
Addicted to pretty little liars

@addictedtoprettylittleliars / addictedtoprettylittleliars.tumblr.com

Ally. 25. Canadian. I’m a party scientist. Welcome to my laboratory.
Anonymous asked:

Mona literally invented hacking and somehow can’t get into the school system.

Oh yeah, that doesn’t make sense. But this type of thing is expected with PLL 😩


i’m not saying i need validation to live i’m just saying that if my heart was flatlining and the doctor started telling me how great i was instead of trying to revive me my ass would be conscious within ten seconds 

Anonymous asked:

Let’s just cherish the first few smoothly running episodes before Marlene fucks everything up

Haha yeah. Maybe by then the cast will grow on me 🙃


I don’t know what is more cringey, the new cast of PLL the perfectionist or the freaking intro 🙃

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