
helluva way to die

@andrewhaldane / andrewhaldane.tumblr.com

jess. 23. they/them. this is an hbo war sideblog. if i'm gone now i'll be back when i rewatch i follow from arcadeigannon
Anonymous asked:

I’m weak, I’ve never been able to finish the pacific. It’s so hard to watch. I love the people but it’s a pretty brutal watch for me *hides* (again not because I hate it but because it’s that devastating to watch knowing real people suffered through that)

hey, it’s not for everybody! i don’t think that makes you weak at all; everyone has different thresholds for art and entertainment and it is perfectly understandable that the pacific crosses yours cmlkdf. there’s stuff in it that’s even hard for me to watch despite how many times i’ve seen it. okinawa is a really really rough for me, just the entire episode; and there’s several scenes from earlier on that make me deeply uncomfortable. which is sort of the point that’s trying to be made so it’s doing it well but MY point was that it’s perfectly fine if that’s not your cup of tea xkjsdfnf


it is funny to think that there may be people on here following me who like. were/are in the military. are you guys out there

Anonymous asked:

Dude so I’m wanting to watch The Pacific (I think that’s the one, it looks interesting, it’s got Joe Mazzelo in it I think. It just looks cool) any words of wisdom of explanations before I start watching it please? It seems to be really realistic so far and J respect that

oh man NXKJNKBDGBJ the pacific is an incredible show but it is HEAVY. it’s a very blunt look at what world war ii looked like in the pacific arena, horrific american atrocities included. whereas band of brothers focuses more on the camaraderie between men in combat, the pacific focuses on the horrors of war and how it traumatizes civilians and soldiers alike.

just be prepared for some really really intense stuff the entire way through jvknglkvdjgbf

Anonymous asked:

Okay but people dying is war. No one is sitting down saying we’re going to target this country because they’re Muslim, it’s because something very wrong is happening targeting innocent people there and making their lives harder. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at the white guys in charge, not the ones carrying out the orders and maybe talk to a vet or something so you can realize they’re not running rampant killing every brown person they see

this is the last message i’m going to respond to on this bc i don’t actually care enough to have a super long-winded argument about it but i digress

you also are unfortunately fooling yourself if you think any war that we have participated in in recent human history has truly been about any kind of moral quandary. iraq and afghanistan were about oil, the gulf war was about oil, vietnam was about capitalism and imperialism, even our involvement in wwii was ultimately self-serving.

i AM mad at the white guys in charge, but the troops who carry out the crimes are complicit. there is no way around that. i am aware of the propaganda of the recruitment machine and the way people get trapped into it and i am aware of the horrors that people experience during war and the trauma they’re left with afterward. it’s not a black and white conversation. when i say “fuck the troops” i’m making a generalization to be funny. do i literally think every last person in the military is evil? no. but again, they’re all complicit.

i promise you i know veterans and people who are currently in the military and i’ve also done a good amount of reading and listening to people who spent time in the military and i simply do not support it.

is war an inevitable part of the human condition? it’s possible. that’s a philosophical discussion that i think misses the point here in a lot of ways. modern warfare is fundamentally unethical, though. and i don’t just mean the us military either! all military-industrial complexes are like this!

Anonymous asked:

Also to say fuck the troops is even worse than anti military you know how many people join because they’re being fed a bunch of bullshit by recruiters? They don’t know what they’re getting into and most hate it or suffer it’s not a bunch of psychos getting together to commit hate crimes like you’re trying to make it out to be

i’m well aware of how many disadvantaged people are roped into joining the military by the incessant propaganda that is Everywhere in this country, believe me!

Anonymous asked:

Not gonna lie you kinda sound stupid saying that. You know how many different races join the military right?

yeah because the military specifically targets at-risk and lower-income citizens with recruitment campaigns (pay for school by joining the military! etc etc) and because of the way our society is that involves a huge number of people of color

that aside i wasn’t actually saying racist in reference to Who Can Join The Military i meant racist as in the us military has murdered millions of people throughout its history, a majority of which, again, are people of color

Anonymous asked:

Why are you anti-military? Or at least why would you say you don’t support the troops? That’s a little ignorant, wouldn’t you say?

racist imperialist organization . fuck the troops!


im,,, your response to that last ask was hAJKFHSKJLhfasjF. absolutely iconic behavior. positively braver than any us marine. the us military could NEVER


FSLMFKGNKJDXKJBNFSBGD LIKE... SORRY WE’RE AN ANTI-MILITARY HOUSEHOLD HERE yes im aware of the cognitive dissonance stanning war media requires let me relax i will comment later

Anonymous asked:

idk how much you’re on here anymore BUT i feel the need to let you know that i just got back from candidate visit weekend at the naval academy and during the opening night they gave us a powerpoint overview thing about usna and mentioned that they had nate fick come to speak about courage a few years back !!! it was awesome, we got to see a really short clip of his speech

this is. khskjdfh a lot i dont know how to tell you this. i dont actually support the troops. however glad nate fick is doing alright 

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