
Tendy Love


Showing our goaltenders the love they deserve.
Anonymous asked:

I feel so down right now. I just bombed a phone interview for this company, and I didn’t realize that my dad was eavesdropping the entire phone call until the interviewer asked me if I have any questions. Then when we were done he got mad at me for asking about their work culture. His defense was that it’s interview feedback, but the way he said he’s pissed that I bombed the interview and I should be blamed if I don’t get the job. I said I was nervous then he said, “Who the F gets nervous?”

(cont) I’m all for constructive criticism, but I didn’t like how my dad said it. He sounded like he was blaming me for being too nervous in that phone screening because I swear the questions were a bit difficult. I have to admit that I said “ok” a lot and rephrased his questions while I elaborated on my answers, but my dad was frustrated that I wasn’t my best self during the interview because he thinks if I don’t get hired it will be because of me. “How can you perform in the in-person then?”

Oh nonny I am so sorry. To me, rephrasing the question is a good thing. It means that you are listening to the interviewer, and engaging with them. Also that sounds like your dad is going a little far, I firmly believe if something is going to happen it will happen. It won’t be your fault, sometimes you just aren’t quite qualified or they don’t mesh with you! I am sending you very good vibes!


Hey anon,

I work in HR and have spent quite a bit of time working with people getting ready for interviews, supporting hiring managers after they’ve completed interviews and also done a whole pile of interviews myself (phone, skype, in-person, half in-person and half on skype, in the back of a shop, you name it) and let me tell you something - everyone is nervous as heck in interviews.  And that’s a good thing! If you’re not nervous, it usually means you don’t care.  

I’ve had interviews where I have completely blanked on everything things I’ve ever known when trying to answer a question.  Like “I’m sorry I’ve just forgotten my own name let alone my example to answer this question with!” But interviewers get it, they know how stressful and nerve wracking interviews are and that totally gets taken into account.

In terms of asking about work culture, I think that’s a really good question to ask in an interview and something important to take into account when you’re thinking about a job.  Interviews should always be as much about you finding out whether or not the role/company is a good fit for you as well as the other way around. And the fact that you are thinking about it indicates that you’re not just going to take the first job that comes around but you’re looking for a good fit - this is a positive thing for interviewers to see!

Also rephrasing questions is not an issue at all. I’d much rather have an interviewee rephrases every question 4 times than not answer the question. It shows that they are thiking about the question, taking time to make sure they are answering correctly and understand the question.  It’s a good thing!

I certainly don’t think it’s your fault if you don’t get the job - there are so many factors that go into a hiring decision that you have no influence over.  Sometimes someone else just has slightly better industry or related experience or they think might be a better cultural fit, or someone had cool freckles (that’s a terrible reason to hire someone but it doesn happen). Anyone, i think you should be proud of getting through and interview and if it doesn’t come through for you this time, take it as a learning experience, think about other ways to answer those questions, and you’ll be even better prepared for the next one!

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