

Hello, we’re The Holiday System. You can call us Kadence or Holi and use they/them or they/he pronouns. Sometimes we have different names and pronouns, but that’s safest.

You know what people don’t talk about often enough? Playing catch up in life after spending your teens or early 20s suicidally depressed. There’s so many more layers than just being able to say “I don’t want to die anymore.”

  • The difficulty in academia or a career after spending years thinking you wouldn’t be alive long enough for any of it to matter.
  • The exhaustion that comes from self awareness and self soothing, with the constant voice in your head saying “don’t go backwards.”
  • How lonely it is to watch the people your age starting families when you’re just barely learning what stable relationships are, and the sudden societal pressure of being “up against a clock” for these kinds of things.
  • The judgement from others if you change your image or interests this late in the game just because you finally figured out who you really are under the demons.

Be kind to those who are developing and blooming after years of not planning on being here long. We are living a life we absolutely didn’t think we’d have, and it’s hard enough without society reminding us there’s expectations of our age.

We didn’t get to be young; we were too busy fighting battles few know.


"We didn't get to be young; we were too busy fighting battles few know."


oh uh. scuse me. just a lil snail crossing your dash


I love how certain I am that I’m not the only person who stopped scrolling to let the snail finish crossing the dash.  

In fact, I would bet small sums of money that the majority of Tumblr folk do.    


Rb for the lil hops it does at the end before it finishes crossing 🥺💓

worth the wait


welcome back to gamechanger, the only gameshow where the game changes every show! players, you will notice that we are standing in a prison, and that some of you have been designated as “guards” while the rest of you are “prisoners.” over the next few months y


'Irredeemable media' is such a funny concept to me because it's never used for stuff like Birth of a Nation or A Serbian Film. It's always The Owl House or My Hero Academia because these people only watch things for children and can't stand any conflict more complex than Super Mario Brothers.


When I'm in a missing the point competition and my oppenent is a tumblr user


Watching people say weird shit about southerns on my posts is sometimes goofy. I thought it was very obvious from my vocabulary that Im from the south but guess not. Anyway whenever you talk abt 'uneducated dumbfucks from the south' keep in mind that the people you are talking abt are real ass people who are suffering from the fact their state government doesn't fund education and that our school teachers are constantly being punished when they actually try to teach kids things.

Sometimes it feels like y’all forget that queer people and people of color live in the south and that by pretending the south is some irredeemable wasteland full of bigots you are erasing the communities and progress marginalized people have made in the south.

But also it’s ignoring how the rest of the US ain’t that better either. I moved up north and I still experience transphobia and ableism here. People of color still experience racism here. It’s just as violent as it is in the south. But y’all turn a blind eye to it bc y’all like to act like you’re soooo much better than the south.


energy policy would be much better if we still had a tradition of animal sacrifice I think. people would be way more chill about nuclear energy if they could see a large and proud bull being ritually sacrificed every month or so at the base of the cooling towers to keep the plant safe


sorry since realizing my gender i have zero tolerance for the whole “man hating” angle of being queer i hate i hate it i hate you. stop. you are hurting people.

i just. speaking up for trans men and getting hit with “imagine defending men” as a reply has enraged me deeply on this day

it’s very “yall only consider trans men real men when it hurts us.” we experience misogyny until we try to speak on it, and then we’re invading women’s spaces. we’re not men when we don’t pass well but we’re men the second we’re looking for queer community and are faced with “men and mascs not allowed” i’m tired

@bookslutskye’s tags:

literally this. when i replied to “imagine standing up for men” saying that trans men deserve to be fought for too, i got hit with “nobody says trans men don’t belong in queer spaces” except a lot of queer & feminist spaces, especially online, actively villainize being a man and dump you the second you transition. it’s gross.


Jesus fuck.

Imagine saying something like that to someone and thinking, "I am a good person who is definitely contributing to a better world."

Queerness is not a license to play Mean Girls without consequences & some of y'all need to really internalize that. Trans men & mascs deserve community support. The bullshit spoken about above is just high school bullying wearing a rainbow cape. It's not cute or justified just because y'all painted a fucking pride flag on it.


my fellow Queer Girlies, nonbinary siblings, or wherever you fall on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, listen up!

We support our brothers and masc-inclined siblings. Full fucking stop. "Kill all men" is over. Full. Fucking. Stop. Trans is trans. Queer is queer. All or nothing. We either stand together or they will rip us all down individually. Don't do the enemy's work for them!


time loop where i keep dying to save you but clearly the loop just wants me to accept your death. im not going to but i can tell that's what it wants


The gas statioj has a drinks store because it helps the car/owner bond if you eat fluids together


none of you know true tragedy unless youve ever worked in a circus to try and buy your girl a wedding ring but you get stuck in a gorilla suit and everyones too doggone scared to help you out of it

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