
oc brainrot only

@generallkenobi / generallkenobi.tumblr.com

Zar | 21+ | Formerly chrisdoritoevans / amaratony / tonyrumiko. Tracking #generallkenobi!

btw! I was made aware that many people don't know that we're boycotting Eurovision this year, so.

we are boycotting Eurovision, as per BDS guidelines.

don't watch the stream, don't engage with the videos, don't post it about it on social media using hashtags that are going to trend.


Jaguarundis (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), family Felidae, found widely across the Americas, from far South TX and SE Arizona, through Mexico, Central America, and much of South America

  • This cat is very secretive and elusive, and rarely seen.
  • While working in Ecuador, with the Quichua people, I was told that they use magical portals at the base of Kapok trees to travel from one tree to another... or to the other side.

photograph by @lucas.18photos


it wasn't "some reason", it was 2D animators being unionized and 3D not being unionized. and the simple truth that capitalism kills art.


I remember when 2D faded out, the reason studios kept giving was "it's because 2D is a lot more expensive to produce". I was a child back then so I didn't think too much about it, assuming it was about the process itself, but as I grew up and learned more about art as an artist, and gained friends who were professional 3D artists themselves, I started to question it. Because 3D is very different from 2D, but it's definitely not easier or faster to make. Also, both European and Asian studios kept producing 2D animated movies

The answer was unions. The answer wasn't "this kind of art is cheaper because it's easier to make", it was "this kind of art is cheaper because these artists can't force us to pay them correctly"


I bet after Aragorn became king he would continue to be Just Some Chill As Fuck Dude. You go to the market and there’s the king of Gondor. Buying turnips.


Btw I want everyone to know 30 000 Palestinians killed in Ghazzah is not an accurate number or even estimate. This was the number that was being put out at the beginning of January, its been 2 and a half months, and the number is still around 30 000, despite the fact we have all personally witnessed nearly a hundred massacres since then through our phone screens.

The conditions are worse than ever, there is no food, there is no water, there is no shelter, there is no power. We only have 1% of the picture on the ground now. It is extremely likely that 90-95% of Ghazzah's infrastructure has been destroyed.

Do not content yourselves by saying 30 000 Palestinians have been killed. The damage is far far larger than this.


Hi newt! There's an alligator at my work with the same name as you.


Love that they named an animal after another animal, like, "This is my cat, Pigeon."


This is my cat, Pigeon...

this is my cat, Pigeon :)

This is my cat, Pigeon 🤷‍♀️

Beautiful pigeons, everybody. Particularly enchanted by the last one, who appears to be some sort of nun.


never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱


the reviews are in... glad everyone's enjoying song of the worm

[id: tumblr tags reading 'dude This Fucking Rules', 'holy fucking shit! that was legit so cool?', 'holy shit that is fucking metal', 'oh this fucks severely', 'yeah no this fucking SLAPS', 'yo this RULES']


i see posts here about how people are so mortified when they are acknowledged as being a regular customer somewhere that they never return. cowards. the employees at taco bell treat me like a celebrity. like royalty. i am their strange little pet customer who gets traded along as staff comes and goes. they know my car before i even speak in the drive-thru speaker. today i was 2 hours late and she ran over and squealed that she "thought i'd left them!" and that she "made my order with extra love!" and you what, she did

it's funny that this is getting notes again, because last night i went to the thai place in my neighborhood. it's run by a family and during covid times i ate there literally almost every day. later i cut back on eating out so much and hadn't been there in two years but last night we went and ate inside for the first time ever and the owner ran over to say hello and ask how i was, and repeated our old regular order. it was sweet. it's so easy to feel like you are an island, but stuff like this reminds you that you are part of a community.

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