changing field trip, taking the form of lots of stupid fun and healing trauma. but mostly, lots of fun.

this is my @atla-secret-santa gift for @timefire25!!! i’m so sorry this is late, but i was out of power for most of the day. i hope you enjoy!!!

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