
Here Be Dragon Lovers


Hey there! 20yrs+old

Important Read Pls!

-I will not accept nsfw/personal asks. All asks like that will be deleted and blocked.

-I’ll post what I like when I feel like it, please be patient if waiting for content.

-Will not accept controversial/gore/other asks.

-Please be a kind person.

-Reblogs, Comments, and Likes are greatly appreciated!! Your support helps to promote my works!

-If you’re a nsfw bot you’ll be blocked. Nsfw blogs pls don’t follow.



Stealing and Plagiarizing Fic's This was brought up to my attention today by @haitani-maki that my work is being copied and translated without my consent. This person below translated my fics and posted them under there name on web-telegram.org The fic is the Dia De Los Muertos I wrote for a Halloween event. I didn't give them consent at all and blocked them after sending the message back in march due to them being a blank blog. I don't know how many others they have copied but this is unacceptable. If anyone has web telegram please report this account ASAP

I want everyone to be aware of this blog because idk how many others they have took fics from and copied their work. Please reblog to have people aware of this @tokrewgoslo

UPDATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT taking my work and a lot of other writers on here. Please report them. This is unacceptable.

Any fics you see my name please report or any other writers fics on there


I will not elaborate on this correlation.

(Jk. Heavily inspired by @kikilovessabito) Love you and what you do.


Yuh. My bad for not posting for like a month. Whoops


Giving my fave ghosthunter Taylor a little spotlight this time around. 👻👻👻

This isn’t exactly a scene from the game but I was heavily inspired by the “hopscotch” scene from corpse bride


“Together in unholy matrimony 🥀🥀🥀”

I wanted to incorporate more lore into this one by adding in the other members of the Gallagher family (The one in the middle is Elias’s grandmother )

And now that i finished 3 artworks all about Elias, should i make another one thats more Taylor-centric?

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