
My Thoughts of Unpredictablity

@thisisrubyok / thisisrubyok.tumblr.com


When I was a very tiny child my mom was in a local production of The Reluctant Resurrection of Sherlock Holmes, a play where Arthur Conan Doyle is hired to investigate a murder at a haunted house with Sherlock Holmes, a figment of Doyle’s imagination that only he can see and hear. Doyle very sincerely believes that the house is haunted, and Holmes thinks that Doyle is a moron

I was too young to appreciate this concept when I was a child, now that I’m older it’s the best concept for a play I’ve ever heard in my life.

holy fuck I need to see that


May the starsheep bring you home


thank you starsheep, this is better than uber

you're welcome, don't forget to give it 5 stars

5*, didn't talk to me on the ride, only baa'd gently when it was time to disembark from his celestial floof

the starsheep thanks you


the pain of generating 80s style amv of your ocs in your brain but you cannot animate or edit. bleeding. aching. fading away


Friendly reminder that you should

  • Write that fic
  • Draw your OC
  • Redesign that blorbo
  • Plan that comic how you want
  • Create the content you want to see
  • Be cringe
  • Be free

The only thing that matters is you having fun! Not what others think!


thinking about how when you experience a lot of shame in your formative years (indirectly, directly, as abuse or just as an extant part of your environment) it becomes really difficult to be perceived by other people in general. the mere concept of someone watching me do anything, whether it's a totally normal activity or something unfamiliar of embarrassing, whether I'm working in an excel spreadsheet or being horny on main, it just makes my skin crawl and my brain turn to static because I cannot convince myself that it's okay to be seen and experienced. because to exist is to be ashamed and embarrassed of myself, whether I'm failing at something or not, because my instinctive reaction to anyone commenting on ANYTHING I'm doing is to crawl into a hole and die. it's such a bizarre and dehumanizing feeling to just not be able to exist without constantly thinking about how you are being Perceived. ceaseless watcher give me a god damn break.


the japanese “-ne?” particle and the british slang term “innit” serve the same function

Standard English: It’s cold, isn’t it?

Japanese: Samui desu ne?

British: It’s fuckin’ freezin’, innit?

i have to do everything around here

i hate this cause i did japanese for like a year and this explains the use of the -ne particle WAYYYY better than my teachers ever did. it took me ages to comprehend what this post makes abundantly clear.

my teachers: its like a, a little rise at the end of a sentence, to show that you are seeking a response, while not warranting the -ka particle which would make it a proper question.

me: ok. i guess i get that??

this post: its like saying “innit?” 

me: oh. oh no.

fun fact: afaik, "-ne" was inherited from the Portuguese settlers/priests that stayed in Japan in the 16th century. It comes from "né?", which the contraction of "não é?", "isn't it?".

It's LITERALLY "innit".

oh so like "eh" in canadian

*un-Babels your Tower*


Sharing this here too

I do not usually make posts like this but recently I have seen a lot of content on Instagram, Twitter and I think tiktok too misunderstanding the meaning of intrusive thoughts, which may cause people experiencing them to be upset.

I have tried to shortly explain the difference of impulsive and intrusive and hope it will help people to understand and use the words correctly.

Reblogs are very much appreciated!


Examples of actual intrusive thoughts include, but are not limited to:

  • Driving your car off a cliff purposely
  • Stabbing yourself
  • Crashing your car purposely
  • Shooting yourself in the foot
  • Shooting a friend
  • Raping a friend or family member
  • Killing someone
  • Hurting someone
  • Hurting yourself for no reason

These do not make you a bad person on principle. Sometimes people think things that they normally wouldn’t, and then they think “wtf brain no”

You are not bad for having intrusive thoughts, they do not define you

You are not bad for

having intrusive thoughts, they

do not define you

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Facebook engineers yesterday


IIRC correctly the writers admitted that they wrote this scene because they were tired of all the criticism that their hacking scenes weren’t 100% accurate, and/or included visual elements like a GUI instead of just command lines, so they decided to have an unofficial internal contest about who could make the tech scenes more and more ridiculous, continuing to ramp it up until we got to this specific moment - the peak of bullshit mountain. 

not gonna lie thats Chadlike behavior and i applaud it


I, of mostly sound body and spirit, request that if I’m ever to die, someone post a new work on my AO3 that says “sorry, she died, ongoing stories postponed forever” because don’t I want my fanfic buddies to think I ghosted them. Amen or whatever you say in a will.

This was written as a joke, but for those who don't know, this is an actual optional service that AO3 provides called Fannish Next of Kin.

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