
Legend of consul Lightwood

@legendofconsullightwood / legendofconsullightwood.tumblr.com

Bisexual she/her from Finland.Tired. Should be reading chemistry. Reliving my fourth-grade star wars obsession but ten times more intense. Fictional characters just hit differently. Atla, tsc, sw

random weirdos: nick hates taylor, he also hates rwrb and it shows

nick: tayluh is amazing, he’s my mate ❤️ here is a list as to why i think he’s the best, also i save funny lil memes about us and also i love henry so fucking much, here is all the edits I’ve saved of him. also-


­­­­­­­­­­­­­It is deeply hilarious to me that Nick talked about that photo of him in his Mary & George costume as being slutty because it shows a lot of chest. Like, yeah obviously it is, but, honey, you’re also just wearing underwear.

(I feel I should put a disclaimer here that I’m not a historian and my knowledge on period clothing is very limited. So while I feel pretty confident in what I’m about to say, please don’t quote me on it.)

Those billowing shirts were primarily worn under your regular clothes; they weren’t usually part of your outfit. Yes, by today’s standards when you wear something like that you’re pretty much clothed but back then you really weren’t (think of it like the difference between a bra and a bikini. One of them is clothes the other isn’t). And George, slut that he is (and by extension Nick), not only struts around in his shirts and not much else for a significant portion of the show, George’s shirts are also really, really nice. Especially post ep. 3 his shirts are always clean (meaning he has enough to change them regularly), many of them are embroidered, often with what looks to be silk, and some of them are even dyed. (For context, wearing dyed clothes has, throughout history, been a way to show of wealth. Before the invention of synthetic dye, dying fabric was extremely expensive, so wearing clothes in rich, bright colors was a way to show how well off you were. So presumably wearing dyed underwear that most people wouldn’t even get to see, was the equivalent of buying your fourth Tesla you’re never going to drive just because you can.)

Essentially we’re spending a lot of time on the show watching George prance around in the 17th century version of very expensive lingerie. So, yeah, Nick, it is kinda slutty.

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