
if i post it it's not talking to myself

@southern-continent-skies / southern-continent-skies.tumblr.com

commentary, outtakes, random additional thoughts and miscellaneous aesthetics Vorkosigan Saga, Captive Prince, The Goblin Emperor, Locked Tomb Trilogy, The Magnus Archives, Bioware, misc large fandoms any pronouns, old enough to have used xanga also on dreamwidth

I need to see BDSM haters go on rants about the evils of capsaicin

It’s ridiculous to believe that anyone truly enjoys eating spicy food, capsaicin literally evolved as a deterrent to keep mammals from eating it… oh you “like” eating spicy food?? You “like” crying and your nose running at the table while you’re trying to just enjoy dinner? Just admit you have brain rot from watching too many episodes of Hot Ones and go…

I would never let someone eat spicy food in front of me… like that’s literally a chemical irritant that burns your tissue, anyone who would willingly let their partner—let alone ASSIST THEIR PARTNER!!!—in this act of obvious self-harm is an abuser. If I was on a date with someone and they ordered Sichuan hot pot I would simply get up and leave.


Do you think the boeing hitman like takes a plane to go kill those people

He's like sitting in a completely empty jet and he can hear a window pane jiggling and he's just sitting there like this


This makes so much sense


May I add:

Too many I know, give more than asked and run themselves ragged.

I know you want to be good and kind to others and show your skills. But please don't. It just leads to more work because people think you can handle it, or uses you. If you can perform 100% of what is asked with 70% of your energy, do that and save the 30% for yourself.


The best work skill I ever learned was to carefully not demonstrate how competent I can be at my best, so that everyday expectations are in line with the amount of effort I want to give on a daily basis. Trying to give your maximal effort every day is how you burn out hard. Save that shit for special occasions. If you're Employee of the Month every month but always exhausted and sad and lonely because your job drains you dry, your priorities have been poisoned by capitalism and you need to rethink them before you crash into a wall.

Also, not overdoing it at work is good praxis. Help the bar for good enough work be set relatively low for everyone, and then everyone gets to end the work day with enough energy to do a hobby or play with their kids or go out to a show. Don't be the person the boss holds up as an example of properly dedicating your life to your job. Slacking is solidarity.


I know a lot is going on in the world right now but this kind of loss of art is breaking my heart in two.

The Valentino’s Costume Group in Hollywood has lost everything after the death of their co-founder, the pandemic, strikes, etc. and is now being forced to do a very quick liquidation sale before having to send all of their years of hard work to be turned into rags. (Yes this is a real thing)

These people have crafted thousands of costumes over 20 years to rent to everyone and anyone who needed one. They’re sex worker and queer friendly. They’re also being accused of being “fast fashion” while being one of the few places in this world actively working against fast fashion with their work. They don’t want to have to turn their hard work into rags. It’s the only option for them with the enormous amount of costumes/fabrics they have to remove from the building very quickly.

So, Californians and anyone willing to travel to Hollywood: YOU can save a costume! (or two?) YOU can save someone’s art from being destroyed! YOU can own pieces of Hollywood! YOU can save so much sewing supplies and fabrics!


Phone: 818-427-5248

Special hours for Influencers: May 20-30th 9:30am-4:30pm MON-SUN

What: Vintage, designer, menswear, historical, specialty, children’s, shoes, jewelry, vintage hats, show packages, racks, fabric, etc!

Important note: Please be kind and patient with the folks managing this sale. There’s maybe 2-3 people working at the most, and they all just suffered the death of someone close to them and the loss of their dream.

Please, please signal boost this. Their hard work should not go to waste and this terrible loss is already hard enough on them.


I have a full post about this here [Link]

but I genuinely need people to start making the connection between terfs and radfems being Weirdly Invested in silencing trans men when they open up about being raped, calling them MRA's and misogynists and trying to get people to Stop Listening To Them or taking them seriously

and the fact that you can find terfs and radfems openly fantasizing about corrective raping trans men on this very site.

people who silence victims do it for a reason, and I think we should All acknowledge that terfs seem to Love doing it


the magnus archives is kind of a blur to me because I started listening to it when I had a lab job one summer and my professor-boss loaned me out to another professor on research I knew nothing about and the lab was in a basement with no windows and there were no other people working there

i had to sort dead macroinvertebrates out from detritus in pond water samples one square inch at a time under a dissecting scope for 8 hours a day completely alone and I knew I would surely go insane without entertainment so I asked for a podcast recommendation and ppl said magnus archives

so I started listening to it alone in the basement with the dead bugs for 8 hours a day with no breaks until several weeks had gone by like that and I was finally getting ready for a vacation, to Cornwall to visit friends, and I’d become so unhinged that I briefly thought to myself “when I land in London maybe we can visit the magnus archives” as if it were a real paranormal investigative society.

immediately after having that thought, I decided the vacation would be strictly magnus archives free.

more importantly is that I later got my coworkers in Alaska listening to it all day at work even though I wasn’t listening to it anymore. 

so they were just walking around listening to a horror podcast in here


This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.

No you guys this post helped me find my cat. He was missing for almost a month and I’ve had him for over 12 years. After seeing this I put his favorite blanket he always slept on outside hoping he would smell mine or his scent and he was back the next fucking day asleep on it.

When my cat got out, we called and called for him, and then, later that night, I remembered similar advice to this, and so put his little scratching pad, which he adores, on the front porch. Not even half an hour later, I heard a thump, opened the door, and there was his big butt, meowing at me.

Important and vital

I don’t care that I reblogged this today I’m reblogging it again

This is an exception to not being related to writing.

I hope this helps somebody

Whenever someone in one of my buy swap sell groups reports a missing cat, I remember this post and pass the advice on. So far, ALL of the missing cats have come home.


[ID: A digital informational poster. Text: “HOW TO FIND A LOST DOG. On day 12 of searching for my dog in a heavily wooded area, distraught and hopeless, I ran into a couple of hunters. They said they lost the occasional dog on a hunt but always got them back. What they told me has helped many dogs and families be reunited. The dog owner(s) should take an article of clothing that has been worn at least all day, the longer the better, so the lost dog can pick up the scent. Bring the article of clothing to the location where the dog was last seen and leave it there. Also, if the dog has a crate and familiar toy, you can bring those too (unless location undesirable for crate). You might also want to leave a note requesting item(s) not to be moved. Leave a bowl of water there too, as the dog probably hasn’t had access to any. Do not bring food as this could attract other animal that the dog might avoid. Come back the next day, or check intermittently if possible. Hopefully the dog will be waiting there. I was skeptical and doubted my dog would be able to detect an article of clothing if he didn’t hear me calling his name as loud as possible all day for 12 days. But I returned the next day and sure enough found him sitting there! I hope this helps someone out there who’s missing a best friend. Good luck :)” End ID]


I think it's a common misconception that domesticating animals is somewhat like enslaving them. It really is more of a symbiotic relationship. No wild animal would have willingly put up with early humans if they didn't get something out of it. Wolves wouldn't have stayed with us and become dogs if they weren't getting food and safety out of it. Many large herbivores that are now domesticated could and would have easily trampled their early human captors or broken their enclosures open if they didn't have a reason to stay. Sometimes individual animals still do if we don't give them what they need.

The animals that have stayed with us for thousands of years have evolved to cooperate with us better. Dogs have additional facial muscles around their eyes that wolves lack in order to mimic human facial expressions. Sheep grow their wool perpetually while their wild counterparts don't because a bigger fleece means they're more likely to be allowed to breed and be kept around. Domestic dairy cows produce much more milk than wild bovine species and domestic hens lay more eggs. Do you know how energy costly producing eggs or milk is for an animal? It's pretty intense! They wouldn't be able to do that if we hadn't given them the food and safety from predators and the elements to.

And we really need to show these animals respect and gratitude for what they give us by taking excellent care of them. They gave up a lot to be with us, often including the means to take care of themselves in the wild. That's a huge reason why I'm not against using animal products, but I hate factory farming. They are still living, breathing creatures with needs and feelings. They deserve a comfortable life and, when the time comes, a humane death.


sorry since realizing my gender i have zero tolerance for the whole “man hating” angle of being queer i hate i hate it i hate you. stop. you are hurting people.

i just. speaking up for trans men and getting hit with “imagine defending men” as a reply has enraged me deeply on this day

it’s very “yall only consider trans men real men when it hurts us.” we experience misogyny until we try to speak on it, and then we’re invading women’s spaces. we’re not men when we don’t pass well but we’re men the second we’re looking for queer community and are faced with “men and mascs not allowed” i’m tired

Anonymous asked:

do you have any cdrama recs?

I haven't watched many! My attention span for just-for-fun reading is abysmal when school's in session, and that sadly includes subtitles.

HOWEVER. I HIGHLY recommend Story of Yanxi Palace, a historical drama that follows a young woman named Wei Yingluo who enters the Qianlong Emperor's court as an embroidery maid to avenge her older sister's murder. Yingluo is a FANTASTIC protagonist because she's a top-tier manipulator capable of being absolutely ruthless; however, for all that she's trying (and generally succeeding) at being a Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, she has an unshakeable sense of justice, and often undertakes personal risk to protect people dear to her. I always like it when a hero gets to scheme and lie, the scheming and lying is acknowledged as such.

Beyond that--and what REALLY appealed to me coming off of The Untamed--is that the cast is overwhelmingly women. There are, like, four guys who matter in the entire 70-episode series. The other principles are the women of the: the empress, the concubines, the consorts in the harem, the maids. The series is first and foremost concerned with the relationships between these women and how the repressive environment of the Forbidden City (and the precariousness of their own positions) stifles their abilities to be themselves and encourages them to turn on each other. There's a lot of love! There's also a lot of mess!

And if you're like "hm, this sounds like a serious and depressing prestige drama," it also includes some BUCKWILD plot moments. At one point a character summons bats to murder someone. At another point, a character goads another into being struck by lightning.

(Also, because this made me very anxious: when a tiny dog shows up, DON'T WORRY, THE DOG IS FINE. THE DOG IS OKAY.)

I will admit that I haven't finished the series; there's a point around 2/3 in where some major plot threads are resolved and the ones intended to take their place come out of NOWHERE and involve what I feel is some genuinely OOC writing for the new antagonists. But it's just so ENJOYABLE to watch a historical drama that centers on women's experiences, isn't a romance (there are romances in it! but that is deeply secondary), and lets its characters be absolute disaster humans instead of Cardboard Picturesque Sad Historical Ladies(TM). I am grateful to @maester-of-spreadsheets and @tavina-writes for recommending it!

The whole thing is on YouTube with top-notch subtitles. (They translate terms of address! They translate the idioms and scientific/cultural/historical references verbatim and then add footnotes for context because they correctly assume that yOU ARE WATCHING THIS ONLINE, YOU CAN PAUSE TO READ IF YOU WANT. Netflix would NEVER.) There's also a remarkably thorough Wikipedia page if you lose track of the characters, since many of them undergo changes to their official titles and are referred to by those exclusively.


SECONDING THE YANXI PALACE REC. this show was marketed as a romcom actually. One of my faves non-jokingly tries to bury a baby alive. Anyway.


I know an awful lot of propals have me blocked, so I’m going to ask that while this post should be reblogged, if you know you have significant inroads in goyische Tumblr, copy/pasting or screenshotting this would be great, because we need all hands on fucking deck.

So for those who don’t know: we’ll start with “a whole bunch of articles on Jewish history and identity on Wikipedia have been vandalized, including but not limited to removing mentions of individuals being Jewish and referring to Jewish holidays as Palestinian holidays, and making Jewish holiday pages deliberately vague with such things as ‘it may mean’ or ‘it could represent’ as though real actual living Jews couldn’t tell you what it does or doesn’t mean.”

Next: the same thing started happening to articles about North American indigenous and First Nations people. When I say “the same thing,” I mean I actually contacted the person who brought this to my attention to be like “could these be linked? Because some of this verbiage sounds IDENTICAL.” And little surprise there, because guess what, at least two of the editors involved have been found across both sets of edits.

So at first I assumed this must be a group with some weird hate-on for indigenous groups.


I was on Marsha P. Johnson’s article doing some research for a Pride event, and someone has gone through the entire page replacing her pronouns with they/them.

Marsha used she/her pronouns. The Marsha P. Johnson Institute refers to her with she/her pronouns. Someone has decided that because she was gender nonconforming and called herself “a boy and a queen,” her pronouns should be what they feel are correct—not the ones she actually picked for herself.

They came for the Jews, they came for the North American indigenous groups, now they’re coming for the queers, WE NEED TO FUCKING TAKE WIKIPEDIA BACK.

I cannot encourage you strongly enough to become an editor. You don’t have to write entire articles (although you can). You can do cleanup, you can re-insert appropriate references, you can add sources. There are editing guides to help you and if you’re going “there are SO MANY ARTICLES, I don’t know where to start,” just hit the random article button and start fact-checking.

We cannot allow a group of five or six people to monopolize our identities and manipulate them as they see fit.


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