


Laura. Happen to be British. Agents of SHIELD & Fitzsimmons prevent all adulting. I attempt to make edits. Often on instagram: @pestoaioli

As you all know, Elizabeth’s 30th birthday is coming up, and some of us wanted to do something special for her, to express our gratitude for the way she has inspired us. As fans of Elizabeth, we all know what an incredibly talented actress she is, how generous she is with her time coming to so many cons, and how adorable and goofy and fun she is on social media. We also know her passion for the show and her character, a passion we can definitely all relate as fans, and we can see how much love she has for her cast mates and colleagues - she supports and celebrates them in ways that warms our hearts to witness. 

But what truly defines Elizabeth, according to her those who know her - her cast mates, the writers and crew on the show, etc - and those of us who have been lucky enough to meet her in person, is her unfailing kindness. Even those of us who have not met her have not failed to notice her compassion and warmth, how sweet and bubbly and friendly she is, and how often she uses her platform to raise money and awareness for causes dear to her heart. 

And what we all notice most of all is that radiant, infectious smile of hers that lifts people’s hearts just to see it! She has inspired many of us with her kindness and endless cheerfulness and generous spirit, so to that end, we ask all of you to join us in making Elizabeth’s 30th birthday a Day of Kindness. 

On Monday September 11, we’re asking people to participate in any way you can. If you can, please consider making a donation in Elizabeth’s name to one of the following causes that she supports: 

After you have donated in her name, please let Elizabeth know in a birthday message on Twitter or Instagram, using the hashtag #BirthdaySmilesForLil. If you cannot afford to donate, please, please don’t worry - there are plenty of other ways you can participate! 

Send Elizabeth a lovely birthday message, using the hashtag. Anyone who has one of Elizabeth’s Smile for Science shirts could wear it on her birthday and perhaps post a selfie for the birthday girl. You can perform any random acts of kindness they can on that day, in honour of Elizabeth. Something we can all do, for example, is to smile at everyone we meet on Monday! 

Again, let Elizabeth and the rest of us know that you are spreading the love on Monday by tweeting it or posting on IG with the hashtag. Let’s inspire others to join in and make this day very special, not just for Elizabeth, but for those around us and people who need our help, just like Elizabeth does on a regular basis. 

Thank you everyone!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask @jessiecrimefighter  And a huge thank you to @the-nerdy-stjarna for the banners.


Okay, so from what I’m gathering from the interviews and what was said at the WonderCon panel, they don’t know if Agents of SHIELD will be renewed, but they’re going forward as if it will be. They’ve had a five-year plan from the beginning, and they seem to be sticking to it until someone pulls the plug.

That means we could have a possible cliffhanger on our hands!! They are already working on the last final eps as we speak. It’s possible they’ll try to do something that can work both ways, but they said point blank that they’re working on a season finale, not a series finale.

Please, please, do what you can to let TPTB know that we love this show. Tweet, call, email, watch live, watch on ABC.com. We want to see the complete story they’ve been trying to tell from the beginning!!!

PSA!!!! @jemmasimmonsy also pointed out how easy it is to leave feedback on ABC about why you love the show here: http://abc.go.com/feedback

YUP already filled that form out (it’s very easy and quickly done guys, so go do it :D) and if you feel comfortable with calling on the phone this post shows you how you leave a brief vocal feedback :D.


Its Going to be Okay

I was about to go in and work on asks (again if you’ve sent one there are a lot in there and I’ll get to them all but it will definitely take me a few more days).  But I just want to take a moment and hopefully offer a bit of stress release to the fandom.  

Tuesday everything literally got turned upside down on us as the C Arc turned into AO3 come to life.  They surprised me (Which isn’t easy to do), did things we didn’t want to see, and then totally changed the playing field on us.  Some are excited by the twist while others are devastated.  As usual the source of that is mostly Fitzsimmons. 

We’re here guys.  The Fitznapping, Role Reversal, and Woman on Fire I’ve been predicting since last season is here.  Just not how I though it would be.  The writers did it and turned it on its head.  I said they would do something that would have us freaking the hades out over hiatus and boy did they ever.

With this meta I’m going to break a few things down and offer some hope.  But we still have to prepare for more twists that are going to hurt.  

What will Fitz be like in the Framework?

  • What we know:  He’s seemingly rich and holding his hand out to a woman in the car.  He’s got either minions or bodyguards with him as well.  
  • What we suspect his regret AIDA fixed is:  His father.  If it was something to do with his relationship with Jemma they would not have put the Papa Fitz stuff on the table.  So in this world…AIDA will have given him a father and a supportive one at that.
  • In essence part of how we see Fitz will be if he had a father figure at the very least  He had someone either nurturing his genius/guiding it.  Or he never got into science and is more on the business side of things.  
  • We had lots of fun trying to find the perfect actor for Papa Fitz.  And boy did we find some fun options.  But you know, he’s been here all long.  Radcliffe.  
  • Radcliffe built a utopia…his happily ever after is in there too.  He sees Fitz as the son he never had, wants him working with him, appreciated his talents, and encouraged him.   “I’m not going to let this come between us”.  Bonus the way he touched him when talking about the Framework with AIDA, it was paternal.  
  • Fitz said he saw Radcliffe as a father figure.
  • So that has been fixed now.  Both for the ‘benefit’ of Fitz and Radcliffe.  AIDA makes Radcliffe Fitz’s father in here.   Be it she rewrote history, or lets say the Glasgow mission saved FItz’s Parents…without it they die and Radcliffe adopted him/took him in.   (That serial killer board showed us just how much Coulson has done.  He is patient zero in all this.  Him not joining Shield is what made the biggest wave).  
  • Having the father figure in his life be it Radcliffe or Papa Fitz is one of the things that likely changed FItz’s trajectory the most.  And there is a good chance he never went into the Academy or if he did he was pulled away/into Hydra.  In that case he never met Jemma or knows her in a different way (we’ll get into that later). 
  • I know a big fear will lie in Fitz’s personality really being different. And yes he will be, he’s in a world where he doesn’t have the experiences we have seen shape him.  The Fitz we had now isn’t the Fitz we had in the pilot.  Who he REALLY is is still there.  He is who he is because its who he is, its not is programming (that conversation with Jemma was huge and is going to be the crux of all this).  He’s a good person, who is loving, brave, and loyal.  However, until he remembers we could see a change.  And that’s okay, it will be fun to see Iain strech his legs a big.
  • He could be Evil:  Robo Fitz gave me chills.  Just legit chills.  So we could see a bit of Hydra Super Villain Mad Scientist Fitz here.  
  • He could be an a**:  He is this world version of Quinn or even a bit of Stark  He knows he’s smart, he knows he’s rich, he’s entitled, and manipulative.  Pretty much everything our Fitz is not.  
  • He is himself…but with a twist:   He’s the Fitz we know…but a bit more confident.  Or they have twisted his loyalty and convictions from loyalty to Shield…to Hydra and his father figure.  Remember Garrett said if Fitz joined Hydra in the fall, he’d hold a high rank and that would no doubt come with the kind of trappings we saw him with at the end.  
  • No matter what….Jemma will eventually get through to him.  Its not going to be easy, Jed said it won’t be easy, but she’ll do it eventually.  

Where is Jemma in the Framework:

  • She is NOT in the grave.  Had she projected herself into a dead body she would have died instantly.   Jemma said her Avatar was “running around” in the framework.  A dead body doesn’t do that, this isn’t Walking Dead.  
  • She is NOT on Maveth.  
  • We don’t have time for this.  Period.
  • Jemma is the one who is going to get Fitz to “wake up” and she can’t do that from Maveth.
  • The circumstances that landed her on Maveth in the first place will not have happened because Coulson never joined Shield and I have a hunch things are going very differently with the Inhumans in here.  
  • No writer in their right mind would open that can of worms with us again.  They have been distancing themselves from that story like the plague.  
  • This story is about Jemma getting Fitz back, not him realizing she’s gone and somehow figuring out he needs to get Harold, and its nto going to be Jemma getting off Hell planet and THEN joining the party.
  • Maveth is another world.  The Framework is one work in its own right.
  • Jemma as never scanned so where her Avatar is (like Daisy) is a result of what AIDA did with Fitz, Coulson, May, and Mack.  Now May and Mack won’t have been as big of factor as where Jemma landed.  That is more “I never joined Shield Coulson” and Fitz.  
  • Yes, we could get the he never went to the Academy and therefore they never met.  Plus side we get to see him fall in love with her again.  
  • We could get they are rivals, and look at that enemies to lovers.
  • Jed said that everything in “our world” is in there somehow.  Case in point Ward.  That also means things like Shield (who in an Upside down world would be what Hydra was, lurking and limping along in the shadows), Real Shield (Bobbi, Izzy, Gonzales, and Weaver), Mike/Deathlock, Afterlife (but look for it to have been captured or fallen we can’t get Jaiying, Lincoln, and Raina back).   
  • What if Jemma in this world IS a Double Agent for Shield.  Working within Hydra to steal secrets and take it down.  
  • She’s not JEMMA anymore…she is someone else.

The Grave:

  • Its the back door Jemma was talking about.
  • It does indeed belong to Jemma Anne Simmons and her death has been faked for some reason.  Be it by Fitzsimmons, Hydra, Shield, or Radcliffe.  But like Coulson and Fury’s, its an empty grave.
  • It says “Loving Friend” on it so someone was close to her in this world to put that there.  And it has to be SOMEONE who was scanned.  May, Coulson, Mace, Mack, and Fitz.    
  • This gives rise to Double Agent Jemma.  “Jemma Simmons” in this world is indeed dead and Jemma’s avatar is going by a new name and identity.
  • Jed said that Fitz didn’t seem too phased about her being in the grave.  So that either means that He wasn’t close to her here to have it have an impact…or he knows she’s not in there.

The Hand:

  • They hid who it belonged to for a reason.   But in looking at the positive side of things they gave us Ward…..so why would they give us Ward and not continue the massacre on our feelings and have some Rando step out with Fitz.  Because they could have done what they did with the hand with ward.  Had Daisy coming out of the bathroom and sees the figure laying in bed…cut away.  Leaving the fandom thinking its Lincoln ALL hiatus and then come back in 16 with SURPRISE!   It wasn’t Lincoln.
  • So in not showing us the hand and confirmring it wasn’t Jemmas it build the suspense and often times our imagination or worst case are far worse than what happens.  So all hiatus they leave us fearing who is coming out of the car next.  
  • Okay so yes, Jed confirmed the hand isn’t Jemma…he said JEMMA.   But…if Jemma Simmons is “dead” her Avatar won’t be going by Jemma will she?  She’ll have a new name/cover so while Jemma might not be coming out of that car next….Lil and her Framework counterpart very well could be.  Jemma here could be a double agent either spying on, protecting, or trying to get to Fitz.  Or is a version of her Radcliffe wanted for his ‘son’.  
  • Another option is that when Jemma “died” in this world Fitz went all Radcliffe on us and created Robo Jemma.  So like Agnes is to AIDA…Jemma’s new counterpart would have a different name.  
  • However we do have to consider other options for that Hand too.
  • AIDA/Agnes:  But not romantically.  Rather if Radcliffe is his father either one could be his “step mother”.  Despite the butterfly effect its hard to get to a point where Fitz meets AIDA on his own.  
  • Bobbi:  She’s undercover in Hydra too, Fitz is her target or she is his bodyguard.  Again NOT romantic.
  • Rando assistant:  So its his version of Anon or AIDA and its not romantic at all.  
  • Rando Girlfriend:  Yes it has to be on the table.  I’m sorry but it does.  I don’t like it.  It don’t want it.  But it has to be there.  It makes me mad as all get out that we have to deal with another form of a love triangle.  Again I feel if it was this option they would have hit us with a truck with it already and really left us in shambles.  IF they do this to us remember….
  • ITS NOT REAL and as soon as Fitz wakes up its all Jemma all the time.  
  • The Jemma Fitz loves is not in the picture.  So he’s not cheating on her or anything like.
  • When Fitz comes out of the Framework Fitz will recognize it was that, in the Framework.  It will not change his feeling for Jemma at all.  “Theirs is a forever love”.  
  • Jemma comes into his life and we get to see her have him fall in love with her all over again.
  • If AIDA has inserted herself in here as Fitz’s Girlfriend is more of a Dragon guarding its treasure.  Its allowing her to keep an eye on him.   Its not because she loves him.  .  

Other points:

  • Jemma needs to get close to Fitz, she needs to be in the mix or in a position where she can do that and start to work on him.  So she can’t be completely off the map here  Get him to wake up.  Get him to want to leave the Framework.  And its not just Fitz she and Daisy have to do this with.  Its May, Coulson, Mack and Mace too.   All the while surviving whatever the crap is going on in that world.  AIDA didn’t program the story, she just changed it at a certain point ans is going from there.  So its a true What If AU.  
  • AIDA allowed x factors in the mix like Ward….this Ward is based off of Coulson, May, Fitz, and even a little bit of Mack.  And is still ‘alive’ here thanks to someone’s regret fix.  
  • This is Ward we are talking about…kind of AOS plot twists.
  • The trick isn’t going to be really finding everyone, its going to be convincing them to ‘come home”.  Convincing them this isn’t real. 
  • Both Radcliffe and AIDA who built the Framework in the first place know how much Fitzsimmons mean to each other.  As does EVERY SINGLE PERSON they scanned in there. 
  • We can’t forget even once they get them to want to come out its Radcliffe who knows where they are and how to do it safely.  RADCLIFFE is the one they have to get to tell them.  And we know he’s pretty dang happy in there, especially if we are right about Fitz.  He’s got his son, powers, Agnes, and no fear of death.  Let me tell you @jessiecrimefighter and I just came up with another one of those really awful ideas.  But in the End its Radcliffe who has to be willing to let them go and die to save them all.  


We have and endgame here guys.  In the gut punch of what we had please don’t lose site of that.  This is TV so we have to suffer before we get these moments.  

  • We endured the hell of Maveth and were rewarded with them becoming Canon and The Singularity.
  • We endured the so close yet so far of A and were rewarded with Sciencing Domestic Fitzsimmons through B (and really we had to know something was coming with all that good).  

Just like in Season three where they set up Perthshire/Jemma pictured them together, that they both loved each other.  It became of matter of getting there.  The bump them was Will, them getting kidnapped, Fitz going to Maveth, and its aftermath.  And we are there again only this time its better.  Its Marriage.   Robo Fitz with the wedding talk was like Fitz watching Jemma’s videos.   A huge “oh my you want that” moment without the other directly saying it.  

Fitz wants to propose, he wants them to get married and grow old together.

Jemma WILL say yes, and she will say yes as soon as she gets him back.

There is NO Universe where FItz doesn’t want to Marry You.

Their’s is a forever love.

THEY WILL MAKE IT BACK TOGETHER….and out pay off at the very least is them engaged if not a wedding.   

Many of us wanted a Woman on Fire Fitznapping…well we got it.  And I said to remind me I wanted it when it was here and not how I pictured it to be.  So that is what I am doing.  

I would also like to point out that the person who has nearly pulled them apart the most is in the mix.   Ward.  Boy do I have some fun theories for him but those are for after the ask box isn’t overflowing.  Especially thanks to Jed’s newest quote.  

I know my meta won’t stop someone from stopping the show if they are upset about the turn.  I know it doesn’t change canon.  I know it doesn’t change we are going to have to suffer a little bit.   What I’m hoping I get across is that the suffering will be worth it.  That we need to stay positive and stay together with this.  Fitzsimmons will be fine, we have that diamond ring just waiting at the end of this.   So hang in there guys.  But in my gut I do believe there are FAR more interssting stories to tell vs just throwing a Rando GF in the mix.  

The Framework is full of love and loss.  Seeing who you really are.  That our experiences help shape us but they don’t define us.  


spoilers for 4.15.

 She doesn’t utter a single word as Daisy begins to speak, because mostly she’s afraid of the lump in her throat and the tears that threaten her eyes. She doesn’t even look at Daisy, but she fumbles underneath the table for her hand and when she finds it she holds it and she holds it tight.

And Daisy grips hers.

And Jemma stares at Fitz and Fitz stares back, his aviators mirroring her own tired, haunted, reflection.

(But Jemma doesn’t need to see his eyes to see the emptiness in them. The truth that lies in them, that Fitz doesn’t know who she is. In this reality that’s supposed to be reality where they have no pain and no suffering and no regret– he doesn’t know who she is.

And if Fitz doesn’t know who she is, who is she without him?)

“Nice place.” Fitz huffs, fingering the menu with his lips curled in displease. He shoves the menu away and leans back into the booth, stretching out his arms and crossing his legs in the most un-Fitz action she’s ever seen anyone do. “Alright, girls. You’ve been harassing me for days and I’ve finally agreed to meet. What is so important that you must talk to me about?”

She wants to scream. She wants to scream because this time he’s taken her last breath and he’s left her at the bottom of the ocean to drown.  He’s always been her anchor but this time they’re sinking and she’s forgotten how to swim.

Daisy squeezes her hand, and Jemma’s reminded she’s not alone, even as she sits across from the person she loves who doesn’t know or love her at all. It’s enough to break her.

It’s enough for her to grit her teeth and narrow her eyes.

Daisy clears her throat and begins with the practiced, memorized speech they’ve rehearsed a thousand times but still wasn’t enough.

“Okay, Fitz–”


Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

“Leo…” Daisy slowly pronounces, rolling the foreign syllables on her tongue. “What I’m about to say is gonna sound crazy, okay? You’re probably not going to believe me but it’s true. It’s all true. And it’s really important for you to listen.”

Daisy sighs, looks left and right at the other customers in the diner and then bends forward.

Fitz sighs for an entirely different reason, and leans over to hear what she has to say.

Jemma stays where she is.

“This isn’t real. None of it is. You’ve been kidnapped and you need to help us find you.”

Even with the thousands of times they’ve rehearsed that weren’t enough, it still sounds ridiculous but they don’t have a choice.

They wait for him to say something, say anything at all—

And then he begins to laugh.

“You’re right, it sounds crazy and it is crazy.” he shrugs and reverts back to leaning back in his seat. “Besides, I have everything I’ve ever wanted, so if “this isn’t real” then maybe I don’t want to leave.”

Jemma wishes that she would just drown already.

Fitz stands up and puffs his jacket collar, glaring down at them from behind his darken frames. “Thanks for wasting my time. Have a nice day.”

He brushes past them and Jemma’s sinking into her seat, into the ocean, and she’s forgotten how to swim but she hasn’t forgotten him. And she reaches out and clutches his hand.

His hand is warm. It’s warm and real and this is Fitz no matter how much unlike Fitz he is.

He freezes, looking down at their hands and then peering at her. He isn’t tearing his hand from hers, and that’s enough for her.

“Come back to me.”

And then she lets go.

(and then he stays)


I should already be asleep by now, but before I go:


She stumbles into the room, so panicked that she has to make herself take deep breaths just so she can see straight. When she scans the room, she finds them. 

She finds him.

She’ll get to the others, but she has to get to him first. It’s not a choice as much as a need, not a need so much as an inevitability. His lips are chapped and he looks half-starved, but he’s here. She cradles his head in her hands and places her forehead against his, just for a second, just to draw strength and prove to herself that it’s real. She relishes her moment and swallows when she has to let go. She only does it long enough to free him, because when he falls out of his restraints, she’s there. He’s half-starved, but he’s still heavy, and she has to guide him down to sit on the floor. He groans in discomfort, and she runs her hand through his hair, soothing him as best she can with half-formed words.

“Jemma,” he croaks, blinking up at her. “Jemma, wha—”

“Yes,” she says. Her heart stops when he frowns at her, furrowing his brow.


Her hand moves to his cheek, and he leans into her touch. She fought a war to win him back, and this one gesture makes it worth it.

“Yes, I’ll marry you,” she clarifies.

 He’s adorably groggy, and she can’t help but smile at his confusion.

“Did I ask you to marry me?’

“No,” she answers, her smile widening, “but if you ever did, that’d be my answer.”

He stares at her for a moment, like he doesn’t quite get what she’s saying, and Jemma wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t. They’ve both been through a lot, and he has a right to be a little disoriented. Maybe that’s the only reason she has the courage to say it. Maybe not. Maybe it was the desperate fear that she’d never get a chance.

“Okay,” he says as his head bobs to the other side, then back, “good to know.”

She wants to laugh, or to sweep him up in her arms, or to kiss him all over. She can’t do any of that now, with a half-asleep engineer and four other people to save. She settles for one kiss, short and meaningful, that makes Fitz smile with closed eyes.

“Mmm,” he says, “also good.”

She nudges his playfully with her shoulder as she stands up.

“Well,” she says, “after all I went through to get you back, I would hope so.”


That moment when you’re too hyped for a FitzSimmons-centric episode but then you remember the last time they raised this much hype was before 4,722 Hours and we all remember how that turned out.

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