

@god-o-biscuits / god-o-biscuits.tumblr.com

I'm Tyler, 20 somethin (he/him) and Im here for a fun time, baby!!! Mutuals DM me for my discord  My Bestie: @dreamymochapie


KOSA is now being discussed to go into the FAA Reauthorization Bill so I BEG you guys to MAKE A LOT OF NOISE ABOUT KOSA TO SHOW THAT WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT HOW BAD THESE BILLS ARE. the chances may be low BUT ITS NOT 0 SO BE LOUD




If we do not cry out we cannot make a change. I urge you to call and email and fax your representatives as soon as possible.


Note that they're trying to pass this bill by the 10th of May, so keep calling your reps and senators (stopkosa.com has a good call-in tool for this) until then!


dont forget we're also boycotting eurovision for armenia. even if israel would be cut out tomorrow, azerbaijan is still there.


i have never been more instantly influenced by media than when i was a kid in middle school or maybe freshman of hs and witnessed that scene in adventure time where finn eats a sandwich and drinks a whole glass of milk or orange juice i forget which and immediately takes a nap on the couch while smiling. i remember pausing the tv, going to the kitchen, fixing myself up with that exact setup and then falling asleep. completely drone-like in its execution. i’ve never been hypnotized like that by anything before or since


This is breaking containment into the TERF enclosures which I very much expected, but I will happily shout from the rooftops that furry porn artists are more productive and beneficial to society than JKR’s incessant whining on the elon musk dick riding app about how much she hates trans people

1439 votes but 288 reblogs because the TERFs are afraid of the truth so they're just linking it directly to each other lmao

You want polls like this to break containment in to TERF circles because it shows them that their views are not widespread


They will destroy nature and call it saving the planet.


Joshua Trees are a weird thing that stayed since the last Ice Age. They're on the decline anyways because no mega mammals eat their seeds and pop them out else where anymore. Hasen't been one around in over ten thousand years but still they persist. Sometimes they thrive in small areas and other times they die out.

Then California decides fuck the Joshua Trees and destroys four thousand of them.

Fuck California. Joshua Trees provide shelter to hundreds of different species.


People asking if there is anything that can be done, YES.

There is a group trying to get this halted but they need to be boosted!


Unironically I think we might run into another video game crash like back in the day

Game creation has become another husk capitalism has its greedy little fingers in and its like. Its genuinely sucking the joy out of it all for more profit and more profit and even if it succeeds its not enough it needs to be more to the point there really isn't a reason to create games anymore if you're not an indie dev

And being an indie dev isn't easy because no one has the time anymore. Everyone is drowning in student loans and low wages. Capitalism is sucking the joy out of them and overworking them and ai art is taking away opportunities to be something unique

Games are $70 fucking dollars now. I can't afford that like. I just can't. Most of us are struggling with finances as is.

We're drowning and it's happening so fast there's not enough time to panic

This is what I mean. Games aren't enough to be good or creative or excellent or fun anymore.

Like. AAA games are unfinished tech demos with dlc tacked on that is mostly content that should have been in the base game at launch

You get an indie game with love put into it and it gets received insanely well and it's. Just. Not enough.

Its burnout waiting to happen. No fucking body who goes through the trials and hardship that is game dev wants to be laid off after finishing a game there fully put their chest into. Soon why even bother? It's just another dead end for most and the student loans from learning through school is insane and no one has the time or drive to learn through their own means because we're working two jobs to pay for necessities.

Shit sucks


this came to me in a dream

TFA Soundwave is a baby and thus can't have a divorce....... yet


There these seemingly contradictory societal double binds that are used to enforce conformity.

Example: A Lesbian is told that "everyone is actually bi" while a bisexual woman is told to "pick a side". Seems contradictory but really they just want us to be straight lmao.

Another one: A woman who does not perform womanhood to society's standard is not a real woman vs. You can never change the gender you were born with. One is butchphobic/anti gnc women, the other is transphobic. Clearly both enforce transmisogyny.

The insidious thing is that these double binds also foster inter community division. Its easy to hear one side of these, for example: "everyone is a little bi" and assume that means bisexuality is more accepted. But on the other side bisexual people are getting the same shit.

None of these are contradictory when you realize that bigots simply don't want lgbtq+ to exist at all.

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