
The Black Panther Lives


Scottie, 25, white, lesbian, nb/gq, she/they/he                                                                                           💜Wakanda Forever💜

Fantastic Beasts is suspended indefinitely.

Musk is begging for cash because he made the stupidest purchase in internet history.

Zucky Wucky is hemorrhaging cash because the Metaverse goal of becoming the NFT successor of real estate speculation was met with the deserved mockery at how stupid it was.

Trump is finally being properly prosecuted for crimes he unquestionably and very inconspicuously committed.

Alex Jones owes a billion dollars to Sandy Hook victims.

The Tories are imploding in a schism that might actually result in the collapse of the British empire.

Putin has ran out of army and crawled pathetically to the corner a tiny insurgent army pushed him towards, decades of military propaganda burnt away in months.

Prime Minister Shinzō Abe died with no glory.

The GOP is so confused after the Trump era they don't even know how to run their grifts anymore.

Rings of Power was such a mediocre release Amazon could potentially drop Prime Video altogether.

Turns out 2022 was really the "find out" year. It took a while but I'm loving this season finale so far.


if i was a disney exec and i had to go through the one-two punch of guillermo del toro's pinocchio and the across the spiderverse trailer id be fucking embarrassed frankly


Forcing me to see w****v***** when I'm looking at T'Challa stuff is a hate crime


“Hey hank noticed our new neighbors hung a flag in front of their house idk what it means but the colours are nice”


“I believe its one of those trans flags bill”


“Oh that’s nice; i mean i think trains are neat never thought i could publicly show my interests”


“Knowhat man, not talkin about no trains man goin toot toot man; talkin bout people wantin to be who they are, respecting pronouns, upholding gender identity while dismantling gender roles man”

“ now I’ve noticed people being assinine by not respecting and protecting the trans community and i tell you h-what I’d kick the ass of the person who isnt showing some human decency towards them. Now i may be old fashioned but i like to define a person by their character and how they act towards people be it women, man or whomever someone says they are; long as they can enjoy a cold drink after doin some pristine lawn care on a hot summer day, helping a neighbor with a afternoon project and whom also believes in how propane is the greatest gift to the world america has to offer than, goddangit! why not take pride in who you are “




“Mhm yep”


so after the revelation that Taylor Swift’s private jet is the highest carbon dioxide emitter of any celebrity, she’ll still trend at number 1 two weeks later because she announced a new album and everyone conveniently forgot about the environment thing. we really learned fucking nothing huh.

bringing this back today

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