
Im Just A Jelly Doughnut


She/her (20)
Tik Tok-Jellydoughnut72

As long as Marvel keeps doing this I’m gonna be standing by with my tablet and my happy little delusions.


So, I was at a bookstore the other day and saw a book of norse myths and of course I had to check to see if they wrote about Sigyn. And this is what I got

I’m sorry who is Siguna? Is this another name for Sigyn that I’ve just never read about? And let’s not even get started on labeling Loki as evil or that he treated his wife terribly but she still loved him. Oh and there is no mention of their kids, in fact Loki is bound with the sinews from wolves. Because why do research when you can just make shit up 🤷🏻‍♀️

Boi would definitely get mad at people for getting her name wrong. (Click for better quality)


Loki & Sigyn



Inspired by the fairy Loki variant in the concept art book. I wasn’t sure what Sigyns variant was gonna be. However, I was in a “woman with swords” mood and then it clicked to make a legend of Zelda variant duo.

I imagine they would dislike each other at the start of their journey and squabble a lot of the time. However, they soon grow to really love and care for each other deeply….however they still argue from time to time. Kinda like Navi and link’s relationship in the game.

Hope you guys like them 😁👍. If u want more info about these variants don’t be afraid to ask❤️.


Loki’s number one fangirl :)


So, the other day, I had this idea of Sigyn cheering for Loki during his training sessions with Thor, Sif & the Warrior 3, and so I commissioned the very talented @diakais … and OMG XDXD LOOK AT THIS XDXD This is exactly what I had in mind, but even better, and SO HILARIOUS XD

Sigyn is in full fangirl mode, Loki is enjoying the praise and attention, and everyone else is… JUDGING XD

Love is not a dagger. Love is cheering for your beloved, without any restrain, and who cares about what everyone else thinks…

Omg I love this so much 🤣😍


I'm back, my break is over and yet again not 😅

Since from December 24th I will be on break again. But around New Year's Eve there will be another Sigyn Stories part and it won't be until February next year that the series will reach the finale ^^

With that in mind, I'll spread a little Christmas spirit with two pictures of my Yule Sigyn dress ^^


New Sigyn pop :)

Guess what came with the mail today? NEW (fake, unofficial, BUT STILL WORTHY!!!) Sigyn POP, y'all!!! 😍 Isn’t she a beauty? Isn’t she a sweetheart? Prez thinks so, and claimed her as his bride… watch out, other Loki variants 😂 Thank you to the fantastic Fantalvia on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/people/lt3whtwt )

You may recognize @bubbleteycosplay / @justiceforsigyn ‘s headpiece <3

Sweet Sigyn is of course from @roruna ‘s wonderful fanfiction, Enduring Bond :) 


Loki: Love is a weakness. It’s an evolutionary mistake.

Thor: You’re literally making a Valentine’s Day card for Sigyn right now.

Loki, pointing a glue gun at him: You’re on thin fucking ice.


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