
Studying Synapses

@neur0sciences / neur0sciences.tumblr.com

Faye / 25 / ENFP / BSc, MSc (RES) / UK

Is Witchcraft a Placebo?

What is the “placebo effect” -  a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient’s belief in that treatment

One of the hardest aspects of witchcraft is proving it actually works. When it comes to spell jars, sigils, and other energy type work the only proof we have of its abilities to actually do anything is our own experiences.

Think of it this way:

You create a spell jar to banish negative energy from your home. You’ve been having this feeling in your gut that something just isn’t right. When you come home you feel some sort of bad mojo around you.

So you put together a spell jar. You collect all your ingredients and you perform your spell. Everything went just as planned and you have your jar all finished. You decide to place it on your altar or maybe you choose to bury it in your yard, or place it somewhere hidden like a closet or dresser..

You start to feel a lightness surrounding you (like that heavy bad feeling is gone or at the very least, slowing dissipating). ~ it’s working ~ the spell is actually working…. or is it?

You’ve been told that this will banish the negative energy from your home and you believe it. So did a jar full of herbs, objects and whatever else you used actually banish the negative energy? Or did it work because you believed it would? 

We’ve argued to a point of exhaustion about intent in witchcraft. “All you need is intent, everything else is just extra shit.” You ever wonder why witches tell you this? It’s because they have some awareness that all you need to do is believe it works and it’ll work. 

I’m not one of these witches lol. I’m into science and hard facts. Which is probably why my craft mostly centers around herbalism (and the medicinal properties of herbs) but I do still use crystals, candles and I’m a tarot reader but that doesn’t mean I’m not self-aware. I understand that my craft will be questioned and what kind of witch would I be if I didn’t also question my own craft and how it works. 

Of course I’m not saying magick isn’t real or that witchcraft is just made up bologna. I am a witch afterall lol. What I am saying is that witchcraft and the placebo effect are very similar.

There have been medical studies where they’ve found that more than 30% of those given a placebo reported the same results as those given the actual drug. This begs the question; are the active ingredients (or properties) in the drugs actually doing anything? or is the power of suggestion strong enough to mimic the results of the drug in question?


Honestly, as a neuroscientist I’m aware of how the craft is perceived and how it actually works. The placebo effect is definitely real, but personally I look at it as a way of meditation/self care/self therapy? So, although crystal vibrations may not actually be a thing or those herbs in a jar might not do anything, the act itself is therapeutic and that alone can give you intended results, if that makes sense? So if I was creating a jar for anxiety - anxiety itself doesn’t have a real reason, it’s a disorder of feeling, and by making a jar or doing a ritual for it may put me at ease, it’s just as effective as CBT - it’s a form of therapy, just different. I think witches back in the day were far ahead of their time because they were essentially the og doctors and psychologists of their time tbh. That’s what I love about it. 

But ofc that’s just what I think lmao.  


2017.09.26     (reposting from my previous blog)

Officially moved in!  So my desk is relatively empty right now, but I guarantee that by Week 2 or 3, it will be covered in papers, pens, and post-its.

Book: Anatomical Atlas (Maud Jepson)
Music: Never Gonna Die - Abstract ft. Aspen Dawn

Life Update: Most of you know that I quit my PhD, I’ve now managed to get a job in the mental health sector! It’s perfect experience for applying for a clinical doctorate, but until then I’m working. I’ll still be studying when I find time (looking up a part time course rn so fingers crossed). Otherwise, hello!


probably my favorite thing abt being a millennial is that i can lie on my resume abt shit like being proficient in excel bc i have the common sense to just google anything i dont know how to do which gives me a giant fucking edge over gen x in the job market bc somehow that strategy never occurs to employers and my underqualified ass looks like steve jobs every time i use a youtube tutorial to make a spreadsheet



hEY FRIENDS \(^o^)/ it’s been a long while― sorry for the inactivity! Slowly getting used to the rhythm of school,, it’s only the third week and things are already getting hectic! Hope 2017 has been kind to you so far, and wishing y'all a good week ahead (^O^)

sidenote: omg I’m so obsessed with the la la land soundtrack and I died today when dodie and jon uploaded their cover of city of stars i'm :“”

artstudygram // what stationery am i using?

Hey guys, so I’ve seen some posts around about daily routines so I thought I’d share my own. I consider myself to be great at being productive even early in the morning, and here’s how I achieve that. Hope this is helpful, and feel free to ask me questions if you have any!


My Day Was Okay but Then I Checked My E-Mail, There Was A Message From My Advisor and I’m Having Palpitations Now: A Memoir by me

The ghost of grad school future: The good news is that in a few years you won’t give a shit when you see those emails. The bad news is that you will be jaded af. 


some journaling ideas

  • quote of the day / song of the day / thought of the day
  • what you’re looking forward to this month / year
  • goals for this month
  • spreads or lists for favourite films / shows / music albums / books
  • favourite film / show / music album of the week or month
  • ongoing projects and work to keep track of
  • to watch / to read / to listen to list
  • wishlist
  • places to visit
  • letter to your future self / letter to your past self 
  • movie tickets / concert tickets / polaroids / receipts / stickers / stamps
  • self affirmations
  • playlists
  • five years from now 
  • tattoo ideas
  • things to study / learn more about
  • favourite quotes / lyrics / poems
  • achievements / accomplishments / places you’ve been and things you’ve done and when 
  • calming / grounding senses ( favourite sounds, smells, textures, and more )
  • support websites / phone numbers for reference

Tumblr Resources to Get You Through the School Year!

Hi guys!! Thank you all so much for your support!!! Happy 250 (EDIT: I SPENT A DAY ON THIS AND NOW IM PAST 300) and hope you all have a great start to the month! The community is more welcoming with all of you - I haven’t faced negativity from anyone at all. None of these are my posts - but they’ve helped me out a lot. With that said - let’s get started:

For bujos/planners:

This is one of my side blogs, and has tons of inspiration for weekly and monthly spreads, as well as a few aesthetic ideas and how to start one. I update this constantly.

Printables (the same as some used down there but in a different category):

For students:

Exams & Studying:

Study tips!! (its a masterpost)

Note - Taking:

Life, man & general school stuff:


Chemistry (I’m taking chem so i have a few resources aha)

History/Social Studies


Test Prep

100 words for the SATs (start studying early!!)

Thank you so much for the support! I couldn’t have done it without all of you. A simple reblog or like will help others see these tips, and will be very appreciated. I hope these links work - feel free to message me with questions and other links!! A possible part 2 might come out at the end of august, and one for languages!!!

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