



one time in sixth grade i did my math homework and then because i was excited that i had grasped the lesson so well, i did the next day’s homework too

the next day in class i told my teacher, and she looked constipated for a second, and then said dismissively, “well, then you’re not very good at following directions, are you.”


 Cause tags are truth. Maaan ,that one time a teacher stole my encyclopedia cause it proved her wrong.

when I was eight and in public school, we could do a report based on any historical character who had a book about them in the school library.

I picked Harriet Tubman because Harriet Tubman, and I wrote about how her master had thrown an anvil at her head, leaving her with a permanent dent in her forehead. I know that the anvil part was definitely in the school library book.

My teacher circled the word “anvil” and took off points.

“I HAVE SPELLED ANVIL CORRECTLY,” I roared in tiny confrontation.

“No,” she said, and it transpired that she didn’t know or care that “anvil” is a word or that “anvils” are a thing.

And so despite my helpful attempts to explain what anvils were, including references to blacksmiths and the Roadrunner, I had points taken off OH MY GOD.



From “Daring Greatly” by Brene Browne:

“…85 percent of the men and women we interviewed for the shame research could recall a school incident from their childhood that was so shaming, it changed how they thought of themselves as learners.”

I think about this quote a lot when I think of school.

Sometimes you just see a combination of posts that really crystallizes something for you. thank you spcsnaptags for putting these thoughts together this way.

In second grade I used the word “boon” in a composition and my teacher marked it wrong because, she said, it was not a word. 

I brought in the Chambers English Dictionary the next day to show her. 

That was the same school where even after I had demonstrated to them that I could read by READING A PAGE OF A BOOK OUT LOUD IN FRONT OF THEM, I was judged to be in the somethingth percentile for learning to read. Boy, was that a fun two years in the American public school system. 

In 7th grade we had to write a term paper. I chose migraines as my subject as it was something I was experiencing at the time.

I wrote an excellent paper that utilized medical language far beyond my grade level but I understood everything I wrote.

When I got the paper back I had gotten a C because the teacher didn’t understand the science in my paper. Like what the hell?

What’s scary is that this pretty much describes American public education. Like, these stories aren’t unique. This is a universal truth in our school system. I starts in preschool and lasts through high school. I was dealing with this shit right up until college.

And then if you point out the way you’re being disrespected you have a “problem with authority” and get singled out for worse treatment and told YOU’RE the ungrateful good-for-nothing for talking back to your teachers. Yeah, I’m not grateful. They DIDN’T DO ANYTHING for me to be grateful for!! I don’t hate teachers because they’re teachers, I hate when they refuse to DO THEIR JOBS AND TEACH.

What the fuck is America’s problem I’m so sorry for y’all

Oh god. This is so familiar that it nauseates me.

How about the time I got a B on a gradeschool presentation on the bald eagle because I “did too much work.” Or the time in seventh grade that I got a B on my HUGE AND TIME CONSUMING social studies fair project because I used a photograph in my display that my teacher called “offensive” and refused to believe came from a place in the state DESPITE PROOF I WENT AND TOOK THE FUCKING PHOTO MYSELF. (Hint: it was of the slave quarters in a local plantation.) That was the same teacher who made me re-do that very project because I originally did it on eating disorders, and she decided after I had already finished it that eating disorders were “inappropriate to discuss in front of an audience” and forced me to choose a new topic. 

How ‘bout we talk about my first grade teacher ACTUALLY telling my mother to her face while I was standing next to her that ‘’I thought she would be a retard because of the way she sits by herself and reads at recess instead of playing with the other kids” in regards to me making straight fucking A’s. HOW ABOUT we talk about the same woman sending me to the principal’s office for “disrespect” when I corrected her mispronunciation of the word “minivan” when she repeatedly pronounced it “minnivun.” At least the sixth grade teacher I corrected when she refused to say the word “demonstrative,” as in “demonstrative property” (because she admittedly thought it was pronounced “DEMON-strative” and refused to say the word DEMON) didn’t punish me. The same seventh grade teacher as above who tried to make the class feel stupid with a list of “big words” didn’t punish me when I got them all correct, but she treated me like shit for the rest of the year and pulled “Well, [name], I guess you know what that word means, too?” bullshit on multiple occasions. 

Hooow about the year my fourth grade teacher tried to humiliate me (including actively encouraging the class to laugh at me) literally every single day during reading class by trying to call on me when she thought I wasn’t paying attention to our place in the reading and giving me pages on multiple occasions because she failed and it pissed her off. The same teacher sent me to the principal’s office over the course of the year for every minor (and often made up, like chewing gum when I wasn’t, and not obeying directions she never gave me) infraction she possibly could, to the point where he still remembers it and remarks on it when I see him in the grocery store.

And for context - I was not an outspoken kid. I wasn’t a troublemaker. I was a very, very quiet student, debilitatingly shy, but I had an inability to let teachers tell the class the wrong thing when I knew the right one. I had lots of wonderful, awesome, encouraging teachers, please don’t get me wrong. But there are some absolutely shitty people out there who bully and prey on students because they get off on it, too, and those are the ones who should never be allowed to teach.

Wow, WTF. I have to reblog this back to my blog, because I know some teachers and I want them to read this. Most of them are at the college level, but still … man, you had some HORRIBLE experiences. I only had one or two, but it sounds like you were put through the wringer. I’m so sorry that happened to you.  :-( 

I think my experiences were down to my combination grade/middle school being an extremely rural school where being smart was great, but being “too smart” was a punishable offense and actively discouraged. They made students feel like it was disrespectful to know more than the teacher about anything. Despite all of the crap I got, I actually loved my gradeschool because of the teachers who were wonderful. They gave me happy memories there that overshadow the bad ones. My second grade teacher is still my favorite of any teacher I’ve ever had, my third grade teacher was wonderful and still hugs me if I see her in public, and my eighth grade teacher was one of the kindest and smartest people I’ve ever known, on a Miss Honey level! :D

I was literally fucking shamed by my 1st grade teacher for writing a /short creative story/ wrong. And not because it was too long or anything, but because I did it wrong. And she explicitly told us it could be about anything we’d like. But I had the wrong topic. This made made me, next year, refuse to write at all for the teacher because “it’s going to be wrong no matter what”. I remember also telling her I didn’t want to fail her (as a teacher, cause I liked being a smart student) so instead I wasn’t going to do it. The said 1st grade teacher also made me pee my pants in front of the whole class and then shamed me and made the kids laugh at me FOR peeing my pants.

And people wonder why I extreme anxiety.


Wait, where are the notes?

OMG so true

guys look at where the notes should be.

What the fuck?

notes be gone.



OMG this pic could not be more true


It wasn’t originally posted by anyone either. The legendary ‘ghost’ post… O.o


Dear god we did it. We finally encountered the tumblr ghost..



a pre-dashcon relic

ok so i have the labs thing on where you can see all the past reblogs right? well guess what. I CANT LOOK AT PAST REBLOGS EITHER this post has no history at all.


Gregorian monks singing “Boulevard of Broken Dreams.”


Why is this a thing that exists?




“on the boooooolovarrrd of brooookennnn dreeeemmsss”

I turned this on and at that moment my roommate opened the curtains, and I immediately had this epic video in my head of us cleaning our apartment, and raising a castle around it with hammers and magic.

I’ve introduced so many people to Gregorian: the best way to do it is to slip it into a normal playlist.


This is the soundtrack of an angel that was thrown out of heaven unjustly and is existing on earth, and being tracked by an adversary, while an angel friend is preparing to come rescue him.



Crows are scary They

  • use tools
  • Can be taught to speak (like parrots)
  • Have huge brains for birds
  • like seriously their brain-to-body size ratio is equal to that of a chimpanzee
  • They vocalize anger, sadness, or happiness in response to things
  • they are scary smart at solving puzzles
  • some crows stay with their mates until one of them dies
  • they can remember faces
  • SIDENOTE HERE BECAUSE HOLY SHIT.  They did an experiment where these guys wore masks and some of them fucked with crows.  Pretty soon the crows recognized the masks = douchebag.  But the nice guys with masks they left alone.  THEN, OH WE’RE NOT DONE, NO SIR crows that WEREN’T EVEN IN THE EXPERIMENT AND NEVER SAW THE MASK BEFORE knew about mask-dudes and attacked them on sight.  THEY PASSED ON THE FUCKING INFORMATION TO THEIR CROW BUDDIES.
  • They remember places where crows were killed by farmers and change their migration patterns.

Guys I’m really scared of crows now. (q

Yeah but have you seen this 

A colleague of my dad’s lives next to a lake, and looked out the window one morning to see a duck trapped in the ice. A crow swooped down. “Oh hell,” she thought, expecting carnage, because crows are opportunists. But the crow chipped at the ice with its beak until the duck was free.

Idk of this counts but a few crows saved me from a magpie swooping attack once ,they’re bros who can tell when magpies are being unreasonable and need to chill

I love crows so damn much. When I was fifteen, I hit a pretty serious bout of depression, to the point I was in my room for months. Well, a family of crows made a nest in a tree outside my window. There were two parents and two chicks. One chick was healthy and strong. One was weak, and had a caw like something being strained. It sounded more like a rooster crowing and so my parents jokingly named him ‘Buck’.Well… months passed and Buck’s sibling was taught to fly. His parents focused on the sibling because the sibling was strong. The father stayed behind to try and teach Buck, but I saw him try to fly, fail, and crash to the floor. His father helped him back up into the tree.

Every day, I would watch Buck from my window until one day I opened it and started talking to him. He was small and gangly and he couldn’t caw right. His feathers were all over the place and I felt a kinship. So I made a deal with him. I told him that if he could do it, if he could fly, then I could find the strength to get up. Well… near the end of the season, after talking with him every day, I finally saw him get out of the nest. He went to the edge of his branch, braced himself, and jumped… and just before he hit the ground, he soared back up into the sky. I cheered harder than I ever had before.

That winter, Buck left the area. I was crestfallen. I felt like I’d lost a friend. But I was so damn proud of him. 

Cut to the next spring? I’m walking up the driveway one day when suddenly I hear a sound… a broken caw. I look up, and Buck is sitting in a tree above my head. He stared at me and puffed his feathers, then hopped down in front of me and cawed again. I was so damn thrilled, and I told him how proud I was of him. He ruffled his feathers and then soared off into his old tree. 

That summer? I heard two broken caws. One from Buck… and one from his chick.

Cut to ten years later? We have a family of crows who all have a very distinct caw and they come here and spend every spring, summer, and fall on our property. Buck still greets me every spring.

that last reply made me wanna cry. that’s so beautiful.

Don’t forget the Russian Crow SLEDDING DOWN A ROOF not once, but twice. 

this one morning i kept hearing really loud caws, i remember it was like 5am, LIKE REALLY LOUD AND ANNOYING AND AGGRESSIVE, so loud that i could hear it through a closed window, and i eventually went outside to check it out. there was a crow on my front lawn, it had an injury on its head and couldn’t fly and there were two other crows circling right above it, and they were cawing like mad. 

i tried to get close and take a better look and one of them dived super low and tried to attack me. so i went back in the house and chopped some sliced raw meat and tossed it at him from a distance.

a few more times later, very soon after, they could tell i was trying to help, and did not attack me. i was “allowed” to walk up close and pick him up, he couldn’t drink water properly so i had to dip my finger in a bowl and stick it in his mouth.

i did this few times a day and it went on for about a week before he disappeared, i thought he recovered and left, but he came back the next day and lands on me, and i see him around the block quite often, and he would come sit on my shoulder for a few minutes and then fly away again. i feel like i’ve adopted a son.

Best birbs !!


Smart and lazy is a horrible combination that results in disappointed teachers, exasperated friends and a whole lot of bad doodling

Oh shit this was literally me in school

Don’t forget those angry parents and half finished homework assignments crumpled in your binders

Im smart and tired I want to do good but i dont feel like trying anymore


But, guys…it’s not April 1st yet…She whispered worriedly as three different mutuals on her dash stared at her with the same face of Misha Collins, their posts screaming the nighness of Mishapocalypse.

She leaned back in her chair as a sudden realization dawned upon her- We’re starting early this year???


My favorite thing about Hammer of the Gods is when Gabriel looks at Kali and, in a disgusted tone, asks, “Really? Baldr?” since in Norse mythology, Baldr’s mother made it so nothing could kill him except mistletoe, since it was such a small and harmless thing.

So one day, someone went up to the blind god Hodr, and told him to prove that Baldr in invincible by throwing a branch at Baldr, except Hodr didn’t know it was a shaft of mistletoe. It pierced through Baldr, killing him. 

That someone? It was Loki.


Loki you lil shit


Jingle Bells

Scrolling through my dash On fourty eight cans of redbull Deep through tumblr we go Crying cuz the feelz

Fandom trash posting Shipping till I die What fun it is to say goodbye To your whole social life


Fandom blogs Fandom blogs Sherlock all the way

Oh what fun it is to cry When the doctor regenera-ates!


Fandom blogs Fandom blogs You cannot escape

Oh what fun to go binge watch All the animes


Fandom blogs Fandom blogs Hunters get your guns

Oh what fun to run these blogs Carry on my wayword sons!

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