


| larrie | baby ziam | ot5 | she/her | sometimes i do tarot | 19

Before you go through my account read this pls!

-i’ve been on the fandom since 2011-2012
-I’ve been a larrie since then (like there was no question in my head about it)
-I’m starting to learn about ziam so idk much about it
-None of them are fathers
-F is Brianna’s half brother imo cause he looks so much like Brett
-I don’t believe that Louis and Harry broke up nor that one cheated on the other
-If you come from twitter pls leave all the drama and bs, here we don’t do that
-i’m gonna do my best to answer all of you if you ask me something but don’t expect me to have answers for everything

Me: Hi

Bisexual character written by a straight person: Oh! I don’t like labels. I don’t like to pick sides. I just like people. I like to shop at two different grocery stores. I like to eat at Burger King and McDonalds, if you know what I mean. Let’s just say I wear two different socks. I prefer ketchup AND mustard on my hamburgers. I’m just gonna say that I own two different pairs of underwear. I don’t want to be like one of those people, but how about I just say that I like to drink my coffee from two different mugs?

Bi person irl:




rebloging for Bi-der man

Bi-der man swings both ways


So I’ve been thinking about this post for a, frankly, criminal amount of time, and I just needed to put all my love for ‘antidote’ all in one place, so forgive me.

As a writer, I know how crazy particular I am about verbiage — like, it’s an obsession — so when you use such a specific word like antidote repeatedly (in love songs, no less) it pings something in my brain.

antidote (noun)

a medicine taken or given to counter a particular poison.

Two things to focus on:

1. poison - antidotes are particular to poisonous substances, where medicines are for particular diseases/ailments

2. particular - antidotes connote a perfect match, one-is-to-one, a guarantee

When Harry uses the word antidote to describe a person (and/or says a person has the antidote), he’s saying you are the perfect, specific, guaranteed, one and only cure for the venom/poison/toxic and noxious (deadly, possibly) thing/s in my life.

It’s different to using a word like ‘medicine’, for example, because medicines do not connote any kind of specificity or guarantee. Many different medicines can cure many different ailments. At the same time, there’s always a margin of error with medicines - they may or may not work.

When he says antidote, he’s saying you (and only you) save me. You’re the reason I’m okay, you’re the reason I’m alive.

Sound familiar?

Maybe, possibly, almost like…

‘For every question why, you were my because.’

You guys can stop being mad at me now, because @persephoneflouwers is out to stab us all in the heart with these tags 🥺🥺🥺

Mor-pain (hehe, like morphine, geddit?) from the lovely tags of @milsen97 (I can’t tag you, idk why! Sorry, love!)


Actually at this point the blind man is not gonna take your hand, he will fucking slap you and say "Can't you see bitch?"


my mom watching harry’s coachella performance from last night: not to be rude to certain people but how does anyone think anything about harry styles is straight.


mums are so right? like i’m sure mums know…

Anonymous asked:

The venues are probably really hot and packed and, as we have said before, if this happened at only one show then it would be the venue/security's fault. But it isn't. It's happening almost every single show and that makes it the fans' fault. I know it's hard and I know there's a lot of factors, but this is 100% on the fans. It's so unfair to Louis and it makes me so angry. This should be a huge moment for him and instead he's waiting backstage. We hash this out every single time he has to leave the stage and nothing changes so whatever.

yeah ive been to hot shows where i had to sit down or move away from where i was. i was in pit for lollapalooza and eventually left. like you as a fan need to do your part. this is crazy. they still haven't come back.


Truly this is absurd. I've been to GA shows for bands like My Chemical Romance and they didn't have to stop a single time. Because fans knew how to handle their shit - we stayed hydrated, we helped each other out of the pit, and yelled at security - not at the band - to help when it was needed. And I was as young as these kids are when I was doing that. If you can't handle it - don't go into the pit.


yeah i think there is both this refusal to leave when people are feeling bad and this expectation that louis will "take care" of them. but it's rude to him. he shouldn't have to babysit an arena full of toddlers who can go get a drink when they are thirsty.

he actually got pissed at security too because they didn't see someone go down and he literally tapped the person with his foot and left the stage but people need to get their shit together.

"This is a very, very special venue to me throughout my solo career & my time in the band. To be back here so soon, this is all thanks to all of you. It feels fuckin unbelievable up here."

-Louis on playing Wembley.

Louis Tomlinson World Tour: London. (22 April 2022)

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