
Ein Elephant für dich

@darkmistandodddreams / darkmistandodddreams.tumblr.com

bi, german, she/her, on this godforsaken website since like 2012, my god

hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious


Ja, abi-mottos können cringe sein, aber jedes mal, wenn ich ein Las Vegas Schild sehe, denke ich nicht zuerst "Ah, ikonisches amerikanisches Symbol" sondern "hey guck mal einer an, mein abi pulli Motiv!"

Und ich finde das ist, was die USA verdient hat


Daily reminder that we do not actually live in a dystopian movie put the apocalypse down and back away slowly. You know when your cleaning a room and you pull everything out of it's draws to sort through it and you're like "what the fuck have I done I'm never going to be able to tidy all of this" I think that's the stage we're at in the world. Thanks to social media we've pulled out all the messed up shit from the cupboards of the world, it was always there but now we can see it and we're going to have to sort it all out we made this mess and we can fix it. Falling to the floor sobbing will not clean a crusty room. A group of people working systematically (preferably with music in the background) will.


so dashboard-unfucker has finally come to an end (no fault to the dev, she did amazing and i thank her for that extension while it lasted).

For those of you who can't stand current tumblr on desktop and, like me, can't function through the shitty twitter-looking format, there's an alternative I've found. First you needa install Stylus if you haven't.

Then you install this usertheme

Boom, tumblr's old layout is back.


Using dissociate instead of zoning out. Describing a hobby as a hyperfixation. Saying nonverbal when you want a bit of quiet. Saying intrusive thoughts because that must mean an urge like to buy coffee or hair dye. Do you know feeling off sometimes is a sign of autism? Lying is gaslighting. Everyone I dislike is a narcissist.


After that one poll i just reblogged got me thinking ...

It's interesting how years ago it was SOOO funny to make "haha german is such an ugly angry language look at this video of someone comparing languages and he screams the german word agressively, so obviously german sucks" And then germans on the internet grew up a little and out of the self deprecation phase and into the appreciation of things and went "actually no, our language is lovely and we have some beautiful words and those comparisons are kinda biased and really unfunny at this point"

But make it about sex and intimacy and suddenly everyone is screaming "Ew no way, this is the unsexiest, most disgusting language, bah!" again.

I think it's sad tbh. Smut and dirty talk are so much about word choice and so incredibly individual concerning what turns you off or on and to not even put in a little work figuring these things out for yourself and just label the language the problem?



Give this a normal caption challenge


me (lactose intolerant) about to ruin my whole day

my stomach in kindergarten after eating an entire bottle of elmer’s glue


Hitting the Häagen-Dazs® white chocolate truffle after a shitty day at work


Me having a little treat directly from the cream can after a long day of baking cakes.

When my werewolf boyfrie


this goes for photography, art, videos, tiktoks, gifs, anything a person had to make. I count screenshots of tiktoks that omit the original tiktoker as uncredited content.

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